thanks to all.


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Un less your suffering from a terminal illness or your entire family or wife and kids died in some freak accident. I personally cannot say suicide is a wise or right choice. I'll go ahead and say its just ignorant, I personally tried to take my own life when I was 17 years old Ive battled depression my whole life. Hairloss of course has affected me greatly and my self confidance espically since I never had much confidance to begin with never been a hit with the ladies. So this makes matters worse. I think about takin my own life everyday but the love of my parents and siblings and knowing god gave me this life for a reason keeps me going. I haven't figured out what Im here for but im hoping too Im smart and think all the time i learn extremely fast and im very passionate about music but have yet to construct that passion into my own music . Im hoping to some day to share my personal pain and views..anyway just rambling ..peace


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Suicide is should never be an option.Everybody thinks of it..nobody does it..and thats the way it should stay