The Long Game: How Do You Plan To Cope For The Next 50+ Years Of Life?


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You know what I look like so you know how weird I would look bald. Yea it would suck having one but I would have no choice.

I agree drugs can be pretty cool, I'm just saying espically if you are in a bad place in life there's no reason not to try them.
lets just say its the outcome either way, being seen as bald and being seen as a guy with a full head of hair, being ashamed


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In recent years I have come to view life as an endurance sport. Ie. You just have to have enough endurance to ride it out and we all end up the same in the end.

But since we are mostly in our 20s and 30s, that means another 50+ years of coping to go.

So how do you plan to cope in the long game?

Good TV series in which I can lose myself
Good story books (harder to do, as my brain is active unlike TV, and I'm acutely aware I won't be a chad like the protagonist)
Fantasizing about winning a big lottery (I plan on regularly buying lottery tickets)


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Yeah I just read an article on how hallucinogens completely rewire your brain to give you a healthier and less self-oriented perspective, eg.:

In a small study that was the first of its kind, the Imperial College London team, led by the school’s Head of Psychedelic Research Robin Carhart-Harris, Ph.D., used brain imaging to observe changes in the brains of depressed people who were dosed with psilocybin.

“Several of our patients described feeling ‘reset’ after the treatment and often used computer analogies,” said Carhart-Harris in a statement. “For example, one said he felt like his brain had been ‘defragged’ like a computer hard drive, and another said he felt ‘rebooted’.”

He continued by explaining that the drug gives people the “temporary ‘kick start’ they need to break out of their depressive states and these imaging results do tentatively support a ‘reset’ analogy. Similar brain effects to these have been seen with electroconvulsive therapy.”

This feeling of “resetting” seems to be linked to psilocybin’s ability to reduce blood flow to certain parts of the brain immediately following treatment. In the study, the 20 participants involved each received a 10-milligram dose of psilocybin one week, followed by a 25-milligram dose the next. On the days before and after they received the higher dose, their brains were scanned using a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) device, which visualizes the flow of blood in different regions in the brain.

An analysis of those scans showed that psilocybin changed blood flow in the amygdala, the part of the brain that’s thought to deal with emotions, like stress and fear.

In their article, the researchers explain that these effects are akin to what previous studies on the psychedelic experience have described as “ego-dissolution” — the feeling of losing your sense of self. When people experience this, what’s actually happening in their brain is that it’s entering an “entropic brain state,” which is when the connectivity between all the small regions that make up the brain is compromised but the connectivity of the brain as a whole is enhanced. Even more important is what comes after this experience: After the brain breaks itself down — or “resets” — it seems to reconfigure all of its connections, which is what’s thought to the feeling of being “rebooted.”

Pretty neat. Might have to add it to my own personal list of future copes which currently includes: Getting an ideal forehead, daro for life, revision jaw surgery, VR p*rn, playing music, hookers, lifting weights, and maybe occasionally going out for a dinner date with a fat/ugly/old chick if i get too lonely.

Have you started on hookers?


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Have you started on hookers?

No, but I've been getting close. I signed up for a "TextNow" app that gives you a burner phone number on your cell, and I texted three hookers from Craigslist while I was away on Christmas vacation. One that was super hot (my legit 9/10) replied. I was out of town at the time. Debated it when I would get back.

Decided in the end after going back and forth that since I am getting my forehead "fixed" (assuming all goes well) in just a few months, I would wait until then. April I will try again online with my new appearance, and if that fails, f*** it, next stop hookerland. I've tried hard enough at that stage. I can't even fault myself then. We can only do so much.


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Any good series you'd recommend?

Veronica Mars
The Wire
The West Wing

I can shut off my brain when watching TV and get sucked into that fantasy world. Not sure if you have that capability ...
Also step up to a Samsung phone (buy a used one on ebay even) and get a Gear VR. Your life will never be the same after when it comes to #2 on your list. Worth the investment 100x.
How does a phone enter the picture? I'm lost here


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Veronica Mars
The Wire
The West Wing

I can shut off my brain when watching TV and get sucked into that fantasy world. Not sure if you have that capability ...

How does a phone enter the picture? I'm lost here

Haha. I watched Buffy and Angel start to finish when it came out. Sarah Michelle Gellar in the early seasons ... Dexter I watched up until season 7 and then it started feeling like a romcom with that girl from the greenhouse and I couldn't do it anymore. I watch way too much TV as an escape as well. I got an Epson projector and I project from my little living room computer onto a wall at home for a 100" image. Writing this on it now while also watching It Comes At Night (which is okay so far).

Gear VR is a $30 set of goggles that interfaces with certain Samsung phones to produce VR on par with Oculus or Vive. Getting an S7 Edge was one of the best decisions I've ever made solely because it let me get Gear VR which is mind blowing.

Like I said, highly recommended. You could get a cheap old Samsung phone on ebay (just make sure it's Gear VR compatible) and then even just use that with the Gear VR. I promise you won't regret it if you do.

Gear VR, my projector, and my instruments are probably my favorite things I own.


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Gear VR is a $30 set of goggles that interfaces with certain Samsung phones to produce VR on par with Oculus or Vive. Getting an S7 Edge was one of the best decisions I've ever made solely because it let me get Gear VR which is mind blowing.

Like I said, highly recommended. You could get a cheap old Samsung phone on ebay (just make sure it's Gear VR compatible) and then even just use that with the Gear VR. I promise you won't regret it if you do.

Gear VR, my projector, and my instruments are probably my favorite things I own.

Ah, I see. Thanks for explaining :)


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I need to have my life in order in order to be able to be able to enjoy entertainment.

For my 22 year old bald self with boobs and zero self-confidence, watching those TV shows would have been torture, because I'd constantly be thinking "well I couldn't be that person!" and it's not only related to looks.

Of course I wouldn't be able to fully step into the shoes of Jimmy 'Chad' McNulty, but thanks to my bachelor period, I can partially relate to the guy's experiences, limited to his dating life of course, I'm not saying I can relate to his stressful life as a cop.

I don't view entertainment as an escape, I think those stories help me live my own life better. It's not uncommon for me to pick up behavior patterns from certain fictional characters if they fit my personality, I've done that with friends and other people I meet in my daily life.

I watch to learn, not to escape, because I don't actually want to escape from my own life, I think my life's pretty cool.

Also, the anxiety I start to feel if my life is not in order becomes rapidly overwhelming for me, and it makes me unable to concentrate on anything really. That's why the NEET lifestyle would never work for me, I'd go insane after a couple of months.
How are your acoustic guitar nights going, Fred?


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Good TV series in which I can lose myself
Good story books (harder to do, as my brain is active unlike TV, and I'm acutely aware I won't be a chad like the protagonist)
Fantasizing about winning a big lottery (I plan on regularly buying lottery tickets)
what would you do with money won from a lottery?

also god i wish i could read. it hurts my head, especially having to visualize things. theres only a few select books that i've read, but other than those i just find it too difficult. sucks because reading is like one of the ultimate incel aspie ways to absorb yourself in a fantasy haha


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Haha. I watched Buffy and Angel start to finish when it came out. Sarah Michelle Gellar in the early seasons ... Dexter I watched up until season 7 and then it started feeling like a romcom with that girl from the greenhouse and I couldn't do it anymore. I watch way too much TV as an escape as well. I got an Epson projector and I project from my little living room computer onto a wall at home for a 100" image. Writing this on it now while also watching It Comes At Night (which is okay so far).

Gear VR is a $30 set of goggles that interfaces with certain Samsung phones to produce VR on par with Oculus or Vive. Getting an S7 Edge was one of the best decisions I've ever made solely because it let me get Gear VR which is mind blowing.

Like I said, highly recommended. You could get a cheap old Samsung phone on ebay (just make sure it's Gear VR compatible) and then even just use that with the Gear VR. I promise you won't regret it if you do.

Gear VR, my projector, and my instruments are probably my favorite things I own.
wait have you tried out the vive or rift? i already bought a 700$ gaming pc to run it lmao. f*** me if gear vr is the same. i just want the absolute best of VR coping escapism xD. also computers give me a boner haha.


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The big 3, dutasteride + transplants if I need it. tretinoin, sunscreen, botox and fillers, TRT

Enjoying good food, the fitness lifetyle, binge watching TV shows, reading good books (just getting back into reading now). Hopefully writing a novel which I've always wanted to do

Saving up money so I can fall back on being a hermit if everything just goes to sh*t

Would really like to find a woman I'm enthusiastic about who feels the same about me, but trying not to base my happiness around this thought anymore


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So how do you plan to cope in the long game?
I'm planning to find the male pattern baldness cure in the next couple of years.
Isn't this the best plan for everyone here?
Think of it...It will give you your hair back,you'll be the wealthiest man on the planet and you'll get an enormous self-confidence boost from the fact that you achieved something that noone else could.
Far better than any pseudo-high that drugs can give you.


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