Telogen Effluvium cause of Dutasteride? Or just a real bad shed?


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My original thread is here; viewtopic.php?f=28&t=59768&st=0&sk=t&sd=a but I'm feeling so distressed I'm posting here in the hope of getting a better answer.

For the last few months or so, my hair has been shedding bad. It really started around January this year, and just recently the shedding has became less. My main area of worries here is the top of my head, which was never much of an issue before (was mainly posting here out of concern of a far receded hairline). It's very patchy in random areas around, and doesn't really form a pattern anywhere and I have little to no crown thinning either. It just has became extremely diffused. :shakehead:

Here is a pic of how it was in April :

And here in May :


Despite using a hard regime of 2 x minoxidil and daily dutasteride (which I have lowered in usage now, only use 1 pill each 2 days) my hair continued to become worse, while I did however experience some regrowth in the very front. Been on minoxidil for about 1.5 year now, and dutasteride I'm using a year and a month. Before I used finasteride, and had some decent results after 6 months but I felt it was not enough to maintain it that's why I switched to dutasteride.

Some people have told me it could be Telogen Effluvium, and frankly I have indeed been very stressed (mostly phycological / mental) in the past couple of months this has been happening. My sheds where also pretty heavy, I never lost "quality" hair in sheds before (long, thick, dark hairs) but in this shed I did, amongst smaller, finer / shorter head hairs, but also hairs from the sides, back, and lots of body hair as well while the original area of worries (hairline) has remained mostly the same (temples are worse though). I have also experienced thickening of the excisting hair, if only a little so it's really weird.

I know this cannot be normal and I'm in huge distress about this. If it's Telogen Effluvium, how can I know for sure? If this was a shed, how come I was shedding for so long? I really hope it's not accelerated balding... :( Can someone please give me some help with this?

EDIT: Also would like to add that I have had no testing whatsoever. Would it help to check my thyroid function or have blood tests done?


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A shed can be a good sign of imminent regrowth. Some guys on the success forum mention periodic mild to severe sheds throughout their time on finasteride+MIN. You seem to be right in the time frame for the first/worst one. I am also in this time period and am beginning to think I am shedding too (hair seems a bit thinner inside, same as you, but not as bad).


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Yeah I know it's bad, guess why I'm concerned again? :)

Is there any way of telling this will not turn out as bad as it looks?

Say if it's Telogen Effluvium, would the dutasteride be the cause of this? - And would it be better to quit it? Or say if it's a shed from dutasteride? - Should I continue using it to ride it out and see if it regrows?? (Note: I had experienced thickening before, even little regrowth at the front)

Quit? Continue? What am I to do now?


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Well...I'd say stay on the dutasteride. Ride it out to at least 6-8 months or so before you stop. I hear almost everyone sheds on dutasteride.


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Seeing as the shed itself lasted about that long do you think it'll take longer for me to regrow as well?


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Not sure, some people the shed is like 2-3 months then rapid regrowth. I have, however seen it take up to 8 months for some people.


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Well, I already waited about 3 to 4 months with just little improvement, if any. And if its a Telogen Effluvium, it would likely be caused by the dutasteride right?


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I thought Telogen Effluvium is stress loss? If so, then I doubt it is Telogen Effluvium caused by dutasteride if it is Telogen Effluvium at all.


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Yes its stess related loss, but stress can also be caused by hormonal imbalabce. And I have suffered a lot from stress last couple of months. My hair is also real patchy, which to me seems like Telogen Effluvium.


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well Im not so good at pointing out Telogen Effluvium, you def appear to have standard male pattern baldness in the May Pic at least. dunnot about the others. Maybe someone else can help out and chime in on the Telogen Effluvium thing.


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I had the receding hairline already before I had the thinning on top. And it has remained quite stable (had some bad sheds on it before though) with even a little regrowth. Thats why I think it's strange my top has thinned out so much, so quickly. I heard dutasteride was mainly bad for the hairline... Crown seems to be fine still.


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Id say wait it out. If it's not getting a bit better in a few months, then reconsider. Like I said, it seems to be matching up with a standard shed pattern.


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You said that. Thing is, I'm worried to death about regrowth, and wheter it comes or not. Can't really wear my hair anyway and not show it's thinness. But I'll have to manage for a while I guess?\

Besides, I have a hard time with having to accept this state- while it could go much worse in the mean while I 'wait out' the shed.


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Even if dutasteride is the cause, and you decide to quit it, you will still have to wait a while for regrowth(if it even comes at all, if it is Telogen Effluvium as you think). Because of this, you may as well stick to the meds for a bit longer..I know how you feel, I'm getting to the almost intolerable state myself, in my recently starting shed. I bought a hat, my work allows it(if yours does, you should grab one too).


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My old work allowed hats, but I got fired recently. Kinda got me in between a rock and a hard place... Kinda get fed up by these stares I am getting every time. Even now this middle aged bald guy can't stop looking at my hair... :/


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Some pics here from this month. As you can see, the remaining hair is very thick, but with the thin patches in there it can look real awkward quickly. Thinning is mostly in the front region as you can see, but it's also there on top.


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i feel like mine is also getting thinner...
but if you think its stress related than stressing about to cause more harm than good, buy a cool selection of hats and bandanna's and forget about your hair for a while, (out of sight out of mind )


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Well yes, it feels patchy so it could be Telogen Effluvium which'd be caused either by my dutasteride usage or stress. I had a lot of stress lately, and still am going through a lot. The sheddings had been going on for months, and have recently really showed it's damage, but it has stopped mostly as well.

Sucks that you feel yours is getting thinner to. And yes, even though being a hat prisoner isn't a nice feeling it works to cope with daily life for now a bit better.


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dude , i am on the same boat as you been on finasteride since April 2010,
and things look like they are getting worse, guess we are just slow responders or unlucky ones...
lets just enjoy it while its there

good luck


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I have a hard time 'enjoying it while it's still there' for 2 reasons. One being, I'm still f*****g losing hair, two being that I'm too embarassed to go anywhere. For good reasons. Seriously wtf.....