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After a hard work out do you guys always shower after??
I usually don't because i hate having to take two showers in one day, but today I was thinking about how much I sweat and was wondering if allowing that sweat to remain could have any adverse affects?
Would minoxdil work as well on a scalp with dried sweat?


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I'm not paranoid.
I just want to ensure that i create the optimum environment for a healthy scalp.
I'm sorry if i sound paranoid but its tough to be aggressively balding when your still in High School.


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Kramer3 said:
I'm not paranoid.
I just want to ensure that i create the optimum environment for a healthy scalp.
I'm sorry if i sound paranoid but its tough to be aggressively balding when your still in High School.

Look, all I am saying is go about your life as much as you can with this. Does applying it on a scalp with dried sweat have the best enviroment? Probably not. Will it negate the effects? Probably not. Just use treatments when you can and go about your life as much as possible.


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AreYouIn said:
cassin how is your hair? are your treatments working?

My treatments have worked very well for me. The biggest thing I have had trouble with has been irritation. I still have a long way to go in regards to regrowth, but I am no longer losing hair at all. Considering how long I have been using minoxidil and the regrowth I have had so far, things are gonna be fine.


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im in a weird situation. i noticed my hairline receding so i got on some saw palmetto for about 2 months. saw palmetto made me shed like a b**ch and after i used it all it made my hair seem more receded and thinner. after i got off that i started taking proscar and ive seen a lot of improvement in the thinning area. so i have no idea if it was just saw palmetto that killed my hair or that proscar is working.


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AreYouIn said:
im in a weird situation. i noticed my hairline receding so i got on some saw palmetto for about 2 months. saw palmetto made me shed like a b**ch and after i used it all it made my hair seem more receded and thinner. after i got off that i started taking proscar and ive seen a lot of improvement in the thinning area. so i have no idea if it was just saw palmetto that killed my hair or that proscar is working.

Most people who use SP say the same thing here. Thank the finasteride.


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is it safe to be on finasteride for 10-15 years? because i have no problem taking it for that long if its gonna help save my hair. im only 19 right now going to be 20 in august.


yes, i've heard of people on proscar for that long so it should be fine. I am about to be 19 and i just started finasteride a month and a half ago.


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Ive heard that the salt in sweat mixed with minoxidil can cause a FIRE!!!!!lol
just kidding.


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dude always shower after getting pretty sweaty, thats just gross! :freaked2:


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yeah it does sound a little sick, but I'm really not a huge sweater and I'm blessed with not having any bad body odour. When you have hair like mine you dread the incumbent 1 shower a day.. I dont know if i, or my hair could handle a second. But judging from people's responses i have nothing to really worry about.


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Taking two showers a day is a hassle. First off in the morning I use tons of hairspray to help make my hair look thicker. This along with my anti-dandruff shampoo can be a little much for my hair to handle. To take an additional shower on top of that would certaintly be way too much. I'd just be promoting hairloss. If you had an aggressive case of male pattern baldness you'd also know how many hairs you can lose when you shower. I dont want to go through that ordeal twice in one day.


Kramer3 said:
Taking two showers a day is a hassle. First off in the morning I use tons of hairspray to help make my hair look thicker. This along with my anti-dandruff shampoo can be a little much for my hair to handle. To take an additional shower on top of that would certaintly be way too much. I'd just be promoting hairloss. If you had an aggressive case of male pattern baldness you'd also know how many hairs you can lose when you shower. I dont want to go through that ordeal twice in one day.

I know of no studies nor theory to support hair shampooing with male pattern baldness. On the contrary, keeping your scalp clean and healthy is key to the fight.


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It may just be in my head but i lose 40 hairs each time I shower and logically thinking if i have two showers a day i'll lose double that. I know hairloss doesnt work that way but my mind does.