
the jealousy issue


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I hear your cry...concerning the hair thing that is...

The way i look at is, yeah, you may be losing your hair but everybody has got their problems. With most people its weight, or being ugly, or being shy... ours just happens to be hairloss and i bet if you did not have hair issues it would be something else that would take its place - Hard to believe you may think, hairloss is killing me! Lots of people i know are all eaten up by some sort of problem, and everybody would swap there problems for somebody else's

Thats the way i rationalise it and it works for me, although i still always check people's hairlines out, it's like an addiction or something. :p


not me!

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Guest said:
I hear your cry...concerning the hair thing that is...

The way i look at is, yeah, you may be losing your hair but everybody has got their problems. With most people its weight, or being ugly, or being shy... ours just happens to be hairloss and i bet if you did not have hair issues it would be something else that would take its place - Hard to believe you may think, hairloss is killing me! Lots of people i know are all eaten up by some sort of problem, and everybody would swap there problems for somebody else's

Thats the way i rationalise it and it works for me, although i still always check people's hairlines out, it's like an addiction or something. :p


Um, I think you accidentaly posted that under your alias...


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social_drinker said:
Guest said:
I hear your cry...concerning the hair thing that is...

The way i look at is, yeah, you may be losing your hair but everybody has got their problems. With most people its weight, or being ugly, or being shy... ours just happens to be hairloss and i bet if you did not have hair issues it would be something else that would take its place - Hard to believe you may think, hairloss is killing me! Lots of people i know are all eaten up by some sort of problem, and everybody would swap there problems for somebody else's

Thats the way i rationalise it and it works for me, although i still always check people's hairlines out, it's like an addiction or something. :p


Um, I think you accidentaly posted that under your alias...

I don't have an alias... If i did i would not post my username under my message. For some reason i cannot sign in under my username so i have gone under the guest password. Wiped my hard drive today because of a virus not sure if that is the reason why??????

not me!

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Easy, muscles. My comment was tongue-in-cheek.

I think the "Rawbbie vs. Ty" saga has everyone a little up in arms...haha.


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social_drinker said:
Easy, muscles. My comment was tongue-in-cheek.

I think the "Rawbbie vs. Ty" saga has everyone a little up in arms...haha.

"What we have here is a failure to communicate" (Cool Hand Luke)

Sorry man. Its been a bad day.


not me!

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Guest said:
social_drinker said:
Easy, muscles. My comment was tongue-in-cheek.

I think the "Rawbbie vs. Ty" saga has everyone a little up in arms...haha.

"What we have here is a failure to communicate" (Cool Hand Luke)

Sorry man. Its been a bad day.


I can sympathize. I lost my hard drive right before Christmas. I work online so that compounded the problem ten-fold.


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Rawbbie said:
this thread sounds like a bunch of girls gossiping, no offense though, but i really am being serious and not sarcastic this time

are you MEN or woMEN? geez...

Says the man who b****s about people bitching.


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Trent said:
doesn't anyone else spend half their day just looking at people with thick hair and thinking, man, what a lucky guy? how awesome it must be to just wake up, shower, play sports, go to a restraunt under bright lights and just have hair NEVER EVER even cross their minds? I find myself being really really envious of these people regardless of anything else. I've even seen people in the hospital who can barely walk, but with full heads of hair that i am seriously jealous of. its so weird.

In fact, sometimes i'm even jealous of people that are bald but just seem to not even care, they just go about their business. I however, am burdened with thoughts of this all the time. this is really strange. I had a dream last night i was on a boat, and i was supposed to jump in the water to save some stuff that fell over, and i actually thought about how my hair looked outside, and after i get it wet IN THE DREAM!!!! this is nuts, i wish someone would just turn off the vanity part of my brain so i could move o and let the treatments work.

i would give three toes to be rid of this burden.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't think those exact same thoughts. However, there comes are certain point where you just have to accept it and play the cards that you're dealt.

Try improving other parts of your life. Work out. Eat healthier. Improve your income. Bang older chicks. Life doesn't end because you have male pattern baldness.

Above all, stick to your regimen and don't keep switching up every month. I think this is where a lot of guys go wrong (not you).

I've been focusing my research on hair cloning and trying to avoid the temptation of a hair transplant (which I clearly do not need).


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Axon said:
I never think about it.

Aren't you married, Axon? I think this makes a huge difference.


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Temples said:
Try improving other parts of your life. Work out. Eat healthier. Improve your income. Bang older chicks. Life doesn't end because you have male pattern baldness.

True that. Honestly, best thing you can do is to commit to a regimen for a year and let the time go by doing other damn constructive things. Chicks bang guys with muscles regardless of the hair on their heads and they bang rich guys regardless of what they look like. That said, get more education, get a higher paying job, and bust your *** at the gym. When you're pulling 6 figures and have 16+ inch arms, you'll still care about your hair but I'm betting a lot less. Plus, if you've busted your *** to be making the money, if a hair loss solution comes out and is incredibly expensive, you won't be crying because you've got the cash to do it.


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DarklyCharming said:
True that. Honestly, best thing you can do is to commit to a regimen for a year and let the time go by doing other damn constructive things. Chicks bang guys with muscles regardless of the hair on their heads and they bang rich guys regardless of what they look like. That said, get more education, get a higher paying job, and bust your *** at the gym. When you're pulling 6 figures and have 16+ inch arms, you'll still care about your hair but I'm betting a lot less. Plus, if you've busted your *** to be making the money, if a hair loss solution comes out and is incredibly expensive, you won't be crying because you've got the cash to do it.

True dat, true dat.


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Axon said:
No sir. Currently off and on with a girl; we've been off and on for six years now.

But you've had the same girl off and on for six years. It's a lot harder to deal with if you've been single for awhile.


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I have it bad for a woman at work. She fancies someone else more. He is about my age and has no hair loss. Bastard.

On a positive note my gaffer is 30 and bald. Not very tall either. But he exudes confidence, works out and dresses well. And the birds love him!!

Perhaps there is a lesson in this for us?


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Alopecia-Nate: I like your style and would buy you a beer if I could. Anybody that calls me a prick straight away is somebody I respect: somebody that speaks his mind. You will get no retalitation from me.

I did state in my post that I "SYMPATHISE." I am being honest when I say I feel sorry for guys who are diffusly bald or slick bald, since in most cases I feel they don't look as good as they could if they had full heads of hair. I am a guy too and I am routing for us, not women, b****s - whole other story.

Why do I post? Hooked I guess. Like I also said, I have a slightly thinning hair line, so their is the motivation. I worked at a club for a while and the owner could hardly look at me because I know how big of an issue he has/had with his balding - diffuse thinner. So remember, your anger/rage/jealously/ or whatever you want to call the emotion associated with your balding, you can make others feel uncomfortable with your demeanor.

I really wish you the best and if you continue to bald with the treatments you can look forward to hair cloning and could perhaps get a 10-15 thousand graft transplant to have a full head of hair again. There is hope and I may lose mine too!


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Temples said:
Axon said:
No sir. Currently off and on with a girl; we've been off and on for six years now.

But you've had the same girl off and on for six years. It's a lot harder to deal with if you've been single for awhile.

I kinda am single, kinda not. But I get your point.

Seriously, it's not that hard for me to find girls on the side.


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freudling said:
Alopecia-Nate: I like your style and would buy you a beer if I could. Anybody that calls me a prick straight away is somebody I respect: somebody that speaks his mind. You will get no retalitation from me.

I did state in my post that I "SYMPATHISE." I am being honest when I say I feel sorry for guys who are diffusly bald or slick bald, since in most cases I feel they don't look as good as they could if they had full heads of hair. I am a guy too and I am routing for us, not women, b****s - whole other story.

Why do I post? Hooked I guess. Like I also said, I have a slightly thinning hair line, so their is the motivation. I worked at a club for a while and the owner could hardly look at me because I know how big of an issue he has/had with his balding - diffuse thinner. So remember, your anger/rage/jealously/ or whatever you want to call the emotion associated with your balding, you can make others feel uncomfortable with your demeanor.

I really wish you the best and if you continue to bald with the treatments you can look forward to hair cloning and could perhaps get a 10-15 thousand graft transplant to have a full head of hair again. There is hope and I may lose mine too!

Hey assssshole, can I get a beer too!

:beer: :D