
The beach



God I was just reminded today how much the beach sucks with hairloss! Ridiculous wind + water + sweat. I was so self conscious the whole time, even though I have a good physique to show off. All the time I tried to be in direction with the wind and I didn't put my head under water, but I still felt like the wind and sweat had messed it up for good so I felt like shite.

Histogen PLEASE hurry up so I can actually have fun and look good at the same time! I feel so jealous when I see these guys coming out of the water with their perfect hairlines.....


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Yeah, it was an odd experience going to the beach for the first time since my male pattern baldness kicked in. I ended up putting on a hat for the first time since highschool baseball. Welcome to your new life! :sobbing:


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I still go to the beach; that's something i'm not gonna let hair loss take away from me. Think of it this way, the people who see you at the beach, you'll never see again in your life (unless there's only one beach near you and everyone goes there..)


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Almost everybodies hair looks sh*t at the beach.


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Just keep your shirt off and chicks will focus on your body instead of your head. :punk:


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What if you have a shitty body......then your out of luck.....


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I always thought my hair looked thicker after I went swimming at the beach, anyway like sadscalp said



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^^Actually i've noticed this with mine too. And when i put a cap on for a short bit, my temples are covered so nicely. Same with going to a public swimming pool, hair seems so thick.

The Gardener

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timallen45 said:
What if you have a shitty body......then your out of luck.....
Then, in my case, I would simply take my bathing suit off. Give the girls something else to get distracted with.

uncomfortable man

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The beach is for jocks.


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uncomfortable man said:
The beach is for jocks.

What does that mean? The beach is a great place to cool off in summer, you must take it for granted. Try living in NY where there are no half decent beaches around, you'll be missing beaches.


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Salt water is somehow good for your hair and scalp because it balances out the sebacious glands or something. people who live near beaches apparently have better skin and hair. plus the salt in the air helps too.


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m.p.b owns any conditioning that salt water may or may not give.

Matt Skiba

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uncomfortable man said:
The beach is for jocks.

What the f*** is wrong with you? You sound like something out of a 1980s Rodney Dangerfield movie.

Going out and swimming is definitely a nice activity for everyone young and old. It's good exercise if you're near a nice unpolluted beach.. and swimming is probably one of the most effective ways to tone your body and have sexy abs and whatnot. It's one of the few things you can do that pretty much works your whole entire body all at the same time.

I also always tend to feel pretty good after a good swim, like a burst of endorphins. Hell I even feel like I get a little bit of a libido spike, perhaps from all the circulatory channels that swimming unlocks in your body.

I really would like to sign up for a gym that has a swimming pool sometime soon perhaps. It might take a bit of motivation to get off my *** and try to go there every other day or so, and it might also hit my wallet, but I'm thinking I can balance that out by quitting cigarettes... those fuckers are so expensive nowadays.

uncomfortable man

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Matt Skiba said:
I really would like to sign up for a gym
Gyms are for jocks.


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I dedicate this to UM :whistle: