Super Frightened How Balding Will Affect My Relationship


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It's a possibility that your relationship might be over but on the bright side your relationship with your right hand will be better.

I'm not gonna lie as angry as I should be I burst out laughing and I don't know what's more sad, the advert or the fact that a hair transplant clinic posted it

Ya I loled too.


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@fixthis Yes 99% its fake. But the situation is just too real. Back in orkut days, I met two girls who were 8/10 on orkut pics but 2/10 face to face.


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@iambalding This is a big mistake If you are still around nw3 or so. if you were good looking with full head of hair than by nw3 we see ourselves as total sh*t as we compare with old nw1 days. Yes in comparison to nw1 self we look bad but for any stranger we are still good enough but we don't realize it and keep losing the most precious time duration that is from nw3 to nw4+. It will never come back.
I was a good looking but shy guy. But once I started to lose hair, out of desperation I started to talk to good looking stranger girls thinking it's now or never. And damn dating was so easy. I lost my nw1,nw2 days fearing the f*****g unknowns. Twinkles in the eyes, big smile and some pranks that's all it take if you still have good coverage. Try it. Of course at nw4 we are total fucked like I am now :)
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itt slapheads discussing if looks matter


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Honestly i wouldnt even be mad if my wife would eventually leave me due to lack of physical attraction

Balding in men can be compared to weight gain in women.

And if my wife gained massiv weight and reached and a bmi beyond good and bad i wouldnt be physical attracted to her anymore. I wouldnt like to have sex with her which is then basically the end of every relationship. At least for me - i dont want to be that guy who fucks his wife 1 time every 3 month with lights out. So i dont know what i would do in this situation.

So no blame for being shallow - i mean ofc its sad and stuff and everyone promise to be there in good and ba(l)d times - but it is what it is. Even though i think i love her and i really think we have sth special.

But ofc im super frightened - i mean the whole dynamic in the relationship will change - i was better looking than her before with a lot of options and now this.

I mean it would be different if i were 40/50 or sth and married for 20 years but im not even 30...and here like over half of marriages end up in not a dreamer.


Balding sucks

Balding kills my self esteem

Balding destroys my life

This is the fate of the male of the species. Lions rule their kingdoms for a few years until another male comes along who is in better shape and kicks them off their throne, f*****g your lioness b****s while you crawl into a corner and die. Any animal documentary will teach you this.

Divorce is filed 80% of the time by women, they need new lion dick


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you were having 3 procedures yes?

did they all turn out well?

Three procedures? I thought @shookwun was an Alpha Chad Golden God. What does a God need with surgery?

Hope the surgeons were shookwun approved.

Half way how I imagine shookwun, the biggest alpha Chad of

Just teasing man. Surgery is stressful. Very glad if it went well for you. :)

What was wrong with your chin before, and how much has it bumped your looks getting it fixed? Did you consider a sliding genioplasty (osteotomy) at any point instead?
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What a DOUCHE BAG! Seriously.

People CHANGE THEIR hair color all the time. It's called HAIR DYE.

That b**ch should EAT THAT GUY, AND I don't mean just his parts.
Yeah, too much of a big deal was made about this woman's hair color.
As long as it's not grey then the hair is fine.


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Three procedures? I thought @shookwun was an Alpha Chad Golden God. What does a God need with surgery?

Hope the surgeons were shookwun approved.

Half way how I imagine shookwun, the biggest alpha Chad of

Just teasing man. Surgery is stressful. Very glad if it went well for you. :)

What was wrong with your chin before, and how much has it bumped your looks getting it fixed? Did you consider a sliding genioplasty (osteotomy) at any point instead?
Once shookwun loses the braces he will be a golden God.


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If your feeling this way speak tovher about it. Even just drop it casually into convo as a joke and see how she reacts. Dont let the scaremogering here affect you. If your wife left you over hairloss it means that rship wasnt as special as you thought. Fact is love runs deeper than looks after years of marriage. Be careful of some opinions on here as their young fellas that are struggling for matches on tinder but think they know how love works lol
Transplant or piece

Much easier married

Wife can be onboard

Just tell her you need it for career goals

Nuff said


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Three procedures? I thought @shookwun was an Alpha Chad Golden God. What does a God need with surgery?

Hope the surgeons were shookwun approved.

Half way how I imagine shookwun, the biggest alpha Chad of

Just teasing man. Surgery is stressful. Very glad if it went well for you. :)

What was wrong with your chin before, and how much has it bumped your looks getting it fixed? Did you consider a sliding genioplasty (osteotomy) at any point instead?


@shookwun common man

what happened with these surgeries?

did you turn into a super chad??


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In reply to the OP, I had a relationship for about five years. And at the time... I was a thick as f*** NW1. Lost my hair starting three years ago... And started shaving around 2.5 years ago.
She did get bothered... Asked me to regrow it a lot of times...but TBH, she didn't care much. She still thought I was hot af.

I consider myself red pilled... And I have plausible explanations why it worked. Most likely that we were never looksmatched to begin with. I was on a higher tier than her...before my hair loss.
But after that I think she was just too attached. Maybe it's the attachment, and her feelings that I was as alpha as she could find that made her stay.

What made her leave was the fact that I wouldn't put a ring on it and her parents were forcing her to marry. That's typically how young Indian couples break up.


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Three procedures? I thought @shookwun was an Alpha Chad Golden God. What does a God need with surgery?

Hope the surgeons were shookwun approved.

Half way how I imagine shookwun, the biggest alpha Chad of

Just teasing man. Surgery is stressful. Very glad if it went well for you. :)

What was wrong with your chin before, and how much has it bumped your looks getting it fixed? Did you consider a sliding genioplasty (osteotomy) at any point instead?
chin was weak.

impossible to fit the masculine macho man without a strong chin.

@shookwun common man

what happened with these surgeries?

did you turn into a super chad??
Well, when I returned back to my hometown I had comments such as 'you look different' ' you look very mature'

'you look really great'

'you look dashing'

yada yada yada

I give them the most blue pill response about it must have something to do with my hair cut :D

It's to hard to say. it's made me feel a lot more content about myself.

My plastic surgeon commented before saying how I am a very handsome guy who doesn't realize it. Or how I told him, a lot of women stare at me now. he then replied ;they always did, you were just to busy looking at the ground. He even told me all his female colleagues said the same thing.

only complication I had was fat extraction, apparently I had barely any viable fat to harvest as I am sub bodyfat.

But man what a difference fat grafting does to the face.

we were originally going to go with Jaw implants, but he consulted with a maxfac surgeon and other professionals and all advised against it. As the results may look good intiially but will cause long term problems. Which is why you wont find many surgeons and maxfac who will reccommend jaw implants.