The Big Bad Awesome Brotzu Lotion Faq


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Let me help out:

Q What more do we know about s-equol?
A S-equol or (S)-(–)-4',7-isoflavandiol is metabolized by human intestinal bacteria from the soy isoflavone daidzein in ~50% of Asians and ~30% of Caucasians. It is an agonist of the estrogen beta receptor, and it binds to DHT which neutralizes the molecule. Webmd reveals that there is positive evidence for equol yielding benefits for postmenapausal symptoms, metabolic syndrome, osteoperosis, breast cancer, diabetes, wrinkled skin, prostate cancer, heart disease and high cholesterol.

Q What more do we know about DGLA?
Dihomo-γ-linolenic acid (DGLA) is an Omega-6 fatty acid, one that is very uncommon in our food supply in contrast to Omega-6 fatty acids as a whole. It is an anti-inflammatory. It is being used in the product as a precursor to PGE1. Specifically, DGLA is converted to PGE1 via the cox-1 and cox-2 pathways. In adult men, PGE1 is a vasodilator and is most known as a treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Q What more do we know about L-carnitine?
L-carnitine is an amino acid and is involved in fat metabolism in mammals. It is a popular nutritional supplement right now. WebMD suggests there is evidence for kidney disease, chest pain, heart failure, high thyroid levels, male infertility, and inflammation. The highest dietary sources according to wikipedia are red meat, but it can also be found in many other foods.


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The patent has been added to the OP
Thanks again for organizing the important parts of the other thread in this one.

Like I mentioned in the other thread I highly recommend everyone reads the patent it's very informative and also mentions some good initial test results - although they are anecdotal not statistical.


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That patent was like a beautiful poem
Agreed. I can understand the negativity sometimes about any treatment. Hair loss is a daily battle of your mental outlook. What makes me excited about this treatment is that it's exactly what I need assuming it works. It can be really disheartening feeling so close yet so far.


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Agreed. I can understand the negativity sometimes about any treatment. Hair loss is a daily battle of your mental outlook. What makes me excited about this treatment is that it's exactly what I need assuming it works. It can be really disheartening feeling so close yet so far.

I feel ya, I would be indescribably happy if I could just STOP my hairline where it is, and, especially from reading that patent, this lotion is sounding like it could do that. Any kind of regrowth would be phenomenonal. Jeez I hope this comes out soon

That Guy

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Let me help out:

Q What more do we know about s-equol?
A S-equol or (S)-(–)-4',7-isoflavandiol is metabolized by human intestinal bacteria from the soy isoflavone daidzein in ~50% of Asians and ~30% of Caucasians. It is an agonist of the estrogen beta receptor, and it binds to DHT which neutralizes the molecule. Webmd reveals that there is positive evidence for equol yielding benefits for postmenapausal symptoms, metabolic syndrome, osteoperosis, breast cancer, diabetes, wrinkled skin, prostate cancer, heart disease and high cholesterol.

Q What more do we know about DGLA?
Dihomo-γ-linolenic acid (DGLA) is an Omega-6 fatty acid, one that is very uncommon in our food supply in contrast to Omega-6 fatty acids as a whole. It is an anti-inflammatory. It is being used in the product as a precursor to PGE1. Specifically, DGLA is converted to PGE1 via the cox-1 and cox-2 pathways. In adult men, PGE1 is a vasodilator and is most known as a treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Q What more do we know about L-carnitine?
L-carnitine is an amino acid and is involved in fat metabolism in mammals. It is a popular nutritional supplement right now. WebMD suggests there is evidence for kidney disease, chest pain, heart failure, high thyroid levels, male infertility, and inflammation. The highest dietary sources according to wikipedia are red meat, but it can also be found in many other foods.


Also, I will be compiling these FAQs into a downloadable .PDF later this month.


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Agreed. I can understand the negativity sometimes about any treatment. Hair loss is a daily battle of your mental outlook. What makes me excited about this treatment is that it's exactly what I need assuming it works. It can be really disheartening feeling so close yet so far.

We are in the same boat brother. This is exactly what i need as well, its not even funny..


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This should be a "Sticky Thread".


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i can do this, if you all and @That Guy in particular think that the main points in the video have not been covered by the faq.
We couldn't tell you if the video covers the main points in the video :) lol

Please do the more information we have the better.


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so the main points from the video, for @That Guy to process and use for the faq.
  • at the very beginning Brotzu warns that he's not competent in alopecia, at the level of the previous speakers. "I'm a vascular surgeon that hit this subject just by chance" [actually I was also stunned by his statements on s-equol behaving like finasteride, which is not correct; he does not pretend to be correct either]
    • the seed of his work on the lotion came from a research on how to carry PGE1 with liposomes to treat microcirculatory patologies
    • the fact that alopecia is also due to microcirculatory problems is something that he's been informed about later on, not his own theory
  • [a lot of details on blood microcirculation; i've skipped that but I can translate -- not understand -- if you need]
    • the pericytes are the last "valve" for the capillary (to regulate the blood flow towards the cells), and minoxidil acts on it among other things
  • [a number of details on AA]
  • some details on PGE etc.:
    • PGE1 improves the capillaries in terms of elasticity, permeability and multiplication of endothelial cells
    • PGE does that by modulating the production of inflammatory cytokines
    • oleic/linoleic acid causes a better permeation of keratinocytes through the endothelial cells
    • DHT is toxic for the endothelial cells [don't know how true this is]
  • [some introduction about cationic liposomes]
  • the experiments (7-8 years ago) were on treating diabetic ulcers, and there that they observed an improved hair growth
    • so they started testing this on a number of people willing to try that; these people (verbatim) "didn't suffer from a serious alopecia, they just had androgenetic alopecia" [I think he means that they were not affected by AA or totalis, but had a "simple" Androgenetic Alopecia]
      • they took dermoscopic pics at 0, 30, 120 and 240 days, and overall pics at 0, 120 and 240 days, and observed that shedding stopped and didn't restart, and visually improved [none in the team was expert in Androgenetic Alopecia or AA, so the only parameter used was shedding, it seems]
    • the experimental treatment of the first AA child was then done, with the original formulation (PGE1 instead of DGLA)
    • they made further experiments (on AA and Androgenetic Alopecia), with PGE1 and with DGLA, achieving similar results.
    • from what he says, they were reluctant to go ahead with treating alopecias, since that was just for curiosity at the very beginning, and when they saw what they expected, they wanted to move forward with other things in the core of their research. They did further treatments just because people were asking for it after the news leaked. (the famous AA child in the pics belongs to this later group, with DGLA)
  • all their work on microcirculation (PGE1 and DGLA) is just relieving the symptoms, and is not hitting the causes of AA and Androgenetic Alopecia
    • [that's why s-equol was added to the Androgenetic Alopecia compound]
    • on the issues related on "blocking" the causes of AA and Androgenetic Alopecia, he gives up, since he's a just a surgeon
So, my overall impression is:
  • he's presenting the work of the people in his team; he's not the main author (of course, given his seniority and position)
  • their research and the serendipity of it is related to the PGE1/DGLA part
  • S-equol came later to make a product out of it, once it moved from a research exercise to a commercial opportunity
Last edited:


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so the main points from the video, for @That Guy to process and use for the faq.
  • at the very beginning Brotzu warns that he's not competent in alopecia, at the level of the previous speakers. "I'm a vascular surgeon that hit this subject just by chance" [actually I was also stunned by his statements on s-equol behaving like finasteride, which is not correct; he does not pretend to be correct either]
    • the seed of his work on the lotion came from a research on how to carry PGE1 with liposomes to treat microcirculatory patologies
    • the fact that alopecia is also due to microcirculatory problems is something that he's been informed about later on, not his own theory
  • [a lot of details on blood microcirculation; i've skipped that but I can translate -- not understand -- if you need]
    • the pericytes are the last "valve" for the capillary (to regulate the blood flow towards the cells), and minoxidil acts on it among other things
  • [a number of details on AA]
    • PGE1 improves the capillaries in terms of elasticity, permeability and multiplication of endothelial cells
    • PGE does that by modulating the production of inflammatory cytokines
    • oleic/linoleic acid causes a better permeation of keratinocytes through the endothelial cells
    • DHT is toxic for the endothelial cells [don't know how true this is]
  • [some introduction about cationic liposomes]
  • the experiments (7-8 years ago) were on treating diabetic ulcers, and there that they observed an improved hair growth
    • so they started testing this on a number of people willing to try that; these people (verbatim) "didn't suffer from a serious alopecia, they just had androgenetic alopecia" [I think he means that they were not affected by AA or totalis, but had a "simple" Androgenetic Alopecia]
      • they took dermoscopic pics at 0, 30, 120 and 240 days, and overall pics at 0, 120 and 240 days, and observed that shedding stopped and didn't restart, and visually improved [none in the team was expert in Androgenetic Alopecia or AA, so the only parameter used was shedding, it seems]
    • the experimental treatment of the first AA child was then done, with the original formulation (PGE1 instead of DGLA)
    • they made further experiments (on AA and Androgenetic Alopecia), with PGE1 and with DGLA, achieving similar results.
    • from what he says, they were reluctant to go ahead with treating alopecias, since that was just for curiosity at the very beginning, and when they saw what they expected, they wanted to move forward with other things in the core of their research. They did further treatments just because people were asking for it after the news leaked. (the famous AA child in the pics belongs to this later group, with DGLA)
  • all their work on microcirculation (PGE1 and DGLA) is just relieving the symptoms, and is not hitting the causes of AA and Androgenetic Alopecia
    • [that's why s-equol was added to the Androgenetic Alopecia compound]
    • on the issues related on "blocking" the causes of AA and Androgenetic Alopecia, he gives up, since he's a just a surgeon
So, my overall impression is:
  • he's presenting the work of the people in his team; he's not the main author (of course, given his seniority and position)
  • their research and the serendipity of it is related to the PGE1/DGLA part
  • S-equol came later to make a product out of it, once it moved from a research exercise to a commercial opportunity

Props, you rock