"The Impact of Hair Loss"


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I think this was pointed out somewhere else recently, that hair loss affects everybody differently.

Obviously it is 90% of the time a bad thing. If it wasn't, so much time and money would be spent trying to fight the seemingly inevitable.

I guess for me, hair loss was one of the final problems that really knocked me down and is keeping me there.

It's not so much the hair loss in question that has affected my social life, personality and affluent drive. It's the amount of time I spend obsessing over it, the psychology which is the deciding factor as to whether it can ultimately destroy or save me.

As a child I was bullied. My goal at age 11 was to leave that school and make "friends".

When I started High School I became increasingly aware I was Gay. My goal at age 15 was to keep these "friends" by being ultimately, "normal".

At age 18, I was comfortable with my sexuality finally, and when I came out I still got to keep my "friends" and my identity, throwing normal away as it was no longer needed.

Then my hairloss problem hits. And all over again it's me struggling to deal with the fact that I'm not "normal". It isn't normal to lose hair at such a young age. Yes, it isn't "normal" to be Gay, but I'd say from a consumerist, superficial standpoint such as our society right now, most would rather me gay then bald.

Then I think things, such as, it was possible for me to make friends when I was 11. It was possible for me to keep said friends as I went through my silent sexuality struggle... but is it possible for me to overcome this?

I'm not sure. A lot of my life was spent trying to impress people, the latter of my teenage years through my looks and because of the superficial nature of the 'gay' community my qualms with hair loss are magnified.

This just being my example, and also an example of how it isn't hair loss that makes up the bowl of our problems. It just makes us stop and think critically and sometimes shamefully at ourselves.

By the way hi guys I'm back again. Used to post under the name Spec, or Speculum02 until I googled the world speculum and discovered what it actually means.


Hi Spec, I remember you!

I would also rather be gay than bald. Having to deal with both isn´t easy for sure.....

What do you mean by:

A lot of my life was spent trying to impress people, the latter of my teenage years through my looks

Are you that goodlooking? Consider yourself lucky then!


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Are you that goodlooking? Consider yourself lucky then!

Don't think so (theres my inferiority complex coming through) but people have always complemented me. I've been through like 4 girlfriends, 10 fuckbuddies and about 12 boyfriends.

Thanks for remembering me by the way. In the months I was gone I actually was really happy, with my hair and life. But I was just kidding myself basically. Some sh*t went down a couple months back and I wasn't on a "high on life" attitude anymore which was when I started hyper analysing myself, cutting my own hair, and etc etc and here I am now.

Depressed AGAIN self conscious AGAIN and sitting at home instead of going out AGAIN.

Ah its like last year repeating itself, albeit with a bit of a sense of humor and some experience this time around.


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I would also rather be gay than bald. Having to deal with both isn´t easy for sure.....

Taug that is an idiotic statement

TheGlamorous- You sound like youve had alot to deal with through your teenage years, so hairloss shouldnt really be that difficult for you, and isnt a shaved head readily accepted in the gay community? or isnt that an option?


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I remember you Speculum, your buddy Jayman went and got himself banned. :roll: when you stopped posting I thought that you'd managed to come to terms with your hairloss, :) and must be doing ok. but unfortunatley it seems not since you've come back to rejoin us bunch of neurotics. :youbet:


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Taug should be gay.


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Hey Glamorous (spec),

I wrote a long post, but my backspace key screwed up my browser... Welcome back to the forums.

There's really no reason to get down on yourself. A lot of us have moved on past the hairloss depression phase and have wholly benefitted from it, myself included (Speaking of which, it's about time I had a long vacation from HairLossTalk.com). It's something that's going to bother you when you're young, no doubt about it, but it *really* does get easier on you when you get older. Easy to say, right? Well, just take my word for it-- it does.

Anyway, that's all I can manage for now. Goodluck with your hair, man. Are you still on a regimen or just using Nano now?


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Aplunk1 said:
Hey Glamorous (spec),
Anyway, that's all I can manage for now. Goodluck with your hair, man. Are you still on a regimen or just using Nano now?

Proscar cut into 4ths, Nizoral 2%.

I don't use nanogen anymore I don't actually really need it. It's more i'm shitty at how far back my hairline is and how big my forehead looks if I dont position my hair the right way. I take hairspray with me everywhere I go nowadays lol.

I remember you Speculum, your buddy Jayman went and got himself banned. :roll: when you stopped posting I thought that you'd managed to come to terms with your hairloss, :) and must be doing ok. but unfortunatley it seems not since you've come back to rejoin us bunch of neurotics.

Yeah I heard about the whole JayMan fiasco. That sucks.
I stopped posting the day that I cut my hair really short and for some reason decided it looked "ok". Mostly because it was so short that the wind couldn't blow it therefore I was going out in the wind every day without giving a sh*t which was such a liberating feeling. Then i let it grow out long and started to style it wacky, to which I eventually thought I was "the sh*t" and even quit my supermarket job (again) to work in a high end fashion clothing store.

Got a haircut in june and it all came crashing doooown. Oh well!


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TheGlamorous said:
By the way hi guys I'm back again. Used to post under the name Spec, or Speculum02 until I googled the world speculum and discovered what it actually means.

LOL! :mrgreen:


Itsonlyinmyhead said:
I would also rather be gay than bald. Having to deal with both isn´t easy for sure.....

Taug that is an idiotic statement

So, it is an idiotic statement to claim that many homosexual teenagers have trouble accepting their sexuality? Lol, theglamorous himself wrote that it took time for him to accept it. Some never achieve this. Just look at all these homosexual and homophobic politicians. Guess what, I know this out of my own experience. There was a time (a few weeks) when I thought myself that I was gay. I was 11 (!!!) at this time and somehow thought I was gay. I have got no idea why, maybe because I wasn´t as homophobic as the other children. But I am glad I turned out normal. I mean I am somewhat conservative I think, I was dreaming about having a wife and nice little children. All that would have been destroyed if I turned out to be gay. Of course by now I accepted that even as a heterosexual I can never have a family anyways but for other reasons. I guess now I wouldn´t really matter that much if I was gay.


Taugenichts said:
Itsonlyinmyhead said:
I would also rather be gay than bald. Having to deal with both isn´t easy for sure.....

Taug that is an idiotic statement

So, it is an idiotic statement to claim that many homosexual teenagers have trouble accepting their sexuality? Lol, theglamorous himself wrote that it took time for him to accept it. Some never achieve this. Just look at all these homosexual and homophobic politicians. Guess what, I know this out of my own experience. There was a time (a few weeks) when I thought myself that I was gay. I was 11 (!!!) at this time and somehow thought I was gay. I have got no idea why, maybe because I wasn´t as homophobic as the other children. But I am glad I turned out normal. I mean I am somewhat conservative I think, I was dreaming about having a wife and nice little children. All that would have been destroyed if I turned out to be gay. Of course by now I accepted that even as a heterosexual I can never have a family anyways but for other reasons. I guess now I wouldn´t really matter that much if I was gay.

Wrong. You didn't turn out normal, far from it.


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Seriously though I am both Gay and Balding so I can say pretty sincerely that if I had to choose between being:

Straight, Bald, Ugly


Gay, Full head of hair, Handsome

I'd go with the latter without a second thought. Also consider that Gay Men do very well in life income-wise.


TheGlamorous said:
Also consider that Gay Men do very well in life income-wise.

Thats a good point. But they also take it up the ***, and no salary is worth having to do that.


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YeahButHesBack said:
TheGlamorous said:
Also consider that Gay Men do very well in life income-wise.

Thats a good point. But they also take it up the ***, and no salary is worth having to do that.

Thats a good point. But ...wait? No "they" don't. It's not a good idea to assume something and then make a blanket statement on a whole group of people.

Just because one is Gay does not mean they are open to being penetrated. I never have been and don't plan to.

Sorry, I just hate it when people generalize like that.


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YeahButHesBack said:
TheGlamorous said:
Also consider that Gay Men do very well in life income-wise.

Thats a good point. But they also take it up the ***, and no salary is worth having to do that.

Ha ha, bet you'd take it up the arse for a set of cheekbones. :woot: :$


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Taug, now that you work at Porsche, you should be able to land some hot women. The Glamorous, do you really think Taug has a problem in the looks department? I think he might value your opinion if you can honestly give him some feedback. I find it a complement when either a man or a women says I am very good looking. And if its from a gay man, I know its really true. So lets hear the truth about Taug.


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So, it is an idiotic statement to claim that many homosexual teenagers have trouble accepting their sexuality? Lol, theglamorous himself wrote that it took time for him to accept it. Some never achieve this. Just look at all these homosexual and homophobic politicians. Guess what, I know this out of my own experience. There was a time (a few weeks) when I thought myself that I was gay. I was 11 (!!!) at this time and somehow thought I was gay. I have got no idea why, maybe because I wasn´t as homophobic as the other children. But I am glad I turned out normal. I mean I am somewhat conservative I think, I was dreaming about having a wife and nice little children. All that would have been destroyed if I turned out to be gay. Of course by now I accepted that even as a heterosexual I can never have a family anyways but for other reasons. I guess now I wouldn´t really matter that much if I was gay.

I wont dissect your idiotic comment as it will probably kick up a fuss.
You are a very confused guy is all I can say. Im also very comfortable with my sexuality which people find quite weird, especially the ones who are very insecure about theirs(totally off the point)

Be happy with who you are, I dont wish I could change anything about my life as Im happy the way I am, if I did something different then I would change as a person, people like me and SOMEHOW even though Im balding women find me attractive :wow: must be all my money and the fact that they can go out and cheat while Im at work


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taug need some self confidence, he will do fine in his life as long as he has that.