Taking Finasteride 0.25 For Dupa (diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia)


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Part 2


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hang in there bruh. we're all gonna make it someday.


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This DUPA bullshit is a f*****g joke. Isn't it enoige to have normal hairloss?


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Have you taken up another treatments, how is your hair doing?


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Have you taken up another treatments, how is your hair doing?
Been taking fenugreek in the last year.
Still losing hair slowly . But it reduces the itch so i'm still taking it.


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everytime i stop taking fenugreek the itch comes back.
it is definitely doing something. i still shed slowly though


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have any of you guys checked your thyroid, cause fixing it doesn't seem to fix it for me. Still losing hair, well been losing it for the last 7 years, still have coverage but definitely lost density.


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my bloodwork is fine. hope i'll survive untill some new sh*t comes out.

Hamzah Mukbel

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Hey, I also am suffering from DUPA. I was fortunate enough to notice my hairloss when I was 18 ( I'm 19 now so this was actually 6 months ago ) and I went to a hair loss specialist right away. They highly recommend staying away from medication due to the side effects and risks of permanent effects so I did. Currently I am doing Low level laser treatment for 20 minutes sessions 2 times a week as well as taking Saw Palmetto, Zinc, Omega 3, Biotin, B-Vitamins, vitamin D and silica Supplements 3 times a day. I also use the Nioxin shampoo conditioner and treatment system. Before I started I was losing hair rapidly I'd say over 200 a day and my hairline became an NW2 within a month and a half. Currently about 5 months into my program my hair has stopped falling out as quickly but it is still thinning so I guess it's kind of working. However at this point it's pretty obvious I'm just delaying the inevitable. My doctor said if all goes well the laser and supplements should halt my hairloss fully within a years time and since my hairloss would be stopped (or I guess slowed down substaintionally) I'd be Eligible for a transplant to replace the hair I did lose. I'm not sure if this is true or if it will work, however my doctor says medications are Just not worth it and it's my only option. Just wanted to hear some thoughts on this. Thanks for reading.


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Pretty much it reverted the whole process, after 2 and a half years i did stop it for side effects, now i´m using it 2 times a week
DUPA also Androgen related, there is no way around all this to avoid the use of finasteride, is rather jump on finasteride or lose hair, minoxidil will baerly slow down the process.
Hi I am suffering from DUPA,

Do you think starting propecia will help?

I dont know anyone with this condition. Please help


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Looks I have just that. Sucks but at least I finally know what it is. For some reason I cant also grow proper beard. Its just as patchy as my hair.
Seems this is the worst possible hairloss after alopecia totalis.

After reading the thread it seems there isnt anything that can be done or am I wrong?

I saw some finastride mentioned too bad I cant get it prescribed in my location...

yes, my mother had some kind of hairloss when she gor older.
my father is a NW0 and he is 60 years old ;_;

i always hated my mother and now this :mad:

This is really weird because my case is exactly same. Even weirder because from father side there are few horseshoes in hisfamily but I could not even get that from him.


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Guys I really believe this condition is autoimmune hairloss. I read many people who use propecia for dupa and it didn’t work. I have dupa and interestingly I have an autoimmune condition called vitiligo. Many people who have alopecia areata have vitiligo bad well. So our dupa might be diffused alopecia areata


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Never heard that someone actually treated DUPA with finasteride
Same here! Some people say it worked for them but I never saw I picture. I believe this is an autoimmune hairloss . In diffuse aloepcia areata hair falls all over the scalp including donor zones. In dupa we have miniaturisation all over. I saw an article saying miniaturisation happens in autoimmune hairloss as well because of repeated inflammation


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I have DUPA as well and have been taking finasteride 1mg/day for 5 years + minoxidil, it has helped me maintain quite well. Recently started microneedling and am actually seeing some regrowth for the first time in years.

I was considering a hair transplant for a while (but doctors advised against it because of my DUPA), and had some exchanges with Dr Lorenzo in Spain who specialises in DUPA transplants, it's my understanding that he recommends to all his patients (DUPA or no DUPA) to stay on finasteride


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It is probably minoxidil which is working for your dupa not finastride. I don’t believe this condition is anti androgen related. As you see you didn’t have regrowth from finasteride but from dermarolling.


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It is probably minoxidil which is working for your dupa not finastride. I don’t believe this condition is anti androgen related. As you see you didn’t have regrowth from finasteride but from dermarolling.

I was on only minoxidil for 5 years (before adding finasteride), during that time I was still thinning, so I definitely feel that finasteride has helped me maintain, as my hairloss has been more or less stabilised since I started taking it 5 years ago (and I've recently gotten some regrowth with the addition of microneedling)

But I'd be happy to drop the finasteride if there is evidence that suggests a new perspective on my results. What's makes you think that DUPA isn't DHT related?


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Firstly many doctors think miniturisation is only caused by dht. But they are wrong miniaturisation can also happen with alopecia areata. You can check articles.

I think you are probably slowly thinning and maybe you think you benefit from Propecia? I didn’t find the picture of anyone who benefited from propecia.

Why I think it’s not dht related?

1-Many guys who posted on hairloss forums about dupa 80% of the cases didn’t benefit from dht blockers.

Even the doctor which claims 50% cases benefit from propecia don’t have pics to us to provide evidence...

2-A year after the start of my dupa I started to have vitiligo. If you search articles alopceia areata and vitiligo have similar pathogenisis. Both autoimmune related.