Terrified of starting finasteride - Questions

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Hey guys, so I've had quite a bit of temple recession in the past year but oddly my crown still remains intact and quite thick but the hair on the corner of my temples seems to be continuing to get thinner and thinner and to stop it getting worse I would like to use finasteride as that seems to be the only option.

Anyhow, I'm terrified... So I have a few questions for you experienced folks.

1. What would you say the real % rate from getting sides on these drugs is? And what would be the most common side effects?

2. Is Proscar exactly the same as Propecia if cut into 5ths?, because the fact that Proscar is for your prostate, when there isn't actually anything wrong with my prostate scares me that it might cause problems.

3. I've heard a lot of people use 0.5mg finasteride and get almost identical results as 1mg, if I was to cut Proscar into 5ths so they are 1mg and take them once every other day, would this be the same as having 0.5 each day?

4. This is the big question for me which is preventing me from giving it a go. What would be the chances of me KEEPING the side effects even after stopping use of finasteride? I've seen a lot of people on forums say they have lost their libido or ability to get a hard on for YEARS after stopping usage of finasteride, and this is my true fear of giving it a try.

To me, if I had a slight decrease in libido it wouldn't bother me as I value my hair over that, but if I had these major sides for years and possibly life after using the drug, I'd rather kill myself rofl.

Please give some advice guys

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Another question, basically, my hairline has always been an M shape even since birth, I'm 22 now and the M shape has gotten more distinct but the corners are starting to thin and are much less dense, the odd thing is that baldness isn't in my family at all, so there is a chance I could maintain what I've got now for many many years as a lot of people have told me, however I'd like to take finasteride to prevent it just in case it is male pattern baldness. My worry is that, if I get to the age of 30, and decide to stop using finasteride, will my body go into hyper DHT mode and CAUSE me to have male pattern baldness even if I didn't in the first place? Is there any truth to your body producing excess amounts of DHT after coming off the drug years after use? Pictures for you guys to see,

http://gyazo.com/7022735961056c12a93b7791295032b7 - http://gyazo.com/9543e6b207389549737c566b7e6b0fc7 - My hairline 1 year ago when I started monitoring it.

http://gyazo.com/4126ecd3ffd514603cdcfdc463b7f5f5 - http://gyazo.com/c4034605ee204213a8b756c76fac9c5e - My hairline about 2 months ago (shorter hair), my hairline doesn't seem to have shifted back much at all, I've been using Nizoral once a week. But what scares me, is that in the past couple of months the hair has started to go THINNER and lose density by probably 30% or so.

http://gyazo.com/626a1d2a8d4aac4d05bc3461ea735c76- My hair about, 5 years ago when I was around 17 (never grow my hair that long anymore)

http://gyazo.com/bb2f54be102003f8c9fce9e2a6d37adb - http://gyazo.com/d258c87d5ba497931ccbf0dc6ee3ed9e -My hair when I was about 14?

Would appreciate helpful responses and opinions, thanks.


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1) Persistent sides even after cessation is pretty low. I do believe however sides are common, but disappear after stopping or continuing. Most common I've seen reported Loss of morning wood, watery semen, lower libido.

2) Yes, its also the cheapest option

3) If you get sides you will get them regardless of dosage, most tend to lower doses to see if sides lessen.

4) Permanent sides are low
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1) Persistent sides even after cessation is pretty low. I do believe however sides are common, but disappear after stopping or continuing. Most common I've seen reported Loss of morning wood, watery semen, lower libido.

2) Yes, its also the cheapest option

3) If you get sides you will get them regardless of dosage, most tend to lower doses to see if sides lessen.

4) Permanent sides are low

Thanks for response :)

Could I get more peoples opinions please :)


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What he said


Experienced Member
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do not take finasteride just for your hairline. I did it and it was fking horrible I started shedding all over diffusely
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Can anyone else shine light on this? I've seen other people use it for hairline and get results. How long would the shed last, because if it comes back fairly quicker and thicker, to me it's worth it.


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My Regimen
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My worry is that, if I get to the age of 30, and decide to stop using finasteride, will my body go into hyper DHT mode and CAUSE me to have male pattern baldness even if I didn't in the first place? Is there any truth to your body producing excess amounts of DHT after coming off the drug years after use

My personal experience was this. I had slightly receded temples but complete thickness, probably a NW05.-1. I had to come off finasteride after 3 months due to sides and it basically kickstarted super-aggressive male pattern baldness, along with the "male pattern baldness itch" which I never had before. 6 months after quitting my hairloss has accelerated beyond belief. Finasteride can make your androgen receptors hypersensitive to DHT.

Obviously my personal experience makes me biased but just to make you aware finasteride can **** up your hairline in rare cases. I'd advise you to stay off it until its absolutely last resort.
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My personal experience was this. I had slightly receded temples but complete thickness, probably a NW05.-1. I had to come off finasteride after 3 months due to sides and it basically kickstarted super-aggressive male pattern baldness, along with the "male pattern baldness itch" which I never had before. 6 months after quitting my hairloss has accelerated beyond belief. Finasteride can make your androgen receptors hypersensitive to DHT.

Obviously my personal experience makes me biased but just to make you aware finasteride can **** up your hairline in rare cases. I'd advise you to stay off it until its absolutely last resort.

Ok, well this has pretty much scared the living **** out of me, seems there is no hope.


New Member
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Side effects are pretty uncommon with finasteride. Also, if you do experience any side effects. once you stop taking the meds the side effects would sub-side. just like once you stop taking the meds your male pattern baldness will continue! definitely give it a try if your wallet can handle it! i have found great results! good luck!
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The only way to know if you will get sides is to go on the drug. I know is scary, i was in the same boat, waited a year before taking the plunge and go on finasteride. I basically scared my self of for a whole year after reading different horror story's involving finasteride.
Im almost 27 years old, between a nw2 and nw3, i have a V shaped hairline with receded temple areas.I couldn't accept the fact that the crown was also starting to thin and in the end, i took the plunge and got on finasteride.
Its been 5 months since im on 0.5mg ED, and guess what? I cant identify any sides, i thought my libido took a slight hit, but at the beginning of this month i was off finasteride for 2 weeks, i misplaced my prescription and had to get another one, the libido was the same during this time and i did not feel any different. Also, my gym workouts are not affected, i read something around here regarding this.
I need to wait a little longer to see any results, but i will be happy if i just maintain what i have now.
Basically, avoid reading anything more related to finasteride, and you could try it for a month and see how you tolerate it. Chances are very very slim to get some irreversible sides, there are bigger chances you could tolerate the drug with no problems. its up to you, and this is the only way you can find out.

Thanks for that post, however I'm in a different situation really. I see your first ever post and you describe that you used to have a "straight" hairline. I never have had a straight hairline it has always been M shaped but has become more distinct in the past few years, my hairline could just be a mature M shape, giving it the look of male pattern baldness because like I said, it has always been an M shape. And the post above is proof that there is a chance that if I get sides and come off it would give me even worse hairloss due to not having male pattern baldness in the first place if you know what I mean lol.

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Thanks for that post, however I'm in a different situation really. I see your first ever post and you describe that you used to have a "straight" hairline. I never have had a straight hairline it has always been M shaped but has become more distinct in the past few years, my hairline could just be a mature M shape, giving it the look of male pattern baldness because like I said, it has always been an M shape. And the post above is proof that there is a chance that if I get sides and come off it would give me even worse hairloss due to not having male pattern baldness in the first place if you know what I mean lol.

Would like some more inputs please, thanks guys.


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The only way to know if you will get sides is to go on the drug. I know is scary, i was in the same boat, waited a year before taking the plunge and go on finasteride. I basically scared my self of for a whole year after reading different horror story's involving finasteride.
Im almost 27 years old, between a nw2 and nw3, i have a V shaped hairline with receded temple areas.I couldn't accept the fact that the crown was also starting to thin and in the end, i took the plunge and got on finasteride.
Its been 5 months since im on 0.5mg ED, and guess what? I cant identify any sides, i thought my libido took a slight hit, but at the beginning of this month i was off finasteride for 2 weeks, i misplaced my prescription and had to get another one, the libido was the same during this time and i did not feel any different. Also, my gym workouts are not affected, i read something around here regarding this.
I need to wait a little longer to see any results, but i will be happy if i just maintain what i have now.
Basically, avoid reading anything more related to finasteride, and you could try it for a month and see how you tolerate it. Chances are very very slim to get some irreversible sides, there are bigger chances you could tolerate the drug with no problems. its up to you, and this is the only way you can find out.

I was not scared of sides at all. In fact i was most scared of finasteride not working and me eventually losing more and more of my hair. What i didnt expect was for my hair to go to sh!t much more quickly on finasteride. To OP, here is my advice. do not worry about your hair for at least a year, I doubt it will progress much if at all. Unless you start getting a bald spot in the crown I would not take finasteride just for the hairline. If someone gave me this advice 1 year ago I would probably have decent hair for another 5 years at least.


Experienced Member
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Dnt overthink it or youll go round in circles and waste time. You do look like youve start of male pattern baldness and my hair was like yours at that age. Buy the finasteride and pop the pill every day and try forget about it all. Knowing your doing something will put you at ease. I started at about 22 and i still have a decent head of hair at 28.. Nearly 29. It is scary at first but believe me. When you start taking it you will realise it will be fine. Sides are rare and im pretty sure people think they exp them because they look for them. Just think when u start taking it about all the dht being blocked and relax a bit and forget about hair. I posted here at 22 alot but once i started on finasteride it workd well and im only back now to these forums (under diff name) 6 years later and inly because fins losing effectiveness and i came for some advice on dutasteride ehich im about to start taking instead.

Good luck and try to relax. Youve caught it early and with finasteride youll be able to keep your hair in decent shape for years to come!
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Dnt overthink it or youll go round in circles and waste time. You do look like youve start of male pattern baldness and my hair was like yours at that age. Buy the finasteride and pop the pill every day and try forget about it all. Knowing your doing something will put you at ease. I started at about 22 and i still have a decent head of hair at 28.. Nearly 29. It is scary at first but believe me. When you start taking it you will realise it will be fine. Sides are rare and im pretty sure people think they exp them because they look for them. Just think when u start taking it about all the dht being blocked and relax a bit and forget about hair. I posted here at 22 alot but once i started on finasteride it workd well and im only back now to these forums (under diff name) 6 years later and inly because fins losing effectiveness and i came for some advice on dutasteride ehich im about to start taking instead.

Good luck and try to relax. Youve caught it early and with finasteride youll be able to keep your hair in decent shape for years to come!

Tbh, I'm even more scared now after everyones posts including others from another site. Loads of mixed opinions, loads of people say yeah it's fine don't worry blah blah, loads saying don't take it, loads saying don't take it just for harline, don't know what to do.


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I've been on finasteride cut into fourths for almost 3 months now and I have absolutely no sides.

All is good. Sides are blown out of proportion. Don't worry about it man.
