The only thing that bothers me


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some people that don't suffer from male pattern baldness know nothing about it and just assume it happens to lesser people than themselves.

Wash n' Gone

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Because there are lots of pathetic a-holes out there who wan't to put people down due to their own insecurities. Don't make their problem yours. Hold your head high and let them go to hell :)


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losinghairsux said:
is when people comment or make jokes about your hairloss. Seriously, why do they do it?

Because they are c*nts, just tell that that their mum did'nt mind it when you were boneing her last night. :wink:


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well, the only think that i can think of is that, probably, those people hate those who are diff from them..and maybe they just don't know how it feels the meantime, we just pray that they will have it soon and join our club. and have their heart hurt by ppl like they used to be


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Well its actually because they are so bothered about their insecurities they feel that they have got to take the piss out of anything that is different about someone else.
Take for example one of my friends, he is 18 almost 19 and rips me whenever he sees me about me losing my hair, this is all because he is going to be noticeably bald by the time he is 20, he isnt losing his hairline or crown. but he is quickly going thinner all over. So the only reason he rips me is because he is losing his hair and is very insecure about it.

If it bothers you that much just make sure everything else is perfect about you-
-fitness(whether your a lean mean killing machine or a bodybuilder
-social life(make sure you make the effort)
--and you too arent a a**h** and dont go round ripping people because they are fat, disabled, different looking, foreign or whatever

Everyone has at least one flaw, with the pretty boys its usually their personality, it resembles that of a sheep because its never developed


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maybe it goes along a completely different tack.

we all make fun of our friends, its part of how people interact. but it is for the most part restrained to things that are inconsequential, that wont break your heart to hear. so maybe when your friends are making fun of your hair they are just doing what friends do, and dont realise it actually affects you a lot emotionally. but on that same note, that means it doesnt mean sh*t to them at least.


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dont insult them back with a shitty comeback, it just makes you look more pathetic and makes you look like you care.


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In general I think its simply because they just dont realise what it is actually like to lose one's hair, through no fault of their own. By this i mean that I dont think they realise just what it is like to look in the mirror and see such a drastic and negative change in appearance. Most non-balding people I have asked said that they wouldnt be that bothered if they went bald, and that theyd casually 'just shave it all off'...but the day they did have to shave it all off i think most of them would be in for a big surprise, and im pretty sure most would be bothered by it then.


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losinghairsux said:
is when people comment or make jokes about your hairloss. Seriously, why do they do it? Can't they just keep their mouths shut? No one does that to fat people but to balding people it seems to be ok. At least fat people can do something about it, they're just to f****ing lazy, we who are balding cant do $#iT.

Other then that I don't really cry myself to sleep over it, obviously become more selfconcious but it really doesnt bother me THAT much. Good to know that I have a good head shape, in case minoxidil & finasteride doesn't work.

People do that because hair loss isn't a big deal. They wouldn't do it if it was something serious that actually mattered. My friends and I tease each other all the time about things.

Wash n' Gone

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I think some people have an unduly positive outlook as to why people 'tease' about hairloss. They do so to make you feel crap in the hope it gives them an upperhand in whatever relationship they have with you. It is a product of their own insecurities and need to establish a position where you are too down trodden to expose them. It is basically bullying. Not on a concious level perhaps, but deep down that is absolutely what it is all about. Illegitimi non carborundum :lol:


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'People do that because hair loss isn't a big deal. They wouldn't do it if it was something serious that actually mattered.'

With all due respect, that is quite possibly the stupidest thing ive ever read on this forum. Just because you yourself dont mind shaving it and dont see it as a big deal, does not mean therefore that hair loss is not a big deal and does/should not matter to everyone. You just cant generalise like that. However optimistic a person you may be, there will most probably always be something that, if you lose it in some way, it will upset you. It may be a car, a golf club, a pet, a promotion, a girlfriend,an arm or a leg...who knows???!!!the list is endless. But for many people losing their hair is an enormous deal simply because they want to have hair and they like their hair. They dont have to justify to you why it is so important to them just because it isnt to you and you are happy to shave it. You have to realise that not everyone holds the same values, and some things are more important to others than they will be to you. Your optimism is a refreshing change on this forum I must admit, and I know you mean well, but I think sometimes you forget that not everyone thinks like you, and hair is perhaps more of a priority for them.


I swear that if I will put an euro to a piggy bank every time someone teases me for hairloss... and I'm lucky to gather 10 euros in a year, it's that rare where I live. It's probably because we Finns are blessed with very shitty genes when it comes to hair (might have something to do with the size of our gene pool, which has been very small for a long time), and I see bald/balding young men daily.


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zackmcqueen said:
With all due respect, that is quite possibly the stupidest thing ive ever read on this forum. Just because you yourself dont mind shaving it and dont see it as a big deal, does not mean therefore that hair loss is not a big deal and does/should not matter to everyone. You just cant generalise like that. However optimistic a person you may be, there will most probably always be something that, if you lose it in some way, it will upset you. It may be a car, a golf club, a pet, a promotion, a girlfriend,an arm or a leg...who knows???!!!the list is endless. But for many people losing their hair is an enormous deal simply because they want to have hair and they like their hair. They dont have to justify to you why it is so important to them just because it isnt to you and you are happy to shave it. You have to realise that not everyone holds the same values, and some things are more important to others than they will be to you. Your optimism is a refreshing change on this forum I must admit, and I know you mean well, but I think sometimes you forget that not everyone thinks like you, and hair is perhaps more of a priority for them.

All I said is that the reason your friends tease you about hair loss is because it's not a serious issue to them. If it was cancer, they wouldn't be teasing, know what I mean? I was pointing out the difference between your self-perception and others' perception of you. I know a guy with a bald spot. To him, it's probably the biggest deal in the world, yet none of us around him even notice it or care.


blondeguy said:
zackmcqueen said:
With all due respect, that is quite possibly the stupidest thing ive ever read on this forum. Just because you yourself dont mind shaving it and dont see it as a big deal, does not mean therefore that hair loss is not a big deal and does/should not matter to everyone. You just cant generalise like that. However optimistic a person you may be, there will most probably always be something that, if you lose it in some way, it will upset you. It may be a car, a golf club, a pet, a promotion, a girlfriend,an arm or a leg...who knows???!!!the list is endless. But for many people losing their hair is an enormous deal simply because they want to have hair and they like their hair. They dont have to justify to you why it is so important to them just because it isnt to you and you are happy to shave it. You have to realise that not everyone holds the same values, and some things are more important to others than they will be to you. Your optimism is a refreshing change on this forum I must admit, and I know you mean well, but I think sometimes you forget that not everyone thinks like you, and hair is perhaps more of a priority for them.

All I said is that the reason your friends tease you about hair loss is because it's not a serious issue to them. If it was cancer, they wouldn't be teasing, know what I mean? I was pointing out the difference between your self-perception and others' perception of you. I know a guy with a bald spot. To him, it's probably the biggest deal in the world, yet none of us around him even notice it or care.

you are exactly right, blondeguy its no big deal to them.

my ex-girlfriend used to tease me about that im a little bit fat, my big head, my height, and other things but she never teased me about my hairloss because she knew it was an issue for me so she just didnt do it.

if your friends new that it is an issue for you, then they wouldnt tease you. maybe tell them?

anyway, fatness for a girl is an issue and that is why noone teases a girl for her fatness.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
I swear that if I will put an euro to a piggy bank every time someone teases me for hairloss... and I'm lucky to gather 10 euros in a year, it's that rare where I live. It's probably because we Finns are blessed with very shitty genes when it comes to hair (might have something to do with the size of our gene pool, which has been very small for a long time), and I see bald/balding young men daily.


Bald Dave

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Don't worry about it dude! Its their insecurity and when they mention it just ignore them. Don't insult them back as it will make them think that you are bothered and you don't need to stoop to their level either!


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blondeguy said:
People do that because hair loss isn't a big deal. They wouldn't do it if it was something serious that actually mattered. My friends and I tease each other all the time about things.

quite so.

it's no big deal to them because they are not balding and therefore have absolutely no idea what it's like to lose one's hair.....if they did know then they wouldn't do it.

i always found that if YOU get the joke in first about your hair then you keep control of the situation and other people will like you for making a joke on yourself.