The post to end all posts

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My friends, it was exactly a year ago today that I decided to do something about my hair loss. Not a day has gone by without me thinking about it and doing something about it. I began a regiment and stuck with it. I am now here to tell you this... I AM NOT LOSING MY HAIR ANYMORE! Infact, I've had terrific regrowth. The trick? Simple:

1. Propecia every day -- EVERY DAY
2. minoxidil 2x a day -- EVERY DAY
3. nizoral 2% -- 3 times a week.

And that's about it.

And guess what... the sh*t works.

The day I began my regiment I started reading the hair loss sites and I've been extremely troubled by the things I've read.

First of all... hairloss has nothing to do with: smoking, drinking, drugs, pot, too much jerking off, too much coffee, not enough coffee, too much protein, too many carbs, and all the other bullshit! Hairloss is very simple: if your mommy's daddy was bald, chances are you are going to be bald. If your daddy is bald, chances are you are going to be bald. That's it! Enough with this garbage.

My next point of complaint is all of the bullshit cures I've read about: piss on your head, semen on your head, coffee on your head, and everything else on your head. This stuff is really scary. Enough!

Next... the side effects!

You can't get it up anymore? Maybe it's because you've been banging the same woman for 10 years.

You've got man tits? Work out once in a while you lazy bastard.

Your face is puffy and bloated? stop drinking 10 beers a night.

You get zits? Start eating right. Wash your face once in a while.

Your moody and depressed? Maybe it's because your losing your hair! Or maybe it's because your doing nothing with your life except jerk off and read the hair loss sites all day long.

You're getting hairs in weird places on your body? Guess what? You're a man! We all do!

And lastly... YOU ARE GETTING OLDER! Things change.

Enough with the side effects! Stop! All of you.

And don't bother responding saying I'm wrong. You all know who you are out there -- of course there are exeptions to the rule. And if you truly have dealt with serious sides -- I am truly sorry for you.

But the rest of you losers -- enough.

Here's my advice to all of you new guys coming here and reading this junk:

1. Get on a regiment asap -- and stick with it for AT LEAST A YEAR!
2. Stop counting hairs in the shower.
3. Look in mirror no more than twice a day.
4. Never EVER get a second mirror and look at the back of your head.
5. Start eating right
6. Take care of your body, mind and soul.
7. You get side effects? Try to ride them out for the year if you can.
8. Be positive.

Do this for a year. Not for 3 months or six months but for 1 YEAR. And not every other day or taking a week off here and there. But EVERY DAY!

That's it. I'm done. You won't hear from me again for another year. I plan to really push this hair loss thing out of my mind. I wish all the best of luck. I know how hard it is. Just don't give up.


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great post. thanks.


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Your moody and depressed? Maybe it's because your losing your hair! Or maybe it's because your doing nothing with your life except jerk off and read the hair loss sites all day long.

8. Be positive.

I agree 100%, there are too many posters that sound border line suicidal, at least it sound like it.


Established Member
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100% agreed. But I think adding stuff (like revivogen, dutasteride) can help even more.



I know you mean well, but it depends on how advanced a person hair is to determine success or not.

You haven’t provided any evidence at all.

A bit silly, considering you're making "the post to end all posts" like you claim.

Until pictures are provided, nope.

I’ve been on the “big ‘let down’ 3â€


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Gunner, there's nothing " a bit silly" about my hair regrowth. Trust me. I'm sorry you haven't had the same results -- but your pictures don't look bad at all. I think you are not following point # 8 -- Be positive!


Floyd, who do you think you are? Its all well and great that you had success, as i am having sussess with my regimen too. And the points you make are valid eg; jerkin off, carbs, protein ect... And youre absolutely right that you must stay positive. But don't go callin everyone lazy bastards, pussies or assholes for givin other things or becuz they are experiencing adverse side effects or excepting other theories or trying different things. You make yourself come across as thought you think youare better than everyone else.. It's attitudes in the world like that why male pattern baldness sufferers get SO depressed or suicidal.. B/c there are people out there act exaactly as you are in this post, thinking that b/c we are losing their hair that they are better than us, and the male pattern baldness sometimes goes beyond the sufferers control where regimens cant help them like you and i. Those whose male pattern baldness has gotten beyond the control of regimens who go and read this will probably become even more depressed. I know that you had good intentions and you did make very good points... You just came off as cocky as an a**h** and dissmissing everyone else as imcompetent jerkoffs who masturbate constantly.


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Bartman, what's wrong with you? You've missed my point completely. It's called HUMOR. I was losing my hair like everyone else here. I know what it's like. No one is an a**h** or a bastard. I was using those words to make points. You seem like a smart person -- I know you know exactly what I was trying to get at. just stop it.


yeh i know man, its all good to be humurous but some might read into your message differently ( especially considereing its the first time you ever posted)... Im just trying to help those who feel shitty about themselves after reading the original post and not gettin down on themselves by giving a different read on the post... K cuz.. it's "stopped" lets just help now not hurt eachother :cry:


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I appreciate what you are trying to say in your post, but I simply don't agree with it. The side effects of the medications you are taking (especially finasteride) are very real, and not just due to "banging the same woman for 10 years." I know because I have tried them and had adverse reactions, and it was not just in my head.

I'm very happy for you that you've seen such great results. But not everyone will respond to those treatments the way you have. That doesn't mean that we're losers or lazy or don't take care of ourselves. I work out regularly and maintain a very healthy diet. I'm still losing my hair, and I don't respond well to the treatments I've tried.

I'm not stressing about it as much anymore, because I'd rather just accept my hairloss than load up my body with drugs and chemicals. You said to take care of your body, mind and soul. Don't you see the irony of your statement when you are taking a hormone altering drug for the sake of your hair? My body is more important to me than my hair. I listen to my body, and it did not like those medications at all. I think that is the case for many people when it comes to finasteride. It's a serious drug and should not be taken lightly.


Floyd, Daedulus is right where i am with your post, and probably said it much better, so please stop putting THE POST TO END ALL POSTS in every friggin forum section cuz you think ur the queen of hair loss solutions. K Floyd? u hairloss diva you :hairy:



In four years, when your killer hairloss regimen only puts you at risk of impotence, weight-gain and depression due to its faded effectiveness, to say nothing of a lighter wallet, I wonder if these pompous annual posts will persist. Congragulations on your present success, and congragulations on insulting everyone for whom Propecia and Nizoral and Minoxidil and whatever else hasn't worked. There's a word for that post, and it's called gloating. Your thinly-veiled bragging was simply a way for you to assert yourself as in control, for you to announce that fighting this is simply a matter of will. However, you have simply found that your scalp responds well to the chemicals you're dousing it with, that your testicles react favorably to the pill you're dumping into your prostate.

In short, outside of diet, exercise and environmental variables, no one has any control over their body or how it responds to drugs. You have no more control over yours than does the person who gets no reaction out of finasteride and minoxidil, and you can post triumphant bullshit till you're blue in the face, but at some point you, too, are going to have to face this fact.

As a side note, it's funny that you imply those not responding well or psychologically and physically affected by negative side-effects are losers: this says more about how you view yourself than these people. It never occurred to you that someone not successfully fighting hairloss might not view him or herself as a loser. You've done well fighting hairloss. Now it's time to work on your self-esteem.


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Well said Alopecia-nate.

So many people think they're free and clear of the harmful effects these drugs may have, but time will probably prove otherwise. Then we'll see who's gloating.


Well put Alopecia nate, this kid is probably lookin in the mirror right now cryin anyway cuz he seems like hes a bit "edgy" due to his post. Hes prob havin a good hair loss day, but maybe tom he looks in the mirror and realizes his soul is as ugly as his mind


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gunner you're one of the guys floyd was talking about in his post.

cheer up, life isn't all about your bald head


Established Member
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but hell yeah i can see why gunner is still so pissed off judging by his photos.

obviously you're in the low percentage bracket of men whom propecia will not work for.

sorry man.


Yaaaay! Rawbbie has assured us that, despite Floyd's exit, condescension will never die!


im sorry but anyone who feels the need to post something w/ that "stigma" on it and attacks people online for trying to solve their problems is some sort of pussy anyway... i think rawbie and floyd need to get laid... u only see people this hostile when they aint gettin that verticle smile here and there


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dude.. i don't agree.. i like hearing success stories and gloating, as long as its done tactfully, it gives me hope.... maybe this is the reason you don't hear any success stories on here... everyone that does just gets pummled. He was just saying he didn't have side effects so as not to scare newbies away from taking the drugs, because most people don't get sides. If you do, fine, but he didn't, and he's representing the silent majority i believe... when do you see the I HAD NO SIDES PLEASE HELP post... never... so here is one. anyway, i'm thankful for your post.
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