The Next James Bond


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Either way that would be shooting the series in the foot. Black people are not huge into bond, and white people/bond fans are not going to want to watch a black bond. Then when the movie tanks it will start a whole other racism bit and they will be forced to try and make 3 more with him just throwing money away.
Its safer to make a different series with him as the agent. What wrong with that?

Good points. But you have to remember... People blinded (indoctrinated) by an ideology will not be able to see this logic.


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This'll be a swing n a miss. Notice bonds before Craig were all black haired, they took a chance with Craig and it worked. But I have a feeling lighting won't strike twice here.

btw looks like he misses leg day quite frequently.


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I don't think Connery was bald when he played Bond, that's why he had confidence then

He was bald. He wore a wig.


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Norwood One

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None of these guys can touch the ultimate bond

Pierce Brosnan. When I think Bond, the only image that still comes to mind is Pierce...Thick, Norwood-1, Pierce...



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NW1 isn't a prerequisite to play Bond. We should know by now guys, NW1-3 is acceptable in the eyes of society. Obviously anything over NW3 and you are subhuman.


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I doubt that. Lots of movies with minority leads or women leads have been successful.

As for making a separate series, that works for comic book series like Marvel and DC -- just make a different superhero. They have plenty. And one day they will. Aquaman for example is a pacific islander. However with Bond they can't make a different agent, there's just James Bond and that's the way that universe is set up.

It depends on their popularity. Aquaman has always been 2nd or even 3rd teir. No one wants to take ownership of him so he could be made a transgender asian and no one would bat an eye. Look what happened with Mile Moralis and spiderman. Or the human torch with the FF4 film?
I think the new ghost rider works because GR has always been different people because of the origin of the spirit but try and make a latino batman and see what happens.

Its not generally a bad thing to be insulted by this. Its the same discussion I just had with the new GR movie where someone said, you just dont like that its women..... I said that its ALL women. Theres not one character that I as a man can relate to so I am just not interested in it. The fact it looks HORRIBLE just adds fuel to my fire.

If bond was black the majority of white men who watch the bond films will find it harder to relate. Just introduce Elba into the next movie as another agent then spur off into his own films. The guy is a majorly handsome dude with a LOT of charisma and appeal. I think
1) his own series would boom just because of that
2) making his character bond who was always white is actually doing HIM a disservice. He has the power to create his own legend, not just tag onto someone elses.


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It depends on their popularity. Aquaman has always been 2nd or even 3rd teir. No one wants to take ownership of him so he could be made a transgender asian and no one would bat an eye. Look what happened with Mile Moralis and spiderman. Or the human torch with the FF4 film?
I think the new ghost rider works because GR has always been different people because of the origin of the spirit but try and make a latino batman and see what happens.

Its not generally a bad thing to be insulted by this. Its the same discussion I just had with the new GR movie where someone said, you just dont like that its women..... I said that its ALL women. Theres not one character that I as a man can relate to so I am just not interested in it. The fact it looks HORRIBLE just adds fuel to my fire.

If bond was black the majority of white men who watch the bond films will find it harder to relate. Just introduce Elba into the next movie as another agent then spur off into his own films. The guy is a majorly handsome dude with a LOT of charisma and appeal. I think
1) his own series would boom just because of that
2) making his character bond who was always white is actually doing HIM a disservice. He has the power to create his own legend, not just tag onto someone elses.


I'm not insulted by anything in the thread man.

Aquaman is indeed second tier or third tier, but at this point that's what we're getting in comic book movies anyway. We're up to something like 20 or 30 Marvel movies where each of them has a white male lead, it's getting a bit disproportionate. Something like 8 of the 10 movies in development do,

In the case of James Bond there's no issue. There's no room to cry wolf. There's only one James Bond so to make him a white male perpetually or to keep him that way is not anything worth criticizing. Idris Elba might have been nice, but honestly I think Tom Hiddleston will do a great job himself. I'm not worried.

Sure, they can make a new separate agent who is Black. They probably won't.

The Human Torch in the FF film is very hard to evaluate. Nobody knows as it was apparently a bad movie anyway. It's got a 9% on rotten tomatoes. I didn't even bother watching it but it's hard to blame on Michael B. Jordan given the context.

What GR movie with women are you talking about? Are they making another one without Nicholas Cage?

In general I have no problem watching and enjoying movies with female leads or black leads or whatever. I don't need a lead to look like me, I just need the lead to be interesting somehow. For example in Breaking Bad I didn't hate the wives the way everybody else did. I liked Mad Max: Fury Road as well.


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None of these guys can touch the ultimate bond

Pierce Brosnan. When I think Bond, the only image that still comes to mind is Pierce...Thick, Norwood-1, Pierce...


Accept that he was the boringest bond ever. Craig is my pick, nothing tops Casino Royale.


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Hiddleston is not my idea of bond at all. At least not in the roles that I've seen him play. However, hes a solid Norwood 2.5-3 and its better for us if an icon like bond is balding. Craig is too, but the avg person wouldn't notice due to head shape. :D


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Hiddleston is not my idea of bond at all. At least not in the roles that I've seen him play. However, hes a solid Norwood 2.5-3 and its better for us if an icon like bond is balding. Craig is too, but the avg person wouldn't notice due to head shape. :D

Agreed! Come on Shookwun, the fact that they chose an NW3 actor to play a character who is known as a charming, handsome, confident ladies' man as well as a badass should tell you some things:

1) 99% of sane people don't even take a second look / notice anything out of the ordinary with this degree of temple recession
2) you can still look handsome after losing your temple points
3) like Bagels says, now we have an NW3 as an icon.


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I'm not insulted by anything in the thread man.

Aquaman is indeed second tier or third tier, but at this point that's what we're getting in comic book movies anyway. We're up to something like 20 or 30 Marvel movies where each of them has a white male lead, it's getting a bit disproportionate. Something like 8 of the 10 movies in development do,

In the case of James Bond there's no issue. There's no room to cry wolf. There's only one James Bond so to make him a white male perpetually or to keep him that way is not anything worth criticizing. Idris Elba might have been nice, but honestly I think Tom Hiddleston will do a great job himself. I'm not worried.

Sure, they can make a new separate agent who is Black. They probably won't.

The Human Torch in the FF film is very hard to evaluate. Nobody knows as it was apparently a bad movie anyway. It's got a 9% on rotten tomatoes. I didn't even bother watching it but it's hard to blame on Michael B. Jordan given the context.

What GR movie with women are you talking about? Are they making another one without Nicholas Cage?

In general I have no problem watching and enjoying movies with female leads or black leads or whatever. I don't need a lead to look like me, I just need the lead to be interesting somehow. For example in Breaking Bad I didn't hate the wives the way everybody else did. I liked Mad Max: Fury Road as well.

I didnt mean YOU were insulted. I just meant that if people get insulted its a normal feeling and shouldnt be judged.
I meant the Ghost Rider in the comics. Theres a Spanish Ghost Rider who drives a car (but its not the same GR) and even a female Ghost Rider now I believe who is the actually vengeance spirit. Those movies were awful.

I dont NEED to see every movie with a person that relates to me but in a certain circumstances I like it.
Again using Ghost Busters. I watched that movie since I was a kid and built a relationship with the characters. I honestly saw a relatable piece in each of them. I see 4 females doing it now and I see no way I can relate to them so Im instantly disinterested. If I watch practical magic or pretty woman for the 1300th time, yes I actually OWN both of those movies, I watch them for the movie they are and enjoy them but dont need to relate to the characters.
In video games I find it easier and more enjoyable to play as someone I can vicariously live the adventure through. One reason I like games that let you make a character most.

I think people who keep screaming these SJW labels at you are honestly pieces of crap. Most dont actually even care about the person they are defending, they are just doing it for selfish "feel good" reasons. They like the attention and reinforcement THEY get.

Im always of the defense to just make a new character before changing one people built history and relations to. If you try and that character fails then maybe the fan base just isnt there like you thought, sorry thats life. Never try to make a character black or female, shove it down our throats and then try to scream everyone is racist or sexist to scare them into a denial of complacency.

Hidlleson actually reminds of a lot of McConnohey
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Remember the (in)famous beach scene from Casino Royal that made Daniel Craig an instant sex symbol to millions of women? Now look at the scene again and notice how shitty Craigs hair looks. Do you think all those women even noticed Craigs balding hair? Just goes to show what a good body and the way you carry yourself can do.

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