Thanks MalibuJoe, I did it


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I was so inspired by reading MJ's thread about buzzing his head that I went to the local store and picked up a hair cut kit a month ago. I've buzzed myself to a #1 at least twice already. It doesn't look too bad as I have a good round head shape but my scalp is shiny but o well not much I can do about that. I don't look like Wentworth or Beckham but God made me this way!

I feel liberated and I feel this is the best of the two evils (continue to toppik conceal my diffuse loss or go bald). I have finally come to accept the beckham buzzed look etc.

I am a diffuse thinner (with hair the same as MJ's) now at age 28 and entering the years of my life where hair should be the least of my worries. I should be focusing on my career, mortgage, finances and possibly marriage lol. My hairline is still ok I guess but showing signs of "maturing." I used to put tons of toppik on my crown but my washroom was caked all over with the toppik. I tried everything, to apply it in the tub so I could wash away the toppik but that never worked etc as I had to comb my hair and it fell everywhere. And cleaning it was more a waste of time than anything. The stuff seemed to stick everywhere and the black turned to green in contact with humidity. It stained my washroom countertop etc. Took me a long time to clean it off. It took me at least 30-40 mins in the morning to get my hair to look ok and normal. Everyday was a battle. I felt trapped. Once you walk down the road of concealers then you're fucked!! Because you hide the balding from people, your hairloss progresses and one day when you slip up (or can't cover it anymore) people will find out you use concealers and you will lose far more "face" than if you were to just shave it and accept it. I was always worried about it snowing, raining or if people could see the toppik in the sunlight, etc.

I found that the pros far outweigh the cons in buzzing your hair:

-having the shaved head looks better because it actually disguises the diffuse loss, with longer hair diffuse is easier to pick out because of the long thin hairs etc...buzzed conceals it alot better
-don't have to be scared about rain, water, sweat! (I can swim and have sex and not worry if I have toppik running)
-don't have to worry about the wind messing your hair or if someone notices the toppik!
-women love to rub the stubble lol
-use far less shampoo, and the shampoo contacts the scalp directly providing better effects
-I don't notice my hair falling out as much anymore as maybe my hairs are shorter and I don't notice but psychologically it's a more positive feeling
-I can wear a hat, helmet (hockey), toque without worrying about my hair being messed up
-I can sleep and wake up and my hair stays the same
-I no longer put any gunk, harmful chemicals such as hairsprays, gels into my hair
-It takes me 5 minutes to walk out the door in the morning suit and tie
-The money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I will be saving from cutting the hair myself and no longer needing hairspray or toppik I can invest.
-I can buzz my hair anytime I want to
-I feel liberated that I can now enjoy life for what it is!! And not be inhibited or caged by my hairloss
-I think that buzzing allows you to better yourself because maybe it might force you to change ways you look at your life, that you become more in touch with yourself (look at the monk life, virtually detached from physical being living more wholesome life etc)
-I can travel with more efficiency. You've read some of the daily regimens on here and it's just not worth it. What happens if you travel? Can you honestly continue with the regimen let's say if you spend 2 weeks in hawaii. You'd have to bring an extra suitcase for your regimen! I recently came back from mexico with some friends and had shaved it prior to my trip and my trip was awesome because I didn't need to constantly monitor my hair etc. Out of bed, quick rinse in the shower and off to the beach. Imagine the sheer emotional and physical horror maintaining a regimen while traveling with a group of friends!!!! Spending longer in the bathroom than some of your female friends to do your hair!!!

-I don't have the nice dense puff of hair (my nickname in school was afropuff because I had so much hair it just puffed up all the time) to style from time to time but I can live with that. Nothing lasts forever.

So as you can see, if you're a diffuse thinner, the best thing to do is just buzz it down. Your life won't be consumed by combing each strand to cover your scalp etc. There are more important things in life.

I'll still do my cardio and drink green tea but for those out there who haven't buzzed their heads before - just give it a try.

I find many on this board are far too negative and critical about their hairloss. Don't let it be a hinderance to what you can do as a person. I come from a family with no hairloss. My dad is 60 and has more hair than me and my two brothers have full heads of hair in their 30s. When I told my brother about my hairloss he told me one thing is that don't let your hair define your life. This was a period of my life when I would be on propecia, minoxidil etc etc. And that statement resonated within me. He was right. My regimen did define me, it trapped me as bad as balding did.

Buzzing my hair gave me a second life it seems. Thanks for the inspiration Malibujoe. You seem to have the right attitude about hairloss.

And for those who are scared to buzz. Give it a try and see how it looks. You can always regrow your hair.


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I'm glad you did it and it "set you free." But please don't make the assumption about people being too negative about buzzing. Buzzing when you have some hair is not the same as buzzing with no hair on top. I did buzz my hair when I was younger to a number one when I had hair on top. While I wasn't a fan of the look then, it was 324234 times better than it is now with only hair on the sides and back.


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My Regimen
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To quote myself from another thread:

ghg said:
And obsidian, you'll know after a while that every thread that was meant to be positive on this forum gets shot to pieces by the same individuals.


Experienced Member
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Even NW0-1 shaved their and go bald, manny famouse men do that if you keep your eyes open.
Looks neat and clean, i shave my hair cause i cant do anything else with it :) .. but comferting to see people with full head of hair chose to shave it.


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If I can put on about 5kg of muscle weight, I'll do it too. I feel like my head is too large for my slim body.

One of my cousins has similar hair to mine, and he's been buzzing it for years. But he went to the gym for at least a year before buzzing it. He looks good with buzzed hair.


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Im trying really hard to put on weight before the inevitable. Done really well for myself, gained around 10 kilos, the thing that bothers me is my neck; its rather long and i hope to build it up a little bit to make it look better proportioned.


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ghg said:
To quote myself from another thread:

ghg said:
And obsidian, you'll know after a while that every thread that was meant to be positive on this forum gets shot to pieces by the same individuals.

Nothing I said was not the truth. But wait, when you lose it all, you will see what I am talking about. You will miss the days of diffuse thinning. I am sure of it.

optimus prime

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Yea, seriously HatPrisoner this has to stop. If you want to be negative, be negative on your own thread. Why are you gate crashing this guy’s thread just to place a negative response? Yea we all get it, you worse off then everyone else.

uncomfortable man

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Change is a difficult thing to adapt to, especially if it is a change for the worse. That being said, so you shaved your head :roll: , it's not like you won a gold medal in the olymics or anything. Being in the situation that I am (nw6 now), I feel insulted when people cry after getting a bad hair cut. At least with them it will fuckin grow back. Their not stuck with something that looks bad all the time and there is nothing they can do about it. I just don't consider buzzing all your hair off to be such a risk when you have the comfort of knowing that it will grow back if it doesn't look good. Given you have the right shaped head for it, a buzzed nw1,2 will always look better than a buzzed nw6,7 so pardon me if I don't pat you, MalibuJoe or Kojack on the back for buzzing your hair off, sorry. :dunno:


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I think UC and HP should be banned from this site, from what i seen all they do is hang around in the impact of hairloss section and shoot anyone down who even cares about hairloss who isnt at least a NW4/5. This was a good/inspiring/ well written topic until you two came in here acting like c****. you two should really just f*** off.


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optimus prime said:
Yea, seriously HatPrisoner this has to stop. If you want to be negative, be negative on your own thread. Why are you gate crashing this guy’s thread just to place a negative response? Yea we all get it, you worse off then everyone else.

I told him I am happy about him being "set free", didnt I? I comented about his comment about everyone else. If you make a broad generalization about other people here, expect them to respond. Simple!


Experienced Member
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I think UC and HP should be banned from this site, from what i seen all they do is hang around in the impact of hairloss section and shoot anyone down who even cares about hairloss who isnt at least a NW4/5. This was a good/inspiring/ well written topic until you two came in here acting like c****. you two should really just f*** off.

Big man talking like that on a website. Makes me laugh!


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HatPrisoner91 said:
I think UC and HP should be banned from this site, from what i seen all they do is hang around in the impact of hairloss section and shoot anyone down who even cares about hairloss who isnt at least a NW4/5. This was a good/inspiring/ well written topic until you two came in here acting like c****. you two should really just f*** off.

Big man talking like that on a website. Makes me laugh!

Not trying to start an argument or act like a 'big man', i just think you're a knob and so does the majority of the people who post here.


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Not trying to start an argument or act like a 'big man', i just think you're a knob and so does the majority of the people who post here.

This coming from a guy who lists his location as "the gay bar". You opinion means nothing to me though. In fact, I don't even know who you are lol. Thanks.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
Not trying to start an argument or act like a 'big man', i just think you're a knob and so does the majority of the people who post here.

This coming from a guy who lists his location as "the gay bar". You opinion means nothing to me though. In fact, I don't even know who you are lol. Thanks.

What so listing my location as the 'the gay bar' makes my opinion meaningless and after reading just a few of your posts it seems like you have no life. bet the only pair of boobs that you've touched are your own.


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Can you read? I have no idea who you are and don't care. You are the one posting to me. If you don't like it, then don't read what I say. Simple.

Oh no he made a boob joke too. What are you 17?


Established Member
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i cant fuckin believe this hatprisoner91 clown is still on here spreading the same misery around this forum as like 5 months ago. did you have a good summer?

anyway, good job to the the guy who started this thread. when your losing your hair and it bothers you, shaving your head is one of the hardest things to do. it doesnt matter if your thinning or bald. because if i was a nw6 like hatprisoner91 or the uncomfortable man, i would have shaved my head long long ago before i was nw6 so by the time i reach nw6 id be used to it. right now im a diffuse Norwood 1.5 and i shave my head to zero because i know whats coming.

uncomfortable man

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I don't know what Norwood Neomonk is but I am glad that likes the convenience of shaving his head. However, if I had enough hair on top to get away with putting some concealer on it and looking normal then I wouldn't see that as being much of a sacrifice and I would do it in a heartbeat. Unfortunately for me that is a luxury I don't have.


Senior Member
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I think UC and HP should be banned from this site, from what i seen all they do is hang around in the impact of hairloss section and shoot anyone down who even cares about hairloss who isnt at least a NW4/5. This was a good/inspiring/ well written topic until you two came in here acting like c****. you two should really just f*** off.

Easy buddy...easy.

Moving on...Besides being very harsh zoidberg has a point. You two fellows should eat a rainbow for breakfast and cheer up. You guys have extreme negative thinking that no doubt has serious negative affects on your life judging by the wet blanket misery I have read.



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Cassin said:
I think UC and HP should be banned from this site, from what i seen all they do is hang around in the impact of hairloss section and shoot anyone down who even cares about hairloss who isnt at least a NW4/5. This was a good/inspiring/ well written topic until you two came in here acting like c****. you two should really just f*** off.

Easy buddy...easy.

Moving on...Besides being very harsh zoidberg has a point. You two fellows should eat a rainbow for breakfast and cheer up. You guys have extreme negative thinking that no doubt has serious negative affects on your life judging by the wet blanket misery I have read.


Straight up. It's this style of negative thinking that becomes a vicious cycle.