So I lost most of my hair, if taking 'you are as old as your hairline' I am 60 years old. I had many girlfriends through my short life (I am 21 in March), which f*****g almost destroyed me. So, sometimes I feel crushed between living some life without anyone (you need to heal from traumatic experiences), but at the other hand, life of a man who almost killed himself 5 years ago and had many troubling relationships made me worn out psychologically and physically (I look like f*****g sh*t. Not only am I bald, I start developing a double chin despite being somewhat built but still skinny, I have dark circles under my eyes, I already have crow's feet when smiling), I genuinely am afraid I will not live to see my grandkids or even worse, that I will die before I see my children grown up. Having a loyal girl who seems to love me, seems to understand me and unironically helped me many times, should I settle down with her or should I risk never finding anyone anymore with my decaying body and settle down later? (idk if I am seriously decaying or it's just effect of botched suicide attempt)
The fact that you atleast have a loyal loving gf who loves you for you since you say you're bald, is a pretty big win.
Most guys lose their hair and can't find a girl.
Regarding your health, I'd say get to work on fixing that asap. Health is wealth. When you feel healthy, you have a lot more zest for life and feel a lot stronger not just physically but mentally too.
I recommend completely cutting out all sugars, and gluten, and if you can, ideally dairy as well. Many people are sensitive to it and don't know it simply because they don't get the extreme side effects of people who have proper Celiac Disease or accute Lactose Intolerance.
I was one of those people who didn't know I was sensitive to those things until I completely stopped them and felt 10x better after only just a few weeks.
Cutting out bread, flour and gluten completely especially was a huge game changer. It sped up my fast metabolism to what it was when I was a teenager and the unhealthy fat just melted off with ease. It will make you look and feel a LOT better and younger and leaner, you will feel lighter and less tired and bloated and you will have a lot more energy and zest for life. It's quite amazing what a diet change can do, very underrated. It can also help hair.
Best decision I've made was cutting these out. But when you do consider doing it, there's some important guidelines to do it, ler me know and I'll tell you what they are. You also don't need to go on a hard-core keto diet.
Still eat similar calories, just substitute the unhealthy (sugars, gluten, diary) for the healthy stuff like fresh foods and vegetables.