The Irony Of The Acceptance Movement In Hair Loss


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is that it is based on the opposite of acceptance...delusion. Your supposed to accept that you are bald/balding and not fight your genetics, but are supposed to delude yourself that being bald doesnt make you less attractive, that women dont care, that people in general dont see you differently, etc. I dont understand why there is such a stigma against fighting hair loss. Man I am NW3 and can conceal most of my hairloss for the most part and I am still fighting this all the way. I cant even begin to imagine how a Norwood 6 feels.


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More specifically which acceptance "movement"? I'm not really aware of one, unless you mean generally sites like SlyBaldGuys etc.

For me if there is an Acceptance Movement, it should be based on accepting however well you possibly can, all the things you just listed there.

Wait so accept that it makes you less attractive, women don't care, people see you different? Yes, because there's no other choice.

I push the idea of fighting hair loss to the death, using treatments, get a dermatologist, save up for a hair transplant over a mortgage deposit and plan what age you'll get the most out of getting a hair transplant, do all these things but if it's done, and nothing worked, and we have a lot of guys on here who've been through the mill and come out with NW4, then you'll have no choice but to accept, as best you can, that things are different now.

The only saving grace is that it's not uncommon to see, you will mainly be seen as looking like another bald guy and mainly be seen as irrelevant. For the most part, despite what people on here claim, you won't be singled out and mocked publicly, for the most part people won't consciously think about you and your baldness, mainly people just won't care about you, the same as any unattractive guy. As far as being impressionable on people you actually get to know, baldness will indeed be a handicap to start off with, you'll have to try that extra bit harder to be accepted, but it's not at all uncommon for bald guys to have friends and be popular (and yes, to pre-empt the inevitable response, even if popular it doesn't mean they still won't be looked down upon in some subconscious sense).

Of course don't be deluded into thinking life will be the exact same, remember your appearance is changing drastically, but also don't be fooled into thinking it's the end of everything, and you are no longer allowed to have positive experiences and feel a more humble connection and peace with this life.


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More specifically which acceptance "movement"? I'm not really aware of one, unless you mean generally sites like SlyBaldGuys etc.

For me if there is an Acceptance Movement, it should be based on accepting however well you possibly can, all the things you just listed there.

Wait so accept that it makes you less attractive, women don't care, people see you different? Yes, because there's no other choice.

I push the idea of fighting hair loss to the death, using treatments, get a dermatologist, save up for a hair transplant over a mortgage deposit and plan what age you'll get the most out of getting a hair transplant, do all these things but if it's done, and nothing worked, and we have a lot of guys on here who've been through the mill and come out with NW4, then you'll have no choice but to accept, as best you can, that things are different now.

The only saving grace is that it's not uncommon to see, you will mainly be seen as looking like another bald guy and mainly be seen as irrelevant. For the most part, despite what people on here claim, you won't be singled out and mocked publicly, for the most part people won't consciously think about you and your baldness, mainly people just won't care about you, the same as any unattractive guy. As far as being impressionable on people you actually get to know, baldness will indeed be a handicap to start off with, you'll have to try that extra bit harder to be accepted, but it's not at all uncommon for bald guys to have friends and be popular (and yes, to pre-empt the inevitable response, even if popular it doesn't mean they still won't be looked down upon in some subconscious sense).

Of course don't be deluded into thinking life will be the exact same, remember your appearance is changing drastically, but also don't be fooled into thinking it's the end of everything, and you are no longer allowed to have positive experiences and feel a more humble connection and peace with this life.

Very insightful. This post pretty much sums up many many smart thoughts about balding that have ever been stated in this forum.


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Thanks but I regularly express such thoughts!

I think any form of extremism is deluded so in that way there's also the same irony in the "realist" camp.

Overly positive - "You'll look BETTER sly than with a full head, young girls love a dominant looking guy!" Absolutely deluded.

Realist - "No one will treat you remotely like a human again, you will be openly mocked for life and no woman has ever loved a bald man" At least a little closer to the truth but still very deluded.

There's a balance between them which is the truth, and many on baldness forums feel you have to be one or the other, otherwise you have no real stance or identity. But that's bullshit.


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There is no acceptance moment.
No one Care's of baldness.

Normal people with so so heart don't give a damn to baldness.

Those beautiful hearted people who tell me to accept baldness.
I love this kind of people.


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You can't accept it, if you do, you're fucked.

I say use minoxidil, get a hair transplant, no matter what, deplete that donor, even if you'll have the thinnest frame, it's going to be worth it.

Any hair is better than no hair, and if you give up, forget about having a successful relationship for example.

Most fullheads already fail at having successful relationships, so you think you're going to make it as a 25 year old NW4?

Forget it, not in 2016, not in this Tinder age.

And if we put women aside for a moment, don't you think people will be refrain from mocking you.

I see it every day with my bald colleague. Every chance they get, they make a joke about his lack of hair.

You can rationalize it all you want, I see the reality before my eyes, and I've actually lived it.

After you've thrown everything at it, stay tuned for new treatments.

As soon as Histogen is available in Mexico, you can bet I'll book my trip the next day.

There's a reason we're so hopelessly depressed about this disease.

There is no way to feel better about it, to think: "Hell people are going to be nice, it's going to be alright."

It doesn't matter, you'll still feel like sh*t looking at yourself in the mirror, your love life will be a mess, and most importantly, people will not be nice about it.

Acceptance? There is no acceptance, it's not possible to accept that you'll look like crap and that you'll be treated like crap.

I lost my mind over my hair loss, Evil lost hers, uncomfortable man became so cynical and bitter, and so on.

I guess we were just too lucid. You cannot be delusional about this disease, I know many men who have tried (me included).

Reality always comes back to bite you in the ***, and it does so with a vengeance.

Either fight for your hair, for your image, for your dignity, or suffer the consequences.

Wait until you're bald.

So much truth in this post.


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At least I put up a fight against my hair loss (although I lost...) I would have deeply regretted it had I not tried to treat my hair while I still had some. I threw spironolactone, minoxidil, finasteride, bcp, nizoral and a range of supplements against it; still lost. But if I could give ONE advice to balding men and women; treat your hair loss in it's initial stages. It's alpha and omega when it comes to hair loss. You'll end up bitterly regretting it if you "choose" to let yourself go and see the hair disappear along with your dignity (and sanity..), right before your eyes.


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You can't accept it, if you do, you're fucked.

I say use minoxidil, get a hair transplant, no matter what, deplete that donor, even if you'll have the thinnest frame, it's going to be worth it.

Any hair is better than no hair, and if you give up, forget about having a successful relationship for example.

Most fullheads already fail at having successful relationships, so you think you're going to make it as a 25 year old NW4?

Forget it, not in 2016, not in this Tinder age.

And if we put women aside for a moment, don't you think people will be refrain from mocking you.

I see it every day with my bald colleague. Every chance they get, they make a joke about his lack of hair.

You can rationalize it all you want, I see the reality before my eyes, and I've actually lived it.

After you've thrown everything at it, stay tuned for new treatments.

As soon as Histogen is available in Mexico, you can bet I'll book my trip the next day.

There's a reason we're so hopelessly depressed about this disease.

There is no way to feel better about it, to think: "Hell people are going to be nice, it's going to be alright."

It doesn't matter, you'll still feel like sh*t looking at yourself in the mirror, your love life will be a mess, and most importantly, people will not be nice about it.

Acceptance? There is no acceptance, it's not possible to accept that you'll look like crap and that you'll be treated like crap.

I lost my mind over my hair loss, Evil lost hers, uncomfortable man became so cynical and bitter, and so on.

I guess we were just too lucid. You cannot be delusional about this disease, I know many men who have tried (me included).

Reality always comes back to bite you in the ***, and it does so with a vengeance.

Either fight for your hair, for your image, for your dignity, or suffer the consequences.

Too much reality in one post.

Still pathetic though that in 2016 we only have 2 options to keep what we have and basically zero options to get thick hair on a slick bald scalp.


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Because of the Tinder/Instagram I am not going to even try... Game is rigged from the beginning.

Just consider you as a girl in prime with NW4 baldcel in "relationships" going to another city/country for a trip alone... Installed Tinder and got bombarded with NW0 semi-model looking guys – just LOL if you will not cheat. Not possible.


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When it comes to any other disease, you would be urged by everyone to treat it to the best of your ability and not let it take its course. You wouldn't "accept" any form of cancer without treatment (hopefully), you wouldn't "accept" a broken arm and let it stay that way without getting it repaired, nor would you "accept" for example another "cosmetic" disease such as acne, without at least attempting treatment.

It's quite irritating then that for hair loss the exact opposite seems to be the right thing to do in the eyes of the majority. Men who choose to fight their hair loss are somehow viewed as weak or cowardly instead of doing "the manly thing" and accepting their hair loss, because in this case accepting is synonymous with giving up.
It's the path of least resistance that humans are ever so fast to take when faced with a problem - throw your hands up in the air, say "that's just my genes, life was meant to be this way" and go bald. Physically easiest thing to do in the world because all you have to do is nothing.
Treating is not weak, it's not cowardly. It's fighting. If you're a fighter you will not let yourself go bald without attempting to intervene.
Doing whatever it takes, from risky FDA approved treatments to even riskier untested lab chemicals all in an effort to conquer a disease that has the potential to forever change your life? That takes balls and dedication. Those are the traits of a fighter. If you're here, it's because you're not a quitter.


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Wait until you're bald.

All I can do is go on my own instinct as to how I, as a non-bald guy, and others I know, who are mainly non-bald people, view baldness. And that is, the same as an ugly guy, a fat guy, a short guy, a guy with acne etc.

There are so many unattractive people and bald guys are just the same, they become irrelevant, you will use your handful of examples of how you were mocked to feel that it singles you out, but you are well aware of how self-centred you are that you can't empathise with anything else.

Please don't start how fat guys can lose weight or guys with acne can normally get treated or change their diet, the fact is that these guys continue to exist, and whether or not you can do anything about it, these guys are viewed on the same level playing field as bald guys. Completely irrelevant, no mature person will bother to mock them or humiliate them, 99% of the time.

I'll also add that you keep accusing me of "dragging you down" when you write these 4 words which you know are frustrating and antagonising, knowing I'm going to stand up for myself, and you've made this same argument to me literally dozens of times and you get nowhere with it.


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When it comes to any other disease, you would be urged by everyone to treat it to the best of your ability and not let it take its course. You wouldn't "accept" any form of cancer without treatment (hopefully), you wouldn't "accept" a broken arm and let it stay that way without getting it repaired, nor would you "accept" for example another "cosmetic" disease such as acne, without at least attempting treatment.

It's quite irritating then that for hair loss the exact opposite seems to be the right thing to do in the eyes of the majority. Men who choose to fight their hair loss are somehow viewed as weak or cowardly instead of doing "the manly thing" and accepting their hair loss, because in this case accepting is synonymous with giving up.
It's the path of least resistance that humans are ever so fast to take when faced with a problem - throw your hands up in the air, say "that's just my genes, life was meant to be this way" and go bald. Physically easiest thing to do in the world because all you have to do is nothing.
Treating is not weak, it's not cowardly. It's fighting. If you're a fighter you will not let yourself go bald without attempting to intervene.
Doing whatever it takes, from risky FDA approved treatments to even riskier untested lab chemicals all in an effort to conquer a disease that has the potential to forever change your life? That takes balls and dedication. Those are the traits of a fighter. If you're here, it's because you're not a quitter.

It is indeed a fierce, fierce battle, requiring all the more resiliency because it must be fought in solitude.

Taking a feared drug, committing to applying a topical treatment twice a day indefinitely, getting ready to spend thousands of dollars on a surgical procedure, possibly in a foreign country...this sh*t has literally taken over my life, and I can't even have a conversation with anyone about it.


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When it comes to any other disease, you would be urged by everyone to treat it to the best of your ability and not let it take its course. You wouldn't "accept" any form of cancer without treatment (hopefully), you wouldn't "accept" a broken arm and let it stay that way without getting it repaired, nor would you "accept" for example another "cosmetic" disease such as acne, without at least attempting treatment.

It's quite irritating then that for hair loss the exact opposite seems to be the right thing to do in the eyes of the majority. Men who choose to fight their hair loss are somehow viewed as weak or cowardly instead of doing "the manly thing" and accepting their hair loss, because in this case accepting is synonymous with giving up.
It's the path of least resistance that humans are ever so fast to take when faced with a problem - throw your hands up in the air, say "that's just my genes, life was meant to be this way" and go bald. Physically easiest thing to do in the world because all you have to do is nothing.
Treating is not weak, it's not cowardly. It's fighting. If you're a fighter you will not let yourself go bald without attempting to intervene.
Doing whatever it takes, from risky FDA approved treatments to even riskier untested lab chemicals all in an effort to conquer a disease that has the potential to forever change your life? That takes balls and dedication. Those are the traits of a fighter. If you're here, it's because you're not a quitter.

Call men who mocked and feel insecurity everyday because of his subhuman genetical inferiority and who decided to FIGHT decease despite all side effects as cowards...

Just lol @ normal people who don't understand how we are struggling and thinking inside out minds about every possible solution of this plague and evaluate its drawbacks and side effects EVERY DAY...

hair transplant
hair prothesis (system)


Every fcking solution is an aggregate of RISKS, HIGH PRICE, MAINTAINANCE.

And at the end of the day not a single solution solves problem completely, you are just buying time!

Imagine made expensive hair transplant on NW3 – next month you progressed to NW5 beside transplanted hair and what to do??? fuarkkkkk


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And as complement what said before regarding hair transplant.

Consider me NW3.5 from 18yo and it hasn't progressed since that.

I CANNOT commit a norwood suicide (sly NW8 shaving) since I still have enough hair (but not enough for being a human).

I CANNOT do a haircut since I am NW3.5 and will look like a 40 years old pedophile with a combover. I better look like 30-years ISIS inmate or prisoner with buzzcut.

It is POINTLESS to count on finasteride at 25yo to regrow my dead follices on front (it doesn't work on front and I was born with NW2.5 anyway).

I BARELY CAN do a hair transplant in so-called "so young age" on NW3.5 because what? Because balding in early 20 is aggressive and if I loose my grafts on a little bald area and will norwooding further I will not have enough donor area to cover new bald spots.

I CANNOT wear wig because my crown is full of hair and LOL at wig before 60 years old.

I can gamble now to make a hair transplant (which costs like a car) and start finasteride (with side effects like depression and shrinked penis) AND if I loose I will be bald without money and with limp penis. If I "win" I will still live with a fear that finasteride will stop work or give side effects.

Nice outcomes.

Just imagine life without these thoughts.


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It is difficult to accept it because our options are limited and our meds can be considered ironic. As a man, the thing that I find ironic about the main medical treatment of hair loss is that its most reported side effects relate to the same realm where hair loss mostly hurts: your sexual life.

We fight hair loss because we know women (or men, based on your preferences) prefer us with hair, and what does the pill do? It can take your libido away from you, or affect your virility, as if hair loss had not done it for you already. So, you have new hair, but you may not give a damn anymore because you have no passion.

Of course other meds have side effects. Some affect the liver, and you have to take exams to make sure you do not ruin your body. Some are addictive, so watch out you do not exaggerate.

But the libido thing of finasteride is ironic. The way I see it is: it is as if a med against vertigo helped you with your equilibrium but made you forget your place of destination.

That Guy

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The "movement" is the same people who have been saying "get over it" forever. In essence: Men who don't give a sh*t, your family and friends who don't give a sh*t and women who had no plans on dating you with hair. It's also the fact that society believes that men's cosmetic problems aren't issues at all. Doctors, the people we should trust to be the most forward thinking people will even tell you "It's one of those things" or "It happens!" Yeah, so was bad eyesight, age induced hearing loss and cavities. We decided that wasn't a good enough answer.

The people that will tell you "Oh chicks don't care about balding, they love Jason Statham!" are the same delusional idiots who actually think the key to a girl's heart is "confidence". First off, do you look like Jason Statham, have his fame and fortune? Probably not. Second, "confidence" is just a lie men tell themselves to make each other feel like women aren't judging them the same way they judge women.

There's that and also the fact that I love having hair. So you bet your *** and then some that I will fight it. I will take that finasteride pill and blast my skull with minoxidil every day because it's devastating enough, both in my own mind and the perception of me from others, as a Norwood 2 - 3. People are so worried about getting ED from finasteride...FFS if you wind up a NW6, especially in your 20s, it's not gonna make much of a difference if your dick still stands at attention as often as you'd like because you won't be gettin' with anyone worthy of note.

The good news is:

and I would not have said this with confidence even just six months ago, I truly do believe we won't have to live with this for too much longer. The science is better than ever and the wheels are seriously in motion to commercialize treatments that have been demonstrated to work in the lab. I really do think the Riken alliance has the answer. Fortunately for me, I'm still young enough (just turned 24), that when one of these things makes it to market in the next 4 - 10 years, I'll still be at an age where life is worth living. I don't care if the treatment costs 50 grand - I'll do it.


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The acceptance movement is odd and usually the people that preach it are on completely and extremely opposite sides of the spectrum. First off, you have the people who have bouffants of hair, who have no logical reason even being on a hair loss forum in the first place. It's really a joke when it comes from them because they've never even come close to experiencing true baldness. No one is gonna taunt or make fun of a thick NW2. And worst of all is when they preach about something of which they have no first hand knowledge. Or some of them actually may not preach direct acceptance, but they have the idea of "well if I am suffering from hair loss, why shouldn't I treat it? But if treatments don't work, ho hum, no big deal, it wasn't meant to be." I saw people on the other forum were living by that same quote and then when the Big 3 wasn't working for them, they were inquiring about how to get their hands on unapproved treatments from China. No big deal? Yeah right.

Then you have the other extreme: the slybaldguys type. The type who are proud to be bald for no apparent reason whatsoever. They even make self-deprecating jokes about it, like "it's cool putting sunscreen on my head." That's why I cannot stand Larry David, but I won't even get into that, because then certain members will be on me like stink on sh*t and debate me for like 8 pages. Anyway though, lots of these slybaldguys really do not look attractive at all yet they just do not seem to care. This is peculiar to me since I care very deeply about the way that I look, and it influences even the most mundane aspects of my life. But at least they practice what they preach and preach about what they know, so I gotta respect them for that.


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There is one guy who is one year older than me.
When he met me one month back,the first thing he said was bro,do hairtransplant.

I felt bad because why he is judging my baldness.

He itself is not a good looking person,he is fat looking in face. He look like 35 years old even with norwood zero.
Still he was thinking i need to sort out my problem.