Takashi Tsuji - Regeneration Of Complex Oral Organs Using 3d Cell Organization Technology


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Regeneration of complex oral organs using 3D cell organization technology

Happy new year and I wish you all the best because you deserve it

Here, 3 days ago, a new article was published on Cell Differentiation and Development
I uploaded the whole pdf (7 pages) for the curious lurkers ;)

" The development of organoid techniques for regenerative therapy has progressed remarkably with the use of tissue derived stem cells and pluripotent stem cells based on stem cell biology and tissue engineering technology.
To realize whole-organ replacement therapy as next-generation regenerative medicine, it is expected that fully functional bioengineered organs can be reconstructed using an in vitro three-dimensional (3D) bioengineered organ germ and organoids by stem cell manipulation and self-organization.

In this mini-review, we focused on substantial advances of 3Dbioengineering technologies for the regeneration of complex oral organs with the reconstruction of 3D bioengineered organ germ using organ-inductive potential embryo-derived epithelial and mesenchymal cells.
These bioengineering technologies have the potential for realization of future organreplacement therapy

Thus, it is desired to develop a next-generation regenerative approach in which fully functional bioengineered organs can be reconstructed using in vitro 3D stem cell manipulation and organization technology.

3D tissue organization and therapeutic potential by organoid technology.
An organoid model, which refers to 3D tissue structures containing various functionally differentiated cells through self-organization from immature stem cells and isolated tissue fragments, is available for regenerative therapies through the replication of its tissue-specific stem cell niches.

Organoid studies are divided into two major approaches
, reconstitution of bioengi-neered organ germ using organ-inductive potential embryo-derived and/or adult-derived epithelial and mesenchymal stem cells and organoid induction, whichis repeated by organ induction processes during embryo genesis using pluripotent stem cells, including embryonictem cells (ES cells) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells).

We have developed an organ germ method to reconstitute bioengineered organ germs [13] and demonstrated proof of concepts for functional organ regeneration by orthotopic transplantation of the bioengineered germs, including the tooth, salivary gland, lachrymal gland and hair follicles.

This unique technology could achieve the precise replication of the developmental processes in organogenesis and organ-size regulation, adjusted by the cell-to-cell contact length between the
epithelial and mesenchymal cell layers, thereby enabling the development of many types of bioengineered organ germs such as teeth, hair, salivary glands and lacrimal glands.

In addition, notable recent research has demonstrated the bioengineered 3D integumentary organ system
from iPS cells and includes appendage organs such as skin, hair follicles and sebaceous glands.

This bioengineered 3D integumentary organ system also demonstrates the feasibility of available bioengineering technology in oral organs and the realization of whole-organ replacement therapy using iPS cells"




  • takashi_Tsuji_last_study.pdf
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Really awesome! Thank you very much as always @Noisette :)

"In addition, notable recent research has demonstrated the bioengineered 3D integumentary organ system
from iPS cells and includes appendage organs such as skin, hair follicles and sebaceous glands".
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Me when Noisette posts something


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Hope people keep doubting this man, probably drives a fire in him.

It’s tough because obviously people don’t want to get their hopes up, because we all know nothing is guaranteed to work until it’s out. I am tired of people intentionally being as negative as possible though. Obviously Tsuji is an exception to what we’ve seen over the last 15 years. Still people want to couple him with every failed attempt since America was founded. Again maybe it’ll work, and maybe it won’t, but regardless his work is exciting, and revolutionary, so let’s stop comparing it to anything else as a means to justify declaring dooms day!


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Yes, Good job Noisette.
Tsuji is definitely the closest to providing a real cure. His work is done though it is up to Organ Technologies to make it scalable for mass market.
One thing though it seems according to the image they are moving from epithelial stem cells to iPS cells. Fascinating.
Don't count for the hair loss treatment to be available to a regular Joe in 2020 though. Unfortunately we'll probably have to wait for 2021./2022., and yes it may cost a substantial sum. However that depends how much do you value the prospect of having your hair back.

I was multiple times forum posters stating they don't even care for women that much as they care about getting their hair back. So taking a loan for that hair should be no problem. Right?


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Thanks for the posts as always Noisette.

I remember awhile back that Tsuji had constructed a 3D Bioengineered Integumentary System and successfully implanted into mice that sprouted follicles. I can’t find the mouse picture but here is the press release:


So with this recent news I’m guessing they have perfected it? Because that is damn well what it looks like shooting me with phrases like “Precise Replication” :D


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@Noisette aren't we waiting for that cell multiplication study they have yet to publish as well? The one they mentioned in your email a while back


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@Noisette aren't we waiting for that cell multiplication study they have yet to publish as well? The one they mentioned in your email a while back


Doctor Tsuji said me this

" I am grateful that you had read my book and have interests to our hair follicle regeneration. Recently, we successfully developed an expansion method of hair follicle-derived stem cells, although the results are unpublished. We are now trying to challenge of the expansion of human-derived cells and plan to do the clinical application in human at March 2019 "

So maybe These results will be published soon :) (Springer or Science Direct)..

I keep an eye on it, thank you for reminding me this point