
The Ordinary Multi-peptide Serum For Hair Density


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Just remember in most cases shedding is an indication your treatment is actually doing something. Just remember if you are using minoxidil too, minoxidil tends to have seasonal sheds too. Most people who shed on minoxidil usually say they recover with thicker hairs. Summer is approaching so it's common to shed in the summer. Not only that but our hair texture changes with the humidity. My hair looks so much better in the cooler months. If you don't believe me, take hair dryer and blast it with hot air. It will feel dry and lifeless. Then use the cool blast mode and feel your hair texture. It will feel better and have more body.


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Just remember in most cases shedding is an indication your treatment is actually doing something. Just remember if you are using minoxidil too, minoxidil tends to have seasonal sheds too. Most people who shed on minoxidil usually say they recover with thicker hairs. Summer is approaching so it's common to shed in the summer. Not only that but our hair texture changes with the humidity. My hair looks so much better in the cooler months. If you don't believe me, take hair dryer and blast it with hot air. It will feel dry and lifeless. Then use the cool blast mode and feel your hair texture. It will feel better and have more body.

Interesting info about summer shedding. I guess even winter get-away holidays to tropics are bad for the hair then lol
In time I hope some of you could see positive results from this product over long term, with recovery from shedding etc.


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Used it for a little over a week now and it definitely makes my hair feel and look better. As I said before, it doesn't make my hair oily to the same extend as argan oil or something. With just a few drops of argan, my scalp probably feels healthier but it leaves my hair in an absolute mess, having to wash it out in the morning. This is a lot smoother and doesn't make my hair soggy.

It has that thickening effect that even persist through showers and not applying it again until the next day. So it probably does a better job than my thickening tonics but in the long run it comes down to affordability/availability and usability if the outcome is generally the same between the thickening products I've tried. Some tonics come with a sprayer which is a lot more convenient than putting a few drops in your hair and quickly spread it through your hair and scalp before it starts dripping down your forehead.

This serum is probably more of a overnight treatment while the thickening tonic in a sprayer is more of a pre-styler in the morning.


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Just remember in most cases shedding is an indication your treatment is actually doing something. Just remember if you are using minoxidil too, minoxidil tends to have seasonal sheds too. Most people who shed on minoxidil usually say they recover with thicker hairs. Summer is approaching so it's common to shed in the summer. Not only that but our hair texture changes with the humidity. My hair looks so much better in the cooler months. If you don't believe me, take hair dryer and blast it with hot air. It will feel dry and lifeless. Then use the cool blast mode and feel your hair texture. It will feel better and have more body.
Maybe because you eat more crap in summer, ice cream, beer etc.


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Just remember in most cases shedding is an indication your treatment is actually doing something. Just remember if you are using minoxidil too, minoxidil tends to have seasonal sheds too. Most people who shed on minoxidil usually say they recover with thicker hairs. Summer is approaching so it's common to shed in the summer. Not only that but our hair texture changes with the humidity. My hair looks so much better in the cooler months. If you don't believe me, take hair dryer and blast it with hot air. It will feel dry and lifeless. Then use the cool blast mode and feel your hair texture. It will feel better and have more body.

Would once a week dermarolling add some power to this serum? Maybe increased absorption and effect?


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I really wonder how they came up with this serum...

Did Deciem just find a bunch of peptides and ingredients that have some shaky evidence for hair growth and then just threw them into a huge vat with other stuff and bottle them up? I also wonder how they tested to see if this worked before selling it.
Sounds about right. I'm still using. I didn't notice a real difference in hair count/quality. I'll use the remainder of the bottle and leave it as another unsuccessful experiment.


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Would once a week dermarolling add some power to this serum? Maybe increased absorption and effect?
Don't really know if it will but you can try it.


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Maybe because you eat more crap in summer, ice cream, beer etc.
No. I don't drink and I am lactose intolerant so don't eat ice cream.


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So just about how much of the dropper do you use on your scalp? I can only pump up around half of the dropper at most, and i have no idea how many mL is in that amount.

Also, do you actually massage it into your scalp? I feel like whenever you do that, most of it gets onto your hands and hair as opposed to if you were just to drop it directly onto your scalp, putting the dropper as close to the scalp as you can. This is what i used to do with liquid minoxidil, but now i massage it in since i dont want any flakes on my scalp from the minoxidil's dried vehicle (propylene glycol )


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Could this product be effective as a stand alone treatment? I've tried finasteride and keto (1% and 2%) shampoo without success. Afraid to try minoxidil because I can't afford to get a bad shed and I'm prone to severe dandruff. Could this serum provide maintenance (reduced shedding)? That's all I can ask for at this point.


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Could this product be effective as a stand alone treatment? I've tried finasteride and keto (1% and 2%) shampoo without success. Afraid to try minoxidil because I can't afford to get a bad shed and I'm prone to severe dandruff. Could this serum provide maintenance (reduced shedding)? That's all I can ask for at this point.

Reduced shedding? Possibly, some reviews says so at least. As far as dandruff goes, keto shampoo did nothing about that? That is what it is otherwise for, not growing hair.

Also, there is not really much that trumps an oral anti-androgen like finasteride though but if you got no results of that after 1+ year of usage (that's how long you need to use it to make sure it you've gotten the full benefit but you probably need less to at least see your hair loss decrease).


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Could this product be effective as a stand alone treatment? I've tried finasteride and keto (1% and 2%) shampoo without success. Afraid to try minoxidil because I can't afford to get a bad shed and I'm prone to severe dandruff. Could this serum provide maintenance (reduced shedding)? That's all I can ask for at this point.

Treatments are only as good as what they are targeted for. This treatment should be a good adition to other treatments like finasteride.


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I had 5 sessions and it did nothing for me. Everyone is different though. It might be worth trying wounding and tretinoin with your minoxidil to enhance results.

Hey, late question I know, but can you use Retin A on your scalp? I got some 0.25% for anti aging but I get super annoying follciulits so i wanted to try it


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Does this serum interfere with the absorption of topical minoxidil and topical finasteride if applied together? Waiting for an hour or so between the two applications may be too inconvenient if there is no interference.


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Anymore updates on effectiveness? I'm considering buying this
I think it does a good job conditioning the scalp and helping if you have any itchiness. I don't think it's better than minoxidil.