Taking Propecia for 11 years


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FlashDance said:
I think people incorrectly associate loss of motivation with Propecia, when it should more accurately be associated with male pattern baldness and the depression that comes with it. This is compounded by the realization that Propecia isn't the savior to grow all your hair back and you're never probably going to have the hair you used to have at your peak years. A lot of people, myself included, hope they're the one reponder who will be the exception at achieving great results. You soon realize that it isn't that good, and this can take some time to adjust to.

Chances are, you'd still be less motivated without Propecia as a result of adjusting to a life with less hair. Hopefully you get over the shock of your changing mane and learn you can still live life as well as anyone else.

propecia should never be seen as a growth stimulator, all one should expect from it is to thicken up existing hair and slight increase in crown regrowth, with mantience for a good 5 years or so. Now if you started propecia to late and are a nw4 its not the drugs fault. Propecia is perfect for people just at norwood 3 or less. Hell if a Norwood 2 could stay a nw2 for 5-10 years to me thats awesome.


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treadstone said:
What happened to your hair during your one off-year of Propecia?
I also use minoxidil and a multivitamin. During the discontinue period my hairloss increased a lot but my hair was thick.


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8 years

I have used it daily for 8-9 years.
I think I've maintained almost the same condition when I started.

No sides really that I can really bring out.


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Can someone help me with ordering Propecia? Can someone suggest me legit online pharmacies that ship internationally..