thanks to all.


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just wanted to put out a quick thank you to the people that made this site and respond to questions and stuff on this site, i don't know what i would do without it. this has been the hardest four months of my life, and i was even suicidal for a while, but this site helps out more than you know.


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Thats why we are all here, we all have similar problems with hair loss.

On a side note, dont ever think suicidal.....No Matter what, LIFE IS NEVER THAT BAD!

Best of your results when u have them



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^ I disagree. Suicide is definately an option for some people.

It's a choice, not a 'bad' or a 'good' thing. As long as it isn't messy and you do it in a way that doesn't leave others to have to clean up your mess.

Now, as far as hairloss goes, f*** no suicide isn't a good option...


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And I'm gonna go ahead and disagree again. I agree that it's a choice, but I can't name one instance where it's the right choice. No matter what, you laeve family and friends to pick up the pieces, and in alotta cases not everything is tried before suicide is resorted to. It's usually done out of irrational, hasty thinking, when people think that life has hit rock bottom, and see no way that it can get better. But hitting the lows only makes the highs that much sweeter, and no matter how bad it gets, I don't think suicide is the proper option.

In addition, when regarding hairloss, suicide is the wrong thing to be thinking about. If people keep thinking this way, hairloss will soon be causing more deaths (albeit indirectly) than cancer or other REAL diseases. We've gotta get over it, you can still live a health and awesome life without your hair. What helps alot is talking to your friends about it, getting reassurance. I know when I went through a rough time, wondering what a loss of my hair would do to my life, I talked to my best friend about it. He said hair or no hair, we'd still be great buds, and that's where things shaped up for me. I realized that no matter what I had on my head, I'd still be sitting there knocking back a few pints with my favorite people. And that's all that really matters isn't it?


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You're imposing your value of life on others, Deaner. For some people the future is too bleak to even bother living another day.

There are indeed some situations where suicide may be justified. It actually takes a very rational person to decide what these situations are and the assessment depends entirely on the individual. Of course the majority of people might kill themselves for no good reason but that doesn't mean suicide and irrationality are inexorably linked.

For some people, hair loss causes a lot of mental tension and unease. These people place a lot of value on how they appear and how other people perceive them. You might disagree but unless you can live in their shoes, I wouldn't go about telling them how insignificant their hair loss is.



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There is no reason to ever kill yourself. If you have thoughts like that you should immediately seek help!!

Green Soap

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"There is no reason to ever kill yourself. If you have thoughts like that you should immediately seek help!!"

- Hence him finding this website, finding the assistance he needs, and getting on with things. One big circle, huh?


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I guess valuing your own life is something not everybody can appreciate. Sorry for "imposing" such a ridiculous concept on you. If you honestly believe the only way out is to take your own life, then you need to seek help, I'm sorry.

Edit: And for the record, you proved my point. You said that it's a mental thing, and their appearance means so much to them that they find the only way out is suicide. It's not like without suicide, their life couldn't get better. They could come to grips with who they are, figure out that hairloss isn't the end of the world, meet someone who enforces this for them, and live a great life. It's purely a mental thing, and I think with the right help and reassurance, any sane and competent person can make it through it. Hairloss isn't the worst thing that can happen to you, it's purely a mental battle if you think it is. If this is the worst thing you have to worry about, then you've got another thing coming. I guess you'd rather live in a third world country and have a full head of hair. Sorry if I'm starting to sound rude, or "imposing my values" on you, but I can't see any real reason to commit suicide, ESPECIALLY for something as benign and superficial as hairloss.


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I am not speaking from personal experience but just trying to have a smart conversation with you. Clearly you can't do that without getting defensive which doesn't speak too highly of your argument. I never said the only way out is to kill yourself, so quit putting words in my mouth. What I said was rather simple: Don't tell other people how to live (or unlive) their lives. Give your opinion but don't speak absolutely.

You can do whatever the hell you want with your life but you shouldn't tell people that the decisions they make in their lives (e.g. killing themselves) is wrong because you've never lived a second in their shoes. Have some respect.



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Deaner my little are one smart cookie :)I guess brains run in the family :)

Over and OUT!

Tony M.


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Again, you lapse into the same problem. What you might think is benign and superficial, hair loss, might be seen differently by someone else. Some people value some things differently.

Why does it matter if it's a mental thing? What difference would it make if it were physical? If something causes someone a lot of trauma and they for whatever reason can't rectify it, it makes no difference if it's mental, physical, or hell, spiritual.

It's your opinion that they should "come to grips" with who they are. I don't think most people want to commit suicide. It's not nearly as easy of a solution as you might suspect it to be. It's contrary to all facets of nature and it's a purely human device. It takes a lot of anguish and unrest to actually carry out the deed.

Like I said, this has nothing to do with me personally. To be honest, if I lost all my hair, I'd just shave my head and be fine. There are more important things in my life but I'm not going to tell someone else that what they might value is actually a bunch of bullshit just because I don't think of it the same.



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ok..i wont be defensive, but i cant beleive some people on here said suicide is a CHOICE in life. On a serious note, please get help if you think suicide is a choice. BECAUSE ITS NOT. Life is a precious thing, and you should enjoy and appreciate for what you have been given.


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If you don't want to do something, you don't have to. Nobody's holding the gun, or the knife, or the bottle of pills you're gonna kill yourself with but you. You make it sound like it's not a choice, that these people have to do this. If it's a mental battle, I don't think that's a sufficient reason to kill yourself. Of course you have a choice to do whatever the hell you want with your body, I'm not denying that. If you feel you have to kill yourself, it's your choice, nobody's stopping you. The thing I'm trying to say is that although it may be your choice, it's most likely (but not ABSOLUTELY) a rash and hasty decision where there's most likely a better resolution.

Certain cases I may see that the quality of life has deteriorated to the point where life is now rough, but even then you can make great things of yourself. Not to pay any disrespect to those we've lost to suicide, because I will not take lightly the death of those who made this decision, but it seems that this is an easy way out, sort of a moment of weakness in where you don't really weigh everything out. Ever heard of Stephen Hawking? The man is debilitatingly crippled, he can't even talk, yet look at the things he's done with his life. His handicap far outweighs the effects of male pattern hairloss on the quality of life of an individual. Christoper Reeves, rest in peace, was also in far worse shape and chose to fight it out for the sake of his loved ones and his own self-respect and dignity. These men didn't just give up at the first sight of an imperfect life. They fought through incredibly rough times, and became an inspiration to the rest of us. To just give up on life denies alot of people your company, and it denies you the chance to make something great of yourself.

I truly believe that there are many options not exhausted when somebody commits suicide, and had these avenues been explored, the tragedy could have been avoided. Again, I'm not trying to disrespect those who have made this decision, as it was their decision to do what they may with their own body, and it's truly a tragedy when one ends their own life prematurely. But can you tell me that when somebody commits suicide, you don't wonder if they seeked or received all the help they could get? Can you tell me that you honestly think it was the only thing they could've done given the circumstances? If you can, I could not do the same.

I can't stress enough that I'm not trying to belittle those who make this decision, and that I'm not trying to pay any disrespect to those who do what they may with their own life. But a life is a valuable thing, and to throw it away in the face of immediate adverse conditions seems wasteful. We all have so much potential.

Thanks for reading if you bothered,


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You've got it backwards. I'm stressing the fact that it _is_ a choice. For you, suicide is never an option or a choice. My point exactly is that it is a choice that they might decide to take. You have no right or standing to instruct them otherwise.

I agree with much of what you say and I'm glad that you see my logic. I think life is a precious thing as well and if someone asks me my opinion I would probably stray them away from suicide. But in the end, it's their choice to make and I won't judge them or write them off as weak because I've never lived a day in their shoes and therefore cannot understand the basis of their decisions.



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Dimebolt3000 said:
ok..i wont be defensive, but i cant beleive some people on here said suicide is a CHOICE in life. On a serious note, please get help if you think suicide is a choice. BECAUSE ITS NOT. Life is a precious thing, and you should enjoy and appreciate for what you have been given.

It is a choice. Hopefully a choice you don't make without carefully weighing the alternatives but it is a choice. But isn't this what makes life so amazing? If we were forced to live, wouldn't life lose some meaning and grace?



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Life gains plenty of meaning and grace just from simple natural death. The value of life didn't somehow increase because people started committing suicide. If anything, it has shown that life isn't really valuable at all to many, clearly.


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I never said life gains any meaning from suicide. Where do you get these wonderfully bogus extrapolations? I'm saying that a great thing about life is that it's a choice. You can choose to live, or not, you can choose to eat at McDonald's or at Burger King, etc.

The freedom is what makes it beautiful. If you were forced to live in a Matrix-like contraption where you essentially had no freedom, wouldn't that suck? I like knowing the fact that if I my life ever becomes so bad that suicide is a viable option, I can take it.



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lol brasileirao, my brother, brains DO run in the family. You know that! :p How's the hair lookin' these days m'man?