The forum and this part in particular have changed!



I remember one year ago this place was a lot different. There weren´t as many lies about how great hair loss and that many women love it...... People came here to rant and whine and they had other people joining them. Like that they could be sure at least that they weren´t alone with their destiny. I am talking about TourdeForce24 or the old Aplunk1. Remember Jeffsss who used to post us daily updates of his hair? It was the time when I joined and when I read his posts I knew: "I am not alone." Nowadays it looks different. Posters who have something negative are being ridiculed and insulted. It seems that nobody is really bothered by hairloss.....


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damn that new aplunk. how dare he be optimistic and try to deal with things in a sensible and reasonable manner. Mods you all knew this day would come, its time to ban Aplunk for being too sensible.


Taug, what you need to understand is that being bothered about something doesn't mean being suicidal about something.

badasshairday III

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People get over it after a while. I suggest you do that too.


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Tauge, I agree with you.

We need to embrace and understand our brothers, whether they're depressed, happy, whatever... This section is around for venting and is just as important as the others.


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On that note, I'm really glad that some posters here can remember the tough times I've seen. Powersam, thanks, buddy, and you, too, Tauge.

Most of my "extremely depressed" rants have been removed, for personal reasons.

For the life of me I cannot find the will to write the posts I once did. I'm sure that they provided great relief to some of the depressed, or possibly suicidal, members of the forum, but my time has passed. It's something inexplicable, but once your depression clears up, it's difficult to ever wonder how you stayed in that situation.

Tauge, if I were in Germany with you right now man, I'd lament over hairloss with you over a beer. There's a time to lament, but there are also times to be happy. It's healthy to exercise both parts. You're a smart, good-looking kid, and one day you're going to be on top of the world. Try to get yourself there, brother.


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Taugenichts said:
I remember one year ago this place was a lot different. There weren´t as many lies about how great hair loss and that many women love it...... People came here to rant and whine and they had other people joining them. Like that they could be sure at least that they weren´t alone with their destiny. I am talking about TourdeForce24 or the old Aplunk1. Remember Jeffsss who used to post us daily updates of his hair? It was the time when I joined and when I read his posts I knew: "I am not alone." Nowadays it looks different. Posters who have something negative are being ridiculed and insulted. It seems that nobody is really bothered by hairloss.....

I'm in two minds about this,
Yes it bugs me the optimists who say we should'nt care about hairloss and it wont effect your atractivness to women (blondeguy/justshaveit) if thats the case why does this forum exist and why does anyone who complains about people venting come on here.
There is no question that this is severly frustrating and can be emotionally upsetting.
It effects differnt guys to different degrees and for some who dont have good confidence (for whatever reason) it can ruin their entire outlook on life.
However some guys who talk about suicide and whine about being nw2 etc only hurt the argument and make us all look ridiculous.


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Well Taug, I don't think it has changed that much at all, even when Jeffs used to post Freestyle would make a living out of flaming the sh*t out of him.


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There is a difference between whining and being self-destructive. To be honest, I don't feel as though the forum needs either. Especially, a whole entire thread dedicated to people that enjoy spreading their hatred and jealousy of others or enjoy using their depression as a tool to make other people feel sorry for them. That's just messed up.

If people want to really talk about their depression, then they should go to a licensed professional. They shouldn't be here dragging down other people that actually have the will to fight the good fight. A few instances of doubt is okay, but clinical depression is ugly business and no one here should have to hear about it or deal with it during a very important point in their life when they have to decide if they are willing to accept themselves for who they are inside while slowly losing who they believe they are on the outside.


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s.a.f said:
I'm in two minds about this,
Yes it bugs me the optimists who say we should'nt care about hairloss and it wont effect your atractivness to women (blondeguy/justshaveit) if thats the case why does this forum exist and why does anyone who complains about people venting come on here.
There is no question that this is severly frustrating and can be emotionally upsetting.
It effects differnt guys to different degrees and for some who dont have good confidence (for whatever reason) it can ruin their entire outlook on life.
However some guys who talk about suicide and whine about being nw2 etc only hurt the argument and make us all look ridiculous.

I agree. I don't like NW1's who say they would not care if they went bald, and act we have no excuse for having trouble getting women.
However, I'm not going to let loss of sex keep me from graduating or going hiking or anything else, and I believe if I can get in good enough shape, and keep the minimal hair I have, I can still get a cute woman, if not a pretty one. I know some bald professionals with pretty wives, so money does compensate and I will get sex some day. Those suicidal guys are crazy.


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some people on here just complain about their baldness. I tell people what they can do to minimize the bald look and compensate for it.


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Some of this thread is true. It will affect you no matter what you say, but as I like to point out, you need to get over it, dont let it dominate your every thought (easier said than done). I for one have "kinda" got over it, this forum did help me because before joining I felt I was abit alone, I couldnt believe that I had got depressed about it whereas everyone got on with their lives in my eyes.
Id be lying if I said I was 100% ok with going bald but it is life, sometimes you get dealt a bad hand, you need to soldier through it. Ill probably shave my head within 3 years as Ive got the right face for it and Im still buzzing my head. I wish I had more hair but I dont, so what??? 6 year old kids get diagnosed with terminal cancer, so I must be lucky!

Taug-you need to do something about your life, to put a new direction on it. You should definately join a sports club so you can socialise alot more, you moan about women but no woman is going to want you for the right reasons when you are depressed, self pitying(sp?) and put yourself down all the time. Your an above average looking guy with a good side to you. I too dont trust women but there are a select few who I would trust with my life.

Make the most of what youve got, Im sorry for my aimless post but I felt like it!


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I think the majority of folks on sites like these want to regrow and maintain their hair. I think some folks like to talk about how depression is ruining their lives. I personally think this forum should be retitled "Gahhh I am so f'g pathetic I don't want to leave my room!" or something like that. Get over it. Get out there, and you'll find women won't like you not because of your hair, but because you are too self-absorbed and negative. Go live life don't spend hours bitching on the internet.

Man I love the big3, couldn't be happier!


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yea i totally agree with you, taug.

i think alot of people are trying to justify negative traits or behaviors with kind words.

to a bald Norwood 5-6 guy: "oh, you look sexy with that bald look"
to an ugly faced dood: "oh, your face is pretty. who told you that you dont look handsome" then when you asked for her phone #, she will probably say she's taken..
to a short *** guy: "height don't matter. you will find true love in no time"

even the people who advocate that hairloss isnt too bad, they are such a hypocrite cuz they are going against their words by using hair treatments themselves.


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Yes but in Taugs case he really isnt the ugly b*stard he thinks he is.

Bald Dave

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s.a.f said:
I remember one year ago this place was a lot different. There weren´t as many lies about how great hair loss and that many women love it...... People came here to rant and whine and they had other people joining them. Like that they could be sure at least that they weren´t alone with their destiny. I am talking about TourdeForce24 or the old Aplunk1. Remember Jeffsss who used to post us daily updates of his hair? It was the time when I joined and when I read his posts I knew: "I am not alone." Nowadays it looks different. Posters who have something negative are being ridiculed and insulted. It seems that nobody is really bothered by hairloss.....

I'm in two minds about this,
Yes it bugs me the optimists who say we should'nt care about hairloss and it wont effect your atractivness to women (blondeguy/justshaveit) if thats the case why does this forum exist and why does anyone who complains about people venting come on here.
There is no question that this is severly frustrating and can be emotionally upsetting.
It effects differnt guys to different degrees and for some who dont have good confidence (for whatever reason) it can ruin their entire outlook on life.
However some guys who talk about suicide and whine about being nw2 etc only hurt the argument and make us all look ridiculous.

SAF, its not just hair that stops you from getting women! You could be a very ugly or fat guy? You could be a loser and have no life? You could be a boring old fart? There are more factors out there as to why you can't get women! Hairloss is the least of your worries if you suffer from the points I've just mentioned! Can bald guys get a nice looking girls? Yes of course they can! But can ugly, fat losers get nice girls? No they can't!


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Bald Dave said:
Taugenichts said:
I remember one year ago this place was a lot different. There weren´t as many lies about how great hair loss and that many women love it...... People came here to rant and whine and they had other people joining them. Like that they could be sure at least that they weren´t alone with their destiny. I am talking about TourdeForce24 or the old Aplunk1. Remember Jeffsss who used to post us daily updates of his hair? It was the time when I joined and when I read his posts I knew: "I am not alone." Nowadays it looks different. Posters who have something negative are being ridiculed and insulted. It seems that nobody is really bothered by hairloss.....

I'm in two minds about this,
Yes it bugs me the optimists who say we should'nt care about hairloss and it wont effect your atractivness to women (blondeguy/justshaveit) if thats the case why does this forum exist and why does anyone who complains about people venting come on here.
There is no question that this is severly frustrating and can be emotionally upsetting.
It effects differnt guys to different degrees and for some who dont have good confidence (for whatever reason) it can ruin their entire outlook on life.
However some guys who talk about suicide and whine about being nw2 etc only hurt the argument and make us all look ridiculous.

SAF, its not just hair that stops you from getting women! You could be a very ugly or fat guy? You could be a loser and have no life? You could be a boring old fart? There are more factors out there as to why you can't get women! Hairloss is the least of your worries if you suffer from the points I've just mentioned! Can bald guys get a nice looking girls? Yes of course they can! But can ugly, fat losers get nice girls? No they can't![/quote:1d2df]

respect Bald Dave.

if i were to get CCS on you all and graph hotness of the women i've been with vs the quantity of my hair, you'd see as the hair went down the hotness went up. the two are not related. i just became more confident and present in myself, and probably more interesting as well. if you dig who you are, other people (especially women) can't help but wonder what you've got going on.


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Powersam i agree with you.

Taug when you talk with people to you want to be with the ones that are funny and have a good conversation or do you want to be with somebody who is depressed all the time and doesn´t have any sense of humour?

Think about it. In my case i would choose to talk more with powersam than with you :wink:

I complain against guys in here that are always depressed with their hair because it seems they have no point in life...what´s that?

I work in an airport and i see alot of bald men. Alot of them are laughing, happy or alongside fit women. The british ones are the funniest and always crack some joke. :D

Life isn´t just about hair. There´s so much thing to do.


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Btw, look at the bald man in my avatar.

And better yet look at Vin Diesel who has no problems with women.

And before you say he has women just because he has money and fame...i have a friend who is also big and head shaven and he always had some women alongside him and most of them were 10´s. He works for the portuguese army.

Now he´s married and has a child with yet another 10 babe :)


FabioM said:
Btw, look at the bald man in my avatar.

And better yet look at Vin Diesel who has no problems with women.

And before you say he has women just because he has money and fame...i have a friend who is also big and head shaven and he always had some women alongside him and most of them were 10´s. He works for the portuguese army.

Now he´s married and has a child with yet another 10 babe :)

Yeah huge built guys have advantage when they go bald. They can always go for the tough big guy look... I'm 171 cm, skin & bones.