The Four Major Personalty Types And Who We Are Attracted Too.


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I read this book by an anthropologist this week.

It said in nature we have 4 primary personality types with secondary and even thirdly(?) personalties as well

They were

Each primary type has a chemical attached to it (either exposure in womb or during puberty etc)

Explorers m/f are drawn and do better with same
builders m/f are also drawn and do better with same
Director and negotiator m/f however tend to do better with the opposite

Your secondary personality also really helps figure out who you are compatable with as well but I wont get into the nuances of it.

Now this is different then 'physical' attraction---you still have to be physically attracted, this is a separate issue---this is about relationships not hooking up. This is about relationships.

Anyway when I read this I thought of the site because I thought of Johson right away as the 'explorers' And @WhitePolarBear reminded me of the 'builder'.

Explorer are people who just want to experience adventure and there is very little thought given to having a family or building a more traditional or stable life.

Where Builders--this is their main focus in a productive life--to have a family, tradition, they can be regimented, they like rules and they make great stable parents and are the type of people when they marry it's 50+year marriages. (if they pick another Builder of course).

Where Explorers struggle in longevity in marriages even when they are with a compatable mate (explorers) and often have multiple mates they breed with over time (2nd marriages are common with Explorers).

The Directors and Negotiators were interesting as well because they are drawn and attracted to one another for balance.
Directors tend to be logical, compartmentalized, driven, ambitious.
Negotiators tend to be empathic, compassionate, emotional, etc

Basically the traditional male and female stereo types.

And in fact MOST directors are male and MOST negotiators are female where the other two personality types of personalty are 50/50 evenly divided by gender.

I found it interesting because I realized a lot of my ex BF were the 'explorer' types. And I find in past few years the type I am drawn to are 'Directors' and I have always had hard time with males who I find to be Negotiators.

anyway it was interesting read because I remember having a debate with @Exodus2011 about women and intelligence...and I think it's less about intelligence and more about personality type.

They said that female to male transgender who take estrogen felt less focused for example where the Male to female transgender on testosterone felt MORE focused.

It also made me think of our Anti Androgen drugs--and if these drugs are effecting primary or secondary personalty traits.

Men often complain of brain fog on Propecia--I don't know what brain fog 'is' but perhaps it is just a simple lack of focus they are used to and to them it feels unnatural to be in that state.

Anyway just interesting it reminded me of some of you.
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You wrote most negotiators are female.

while later you wrote Negotiators are empathetic/passionate/emotional.

Nope bro...sorry.


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I found it interesting because I realized a lot of my ex BF were the 'explorer' types. And I find in past few years the type I am drawn to are 'Directors' and I have always had hard time with males who I find to be Negotiators

you had a hard time with males who are compassionate and empathetic?


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You wrote most negotiators are female.

while later you wrote Negotiators are empathetic/passionate/emotional.

Nope bro...sorry.

those are the positive traits

there are negative to each one too.

Its not about bad or good. Positive or negative.

All persoality positives can be flipped to negatives.

Maybe you are not drawn to women who are Negotiators

maybe you are more drawn to women who are Explorers, Builders or even women who are Directors.

maybe you are a negotiator.


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you had a hard time with males who are compassionate and empathetic?

ALL personality types feel some compassion to various degrees. That is just being human. Its about the how strong they represent these personality types.

It's the other traits in them I don't do well with in comparison to other personality types in men.
I appreciate men who are direct and frank. Men who are indirect make me uncomfortable.

Its like some men would be uncomfortable with women who are directors because they can be bossy.
Again some men will like a bossier woman. Some women will like a more empathic man.
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"Attracted to personalities" :D:D:D:D:D:D




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You wrote most negotiators are female.

while later you wrote Negotiators are empathetic/passionate/emotional.

Nope bro...sorry.

negative traits of negotiators from book.

They can stab in back
they can be 'glib'
they can be manipulative
they can be nosy
they can be complainer/whiners
they can be critical
they can be self absorbed

ALL the personality types have a dark side....its not good vs bad, m vs f.
Also they are all affected by their secondary personalty.


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I have been reading this for the past few days

Puts what we already know into perspective on how looks indicate everything.

We can blind our perceptions, but we cannot change our actions and selection.

We live our lives behind the most observed part of the human body: FACE. everybody has an opinion of what they want, but they always displace the truth on what entirely matters. Our identity and alley through our life that indicates how others perceive and treat us. It doesnt matter what we say, its how we are judged and nothing but plastic surgery can change this. Everything else is a secondary characteristic to the main package.

Face is the silent grief we live behind that few understand. Mistaking us for assholes with attitude when we have low self-esteem and confidence.

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Senior Member
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I have been reading this for the past few days

Puts what we already know into perspective on how looks indicate everything.

We can blind our perceptions, but we cannot change our actions and selection.

We live our lives behind the most observed part of the human body: FACE. everybody has an opinion of what they want, but they always displace the truth on what entirely matters. Our identity and alley through our life that indicates how others perceive and treat us. It doesnt matter what we say, its how we are judged and nothing but plastic surgery can change this. Everything else is a secondary characteristic to the main package.

Face is the silent grief we live behind that few understand. Mistaking us for assholes with attitude when we have low self-esteem and confidence.

View attachment 58751

I hope that you have the time and will to write a review.


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I hope that you have the time and will to write a review.

There is no identity when we hide from our problems. Every day we face issues and consequences and without a face you have no identity.

Plastic surgery deals with the very soul of the patient, which is why it has been called ‘surgery of the psyche’. When a person chooses to have surgery, they’re making a decisive statement about their life and how they feel about their identity. Afterwards, they’ll change the signals they give out and the responses we give back.

Quotes like this are what make me feel better about my decision to emotionally invest within my self.


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No one cares about your personality. It doesn't matter if you have a good personality or not to keep your relationship healthy and stable. If you have good looks your partner will do EVERYTHING they could do to keep you with them because that excesses their value. No woman ever leaves the chad. The only two cases in which the woman leaves the chad are.
1- She finds someone better.
2- The chad leaves her to f*** another woman and impregnates her with his 99th kid.


Senior Member
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I have been reading this for the past few days

Puts what we already know into perspective on how looks indicate everything.

We can blind our perceptions, but we cannot change our actions and selection.

We live our lives behind the most observed part of the human body: FACE. everybody has an opinion of what they want, but they always displace the truth on what entirely matters. Our identity and alley through our life that indicates how others perceive and treat us. It doesnt matter what we say, its how we are judged and nothing but plastic surgery can change this. Everything else is a secondary characteristic to the main package.

Face is the silent grief we live behind that few understand. Mistaking us for assholes with attitude when we have low self-esteem and confidence.

View attachment 58751

face > known universe

wow, #flashnews


My Regimen
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I have been reading this for the past few days

Puts what we already know into perspective on how looks indicate everything.

We can blind our perceptions, but we cannot change our actions and selection.

We live our lives behind the most observed part of the human body: FACE. everybody has an opinion of what they want, but they always displace the truth on what entirely matters. Our identity and alley through our life that indicates how others perceive and treat us. It doesnt matter what we say, its how we are judged and nothing but plastic surgery can change this. Everything else is a secondary characteristic to the main package.

Face is the silent grief we live behind that few understand. Mistaking us for assholes with attitude when we have low self-esteem and confidence.

View attachment 58751

Face matters..this antrhorpolgist talks about the selection of looks.

BUT its not about who you just f*** or date for a period of time...this is about selecting a mate you want to marry etc.

Its not saying you exclusively pick these coordinating personality types

But you tend to have better relationships when you do.

For instance you are probably a director...if you picked a female director to have kids marry you would probably be miserable in few years time vs finding a woman who is a negotiator because the negotiator is going to be more submissive to your dominance.

Its hard to sum up the whole thing you have to read her studies it makes a lot of sense.