
Surprising Update On Hanson & Wong. Could Be Nice!


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@ZenHead Mannn. Give us update, I also opted for 1% and flying to Milan in next weeks to get my sh*t! I am heavenly excellent responder to Propecia&MInoxidil treatments both in Growth and side-effectwise. i will try it to see what happens
I had horrible sides too. I’m not the best case to look at since I’ve used 0.25% first for a few months, and 1% for a few months after that - should’ve started with 1%. Def see a few hairs around my hairline popping up but not going terminal. No results on crown unfortunately. This stuff definitely works to at least slow down shedding. Why are you flying there though they can just ship it it you

jared garnith

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I had horrible sides too. I’m not the best case to look at since I’ve used 0.25% first for a few months, and 1% for a few months after that - should’ve started with 1%. Def see a few hairs around my hairline popping up but not going terminal. No results on crown unfortunately. This stuff definitely works to at least slow down shedding. Why are you flying there though they can just ship it it you
If I'm not mistaken doesn't any dose of finasteride lower dht levels to the same degree over time?


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If I'm not mistaken doesn't any dose of finasteride lower dht levels to the same degree over time?
No. With liposomal finasteride 1/18th of the dose supposedly goes systemic. I had bad sides with the pill after 3 months, been using the gel for 5 months with no side effects.


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I had horrible sides too. I’m not the best case to look at since I’ve used 0.25% first for a few months, and 1% for a few months after that - should’ve started with 1%. Def see a few hairs around my hairline popping up but not going terminal. No results on crown unfortunately. This stuff definitely works to at least slow down shedding. Why are you flying there though they can just ship it it you
What about overall hair thickness? do you see general improvement? are you diffuser or classic male pattern baldness with certain norwood? about flying to MIlan, it was the stop before my destination


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With liposomal finasteride 1/18th of the dose supposedly goes systemic.

What is your sense of this? I ask because I’m keen to get on some form of finasteride relatively soon.
There doesn’t seem to be any accessible evidence for that claim, which bothers me a bit.


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What is your sense of this? I ask because I’m keen to get on some form of finasteride relatively soon.
There doesn’t seem to be any accessible evidence for that claim, which bothers me a bit.
Hassan and Wong (who sells the same liposomal finasteride as pharmacia parati) conducted a study and concluded those results. Don’t know the link but I’ve seen it for sure


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What about overall hair thickness? do you see general improvement? are you diffuser or classic male pattern baldness with certain norwood? about flying to MIlan, it was the stop before my destination
Diffuser, some improvements but mostly seems to slow down shedding as I’m a pretty agreesive diffuser. NW3 diffuse at 24 years old


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I am diffuser too, i had an excellent regrowth followed by outrageous side effects. this is kind of my last hope


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Anyone who had visible results after 10 months with (topical) finasteride?

Still no side effects with 2.5% liposome finasteride but now visible effects either. But I have to admit that my hairloss is in front and temples its hard to work there.


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Hassan and Wong (who sells the same liposomal finasteride as pharmacia parati) conducted a study and concluded those results.

Found the quote you’ve mentioned, unfortunately I’ve not been able to find the original, I think they removed all of the Farmacia stuff from their website a while ago, which is annoying and slightly suspicious. You feel that the topical has had reduced side-effects though, right?


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OK Yesterday i started again, just reminder i have had horrible side effects of oral finasteride that have not been resolved despite the cessation of administration after almost 13 months, I am also attaching my blood test results during these years, check my posts to see what kind of loss and side effects i have had


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View attachment 104101 View attachment 104102

OK Yesterday i started again, just reminder i have had horrible side effects of oral finasteride that have not been resolved despite the cessation of administration after almost 13 months, I am also attaching my blood test results during these years, check my posts to see what kind of loss and side effects i have hadView attachment 104103

You are going to start again with finasteride despite the fact that you had horrible side effects that have not gone away completely after 13 months?


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i think being treated differently by people in every situations compared to when you have full head of hair, equally affects me just like knowing the fact that i have detrimental sexual sides and its just not getting fixed. So i thought maybe before giving up i can try this and see how things going


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i think being treated differently by people in every situations compared to when you have full head of hair, equally affects me just like knowing the fact that i have detrimental sexual sides and its just not getting fixed. So i thought maybe before giving up i can try this and see how things going
If you decide to continue please keep is updated.


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View attachment 104101 View attachment 104102

OK Yesterday i started again, just reminder i have had horrible side effects of oral finasteride that have not been resolved despite the cessation of administration after almost 13 months, I am also attaching my blood test results during these years, check my posts to see what kind of loss and side effects i have hadView attachment 104103

You're hypothyroid. TSH (although within range) is too high for healthy people, ideally < 1. You should be on thyroid hormones replacement. I've managed to reduce my TSH from 8 to 1.97 with supplements and I feel a lot better in every aspect...


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You're hypothyroid. TSH (although within range) is too high for healthy people, ideally < 1. You should be on thyroid hormones replacement. I've managed to reduce my TSH from 8 to 1.97 with supplements and I feel a lot better in every aspect...

Offtopic: What is your treatment atm whatevr? How is the hair doing?


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Offtopic: What is your treatment atm whatevr? How is the hair doing?

Not good mate. My crown is quite solid, and left temple is a NW2, but my right front is asymmetrically much worse and almost a NW3 at this point. Sustained heavy losses mainly due to treating my hypothyroidism and PFS which is now returning me to normal DHT levels.

I'm rubbing estradiol and all sorts of sh*t on my head and I don't even get sides anymore, but no results either. Adding some more sh*t next week and Trinov when I get it, and if all that fails I guess I'm fucked.