Just my "two cents", but androgenic alopecia is not necessarily a non-threatening condition. We live today in a society - and this type of society has all but covered the entire surface of the earth - in which your success is overwhelmingly determined by the way you look.
When I was younger, jobs, dates, and all kinds of opportunities were handed to me, notwithstanding the fact that I was a giant douche bag, only because I was handsome. After suffering aggressive hair loss and fixing my selfish personality somewhat, within six years I have gone from being treated like a prince to being treated like dirt. People turn away from me in disgust as if I am some kind of a revolting monster. I am out of a job and trying to correct it - yet despite having multiple college degrees I can no longer even get an interview if people see my bald head.
So, telling yourself that this is non-threatening does not make it so. Maybe the bald head itself is not life-threatening, but under the conditions of today's superficial society, it is indirectly so, because it greatly affects your ability to integrate yourself and to make a livelihood. I don't even care to be with women. All I wish for is a roof over my head - but with baldness, the doors of social opportunity that were once open to me are now locked.