surgeon good with macro irregularities


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Hi experts,

I'm 34M, currently estimated to be a NW2. I've been slowly but steadily losing hair since I was 17. Fortunately I started out with VERY thick hair and a VERY low hairline. I went to a consultation with Rahal and his sales rep put my donor supply at 8000 grafts and recommended 1,500 grafts FUE at ~50 grafts/cm^2 average density. He drew a very straight hairline that lacked any sort of macro irregularities. I did not like the hairline he drew on me.

Instead, I want something that has a widows peak in the middle and secondary peaks on either side similar to Collin Farrell.

I designed my own hair transplant hairline using the shape of my juvenile hairline as well as Collin Farrell's hairline as reference. It isn't as low as my juvenile hairline but it definitely lowered my temples quite a bit and has the macro irregularities I wanted.

I need some advice on the following:

1 - Is my hair transplant design too low/high, should I go more aggressive/conservative? How would you change it?

2 - Which surgeon would you recommend me to achieve the results that I am looking for? I've been pitched Pekiner, Laorwong and Panchaprateep. I was told that Panchaprateep is an expert at macro and micro irregularities.

3- what density should I aim for?

some more info for those who likes to reading lol:

My dad is late 60's with NW3A. Density wise he isn't doing great but also isn't doing bad.

I've been on finasteride for 6 months about a year ago. Came off of it due to headaches and gyno. The gyno calmed down when i went on a lower dosage but the headache never went away. I plan on trying RU58841 and topical finasteride while I get on a surgeon's waiting list.

r/HairTransplants - surgeon good with macro irregularities

r/HairTransplants - surgeon good with macro irregularities

r/HairTransplants - surgeon good with macro irregularities

r/HairTransplants - surgeon good with macro irregularities

r/HairTransplants - surgeon good with macro irregularities

r/HairTransplants - surgeon good with macro irregularities