Baldness never stops anyone forming a relationship if they are mentally, socially normal and realistic. Obviously important even without baldness. There's someone there for everyone long term if they put in some effort into their looks/behaviour and the chances of long term happiness and love are actually high. If you make effort for yourself and others, someone will make effort for you.
But looking at it from a superficial and objective POV it's a different reality. As some people wrote, the average guy will be screwed by hair loss somewhat and will fall from presentable back up option to disregarded. At that point, maybe even a below average full head will usurp him when faced with looks match girls. In the same way a handsome balding guy can be usurped by an average guy peacocking with good clothes, full hair, cool style, social skills e.t.c. It may not always happens, but even if it happens 3/10 times it shows hair is crucial. That's why balding hurts, especially in younger years. Anyway, quite easily a handsome balding guy can land a hottie no issues unless baldness totally destroyed his look somehow. Somehow most black guys are exempt from that which makes sense when you see how they pull it off incredibly well. So well, you don't even think of the term "pulls it off", it just looks normal. They just face the insecurity aspect that all of us on here felt/feel in relation to hair loss.
Being handsome like in the OP, will create spontaneous real attraction - emotional connection goes for a hike and instinct wants to takes over. It's a switch devoid of long term investment or any tests of character. We can't fault women, we think the same when in the company of a beauty. A masculine face like OP (low brow, smaller closer set of eyes, wide mid tier, jaw line, full lips) is the benchmark with balanced proportional features. It's something that pretty boys will have (just that they are more known for beauty) and pure tougher looking men. Ideally a mix is perfect as Shookwun once alluded too but all 3 forms girls will chase.
At a point in time you have to build on your strengths and accept unchangeable weaknesses in order to live your life happily. Bring something else to the table for your own self worth and to impress others. Actually this should be something everyone should already be doing anyway, but it's more important if image is compromised perhaps. There was too much bitterness here at times beyond just wanting hair - this rage for being "inferior" will drive some bonkers even if they weren't genetically predisposed to problems.
Then you have someone like Xander who is good looking and at least normal intelligence, yet is in a tough spot mentally if he isn't trolling with his black pill obsession. The cancer of being mentally dominated by "pills" and "chads/staceys" is dangerous imo. Invented by internet dwellers, usually socially isolated, autistic and cuck like forming essentially a cult. "Normie" any day of the week.
Aesthetics obsession when you lack basic aesthetics is a fruitless and painful endeavour. Looksmaxing is one thing but "beta rage" is another with devastating life consequences in some shape or form. Imagine someone torturing themselves daily over not being a famous singer if they sing like they have a frog in their throat or larnygeal palsy.
Couple of quotes come to mind for me. Everyone adopts one or another many times in their life depending on what they're facing.
"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire."
"The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist expects it to change, the realist adjusts the sails."