

Established Member
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People please stop posting you lose such and such amount of hair when you shower, because in reality you have no way of knowing how much hair you are losing in the shower unless you have some sort of unconventional shower with a hair catcher...now thats ridiculous, hair can go down the drain or not, and dont tell me thats why you are saying "about 50 hairs" because 50 hairs could get caught in the drain grill and 50 more could easily go down it.....stop trying to count hairs lost in the shower please for the sake of us all......

The Gardener

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Kramer, I'm not saying this to pile on the crap, but I second the recommendation to shower after workout. There does seem to be some anecdotal affinity between excess sebum on the hair with acceleration of DHT activity. I'm not sure of the details, but one uses Nizoral to get rid of the same nasties on the scalp that excess sebum helps spawn.


Kramer3 said:
It may just be in my head but i lose 40 hairs each time I shower and logically thinking if i have two showers a day i'll lose double that. I know hairloss doesnt work that way but my mind does.

Your right, it doesn't work that way.



Established Member
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People please stop posting you lose such and such amount of hair when you shower, because in reality you have no way of knowing how much hair you are losing in the shower unless you have some sort of unconventional shower with a hair catcher...now thats ridiculous, hair can go down the drain or not, and dont tell me thats why you are saying "about 50 hairs" because 50 hairs could get caught in the drain grill and 50 more could easily go down it.....stop trying to count hairs lost in the shower please for the sake of us all......


Well I can tell you precisely how many hairs I lose If you really want. I have a shower/bathtub. So when i want I can put a plug in and shower. Then when i'm done I take a census of how many hairs I lose. Obviously i dont count them hair for hair but it gives me a general conception.

So in response to you please don't tell me that I cant.

I'm starting to see the ridiculousness in even starting a thread on this subject. In the hope of not getting hammered for being a hairloss idiot (which I'm not) I'll just agree with you guys and take showers afterwards. I've devised a method where I can workout, take a shower after and still only take one a day!

Thanks for your responses.


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i wouldnt get bent out of shape at the responses you have got on this topic we learn in life there are no stupid questions.i have done the same as you and wondered how many hairs everyone losses in the shower so i could compare it to my own but i think everyone thinks that too in the beginning stages of hairloss.so people tellin you to shut up and not to be parnoid just dont listen to them.Im a novice at this whole hairloss thing and stupid things are a big deal to me just like it was for everyone else in the beginning of their hairloss.when you have been in it awhile you can then seperate the stupid from the big deal type topics...i just dont think you or me for that matter are at that stage yet.


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Yeah blue I completely agree with you. Its much easier not getting paranoid when your secure with your hairloss. Thats why I wanted to end this thread because I realize how pointless it is to talk about a subject that differs between each individual.
All i really wanted was to know if not washing your hair was really that bad?
I hope one day i am at the point where my hairloss has stablized and I can sarcastically patronize those that are now like me. :hairy: