The Ex-Factor (as in ex gf)


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you look gay? :dunno:

read more. 3.5 months on treatments is not enough time at all to see anything


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brick is right 3.5 months isnt anything

you may be suffering from Telogen Effluvium combined with you genetic male pattern baldness
usually if you suffer a trauma
hairloss will occur approx 3-6 months after the event
the "trauma" tells you follicles to stop growing and then after a couple months they fall out
they are however replaced by new hair and if you are suffering from male pattern baldness they will normally be finer and less pigmented (unfortunately)

it sounds like your on finasteride so thats good

usually results from finasteride dont occur until after the first year
so be patient


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hey man, i hear you on the EX factor, it sucks, i went through a similar situation in january too, in fact. I've been with a few girls since her but it obviously doesnt help if you were committed to the girl, you know what i'm talkin about....

Anyway, the good news is this: At 3.5 months, what your experiencing is completely normal, it would be odd if you didnt notice thinning/receeding at 3.5 months, most people go through a shed in the beginning of their treatment...I started finasteride in july 07, and I was ready to stop completely even as late as december of 07 because my hair looked worse than it did before i started... But i stuck with it and it has paid off in a major way. I'd say i went through a shed from 2-6 months on treatment, and from 8 months on its been all uphill, my hair look a ton better than it was even a year or so before getting on the finasteride.

Just stick with it and youll be fine in a few months, the shedding period always sucks, but by the next time the girl sees you in a few months, you'll have more hair than her, thatl show her.


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haha, nice man, if the girl's are cool with it, you're fine.. But when you do see results it'l just be that much more gratifying to you (and them).

But honestly man, what you're going through with the ex is hell on earth I'm sure, the only bright side i'd imagine is that things probably can't get any worse, so it could very realistically be all uphill from here in the coming years.

As far as the hair though.... The thing i need to stress is that nearly everyone i know, including myself, who has had success on the finasteride or minoxidil or both, has always gone through a shedding period right around months 2-3 and it seems to last up until month 6 or so. Look at it this way, if you stop these meds, your hair is screwed anyway, so even if you think the meds might not work that well, its certainly worth a shot, but believe me, i'm willing to bet anything that your hair will recover and will start looking as good as ever...
A lot of big 3 vets told me the same thing i'm telling you when i first started out and i had trouble believing them as well because every time i looked in the mirror for the first few months my hair just seemed to be getting worse. I thought i might just be a nonresponder or something, but I'm really grateful they kept insisting i stick with it because at this point I couldn't be happier with the results.

A lot of people i talked to when i first started the meds would tell me "dont even begin to evaluate your results until at least month 10"... That is definitely true. I really didn't notice that my hair was improving until at least around month 9.5. It was discouraging as hell, and in your situation i'll bet its that much worse, but stick with it no matter what, and you will not be disappointed.


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rheinblick03 said:
Brick said:
you look gay? :dunno:

read more. 3.5 months on treatments is not enough time at all to see anything

i aint gay you....and i dont look gay, since my ex left me i have been with 11 women in 3 months but thats not important to me, i just want my family back....and my hair with it!

Hey man, Brick wasn't saying you were gay, he was questioning your first post when you said you look gay.


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Is this guy for real?


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Rheinblick, Have you thought about a career in show business............................. :whistle:


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haha a little touchy on the gay subject? wow lol

anyway, I was originally bringing the point that you used "gay" to desribe your unhappiness with the appearance of your hair.



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hey man, to answer your questions:

1. Yeah, most people i know, including myself tend to go backwards before goin forwards when first starting meds. People call it a "shedding" period and it's completely normal.. There are even a few hair docs I asked this same question when I first started out because I didn't really fully believe some random guys on forums. But it's definitely true.

2. For me, I'd say I caught my hair loss just in time. I didnt have that much recesssion, but a little bit, the problem was my hair was thinning all over. When I first started propecia, about 2.5 months in things started going downhill, i receeded slightly more and thinned even more as well to the point where id have to style my hair to make it look like I wasn't balding but it was still a little apparent. It stopped going downhill around month 6 and stabilized. I was still pissed though because I was expecting at least to maintain my original head of hair, but it was still looking a bit worse. I stuck it out though and to my surprise things started looking better around month 7. It wasnt super noticeable at first though, my hair just looked healthier and abit thicker. But as the months went on, the thickness kept increasing and my hairline/temples thickened up as well and "solidified" so to speak, meaning although i dont have a perfect hairline, the hair in front is just as thick as the hair on top.
So I did thin a bit while on meds in the first few months but it thickened up over the next year with a vengence, plus, It really helped the front of my hair which was the biggest problem to begin with. So I'm just thinking what your going through is definitely a shed, the only thing really to do is stick it out, it sucks to begin with but your hair will be better off for it. Plus it'l take your mind off the girl at least a little bit once you start seeing some nice progress.


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Been there bro...

Some of the forum members disagree with me, but I happen to believe stress and depression can trigger and accelerate male pattern baldness.

In my opinion, someone who is susceptible to male pattern baldness can tip the fragile hormonal balance when something major like an X factor happens. The messed up hormonal balance triggers male pattern baldness and everything goes pear-shaped.

I strongly recommend you try to manage your stress. Go jogging, get some vitamins in you, etc.

My hair deteriorated very quickly after I suffered a stressful period, since then my hair hasn't changed much.

Good luck!!!


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rheinblick03 said:
I would go back to the sl*t if I had the chance because I truly love her, but I want women to sexually gratify me. Why does that make me 14? Why, because I dont like dudes?

No because you speak with all the maturity of a 14 yr old trying to impress his mates. If you really are 34 then you have bigger problems than just hairloss.


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rheinblick03 said:
s.a.f said:
Brick said:
Did you say your age was 34 or 14?
:agree: :hump:

You guys are retarded, I am a grown man who is not wanting to be seduced by a man and his 9 inch viper up in my poop shoot. No, I like women and want to have a full head of hair so I can have women do perverse things to me that my ex never did. I would go back to the sl*t if I had the chance because I truly love her, but I want women to sexually gratify me. Why does that make me 14? Why, because I dont like dudes?

let's all take it easy!!!! You've been under a lot of stress and you probably go through a bit of insecurity right now.

The whole gay thing shouldn't threaten you. The fact that you go on the defensive so quickly shows that you have some insecurities, which is understandable after what you've been through. That's why the 14 comment.. At 34, you should be sexually secure and not feel threatened or insulted so easily. There might be some deeper problems there that you aren't aware of yet.

Also, there is no going back. You don't love her, you just can't forget her. Forget her and move on, the grass is greener on the other side. Find a girl who will "sexually gratify you", and you'll be happy. I mean get a rebound relationship, have some fun and then move on to a proper relationship....

s.a.f said:
rheinblick03 said:
I would go back to the sl*t if I had the chance because I truly love her, but I want women to sexually gratify me. Why does that make me 14? Why, because I dont like dudes?

No because you speak with all the maturity of a 14 yr old trying to impress his mates. If you really are 34 then you have bigger problems than just hairloss.

Give him a break!!! Of course he has "bigger" problems, but you could put it more gently :dunno:


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ali777 said:
Some of the forum members disagree with me, but I happen to believe stress and depression can trigger and accelerate male pattern baldness.

In my opinion, someone who is susceptible to male pattern baldness can tip the fragile hormonal balance when something major like an X factor happens. The messed up hormonal balance triggers male pattern baldness and everything goes pear-shaped.

I suspect the same....


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I think he ran off from here. He said his "goodbyes" to Cassin on another thread.


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I've read it reported that severe physical (and emotional) stress can cause Telogen Effluvium (note, not male pattern baldness), as in you shed a vast number of hairs and you look very thin and ragged.
When you recover, the hair usually grows back.

I've never seen this in practice though, even people going through drugs withdrawal (heroin) seem to keep all of their hair intact, despite otherwise looking like hell.


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cuebald said:
I've read it reported that severe physical (and emotional) stress can cause Telogen Effluvium (note, not male pattern baldness), as in you shed a vast number of hairs and you look very thin and ragged.
When you recover, the hair usually grows back.

Yes.. BUT.... The science of hormones and hairloss isn't that straight forward. Imagine someone like me, susceptible to male pattern baldness but the hormones are just about holding on. Then a bout of stress weakens the body's defense and the follicles don't have the means to fight DHT attacks.

cuebald said:
I've never seen this in practice though, even people going through drugs withdrawal (heroin) seem to keep all of their hair intact, despite otherwise looking like hell.

I have seen a few instances of Telogen Effluvium. One particular new mother I saw, had severe Telogen Effluvium. Imagine a NW4-5 guy with long hair, you know how thin the top of his hair looks?? With Telogen Effluvium, the whole head looks like that...


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I think its extremely rare if at all. I dont think stress played any part in my hairloss and I dont imagine it could have possibly altered it in anyway. There are'nt many guys going on tours of Afghanistan and coming back bald and most presidents/prime ministers also have full heads of hair.
The old stress theory was the top old wives tale before they discovered about DHT and the real reasons for M.P.B.


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Ok, we get your point that you are not gay. You don't have to keep repeating yourself like a gay parrot.