I am slowly balding. Taking care of hair and treating male pattern baldness with things I can tolerate.
But the question always pops in my mind frequently is why dht behaves exact opposite according to body site? .I had read gravity theory long ago and forgot it quickly, but recently it catched my attention.the hair follicle resides in space between subcutaneous fat and scalp skin,a kind of sandwich. the gravity theory explains why hairs degrades over times.the pressure exerted by weight of skin on follicle over years makes follicle and surrounding capillaries to shrink. DHT which is anabolic increases in area where pressure is greater to make follicular cells devide rapidly but in doing this it also makes subcutaneous fat to vanish,decreasing this cushion makes pressure on hair follicles unbearable and they shrinks and die the death by getting crushed between skin and tough cranial bones.studies injecting botox to create cushioning showed excellent results.
What's your thought on pathophysiology of baldness??