The post to end all posts

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you guys are a bunch of f*****g crybabies. The guy was making a positive post, using some humor along with way. I have been shaving my head BALD with a razor for several years now, and been dealing with it fine. Yes it sucks to be balding, YES I want my hair back, yes I like being able to look younger, etc, but you have to deal and adjust. Adjusting comes in several forms, they include:

1) A razor
2) minoxidil
3) finasteride
4) nizoral

Stop being such pussies everytime someone busts your balls for crying all the time. I DO believe many have sides, BAD sides, I also think many people attribute their "sides" to the fact that they can't get it up like they ONCE did at 18 or whatever.

Stop putting a bunch of sh*t in your body like you read some bodybuilding mag and decided to "load" up. Floyd is right, you got all these guys that come on here and have regimen's that include everything but doses of mercury as internals.

Get on what works, the big three. If they DON'T work, or you can't get it up, get off, shave your head, work out, and move on. For the rest of us, we are trying to find a balance. I can live with it either way, and have for several years.

Take these posts as just one guy talking, his opinion.


its aggravating when the guy's opinion is hidden behind attacks on those who are losing the battle... maybe hes already bald and likes to pretend his regimen is working by making insults at people he will never ever see.... Anyone smell a vagina? and axon if u read this... I need to know where i can find that P-rex... my grandmom is becoming sad and lonely


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Trent, that's exactly right. I think you're the only one that got my point. I'm sorry if people feel I was "gloating" -- I wasn't. I'm just one of the few that is VERY HAPPY about the turnaround of my hair loss. I can't believe all of the anger out there. I've said it before, I'll say it again... no one is a loser or an a**h**. I was trying to make a point and I was trying to be funny. I don't want to insult anyone. I also stated that if you were one of the few to have side effects -- I'm sorry. My post was mostly for the new guys -- like I was a year ago. Who only hear negative, disturbing, and ridiculous stories in here. THIS IS A SUCCESS STORY! Do you guys understand? Maybe in four years I'll be crying. For now, I was just trying to give some advice and give some guys a jolt of reality. IT'S VERY POSSIBLE TO KEEP YOUR HAIR! Of course not for everybody -- but it's working for me.


Your label of "the Post to end all posts" for your first ever post is enough for people around here to give you the label you so justly deserve

Just Kiddin buddy... u hairloss diva u


If Floyd's post was positive then I hate to think what the negative posts look like.

So far Floyd's post and his supporters have resulted in my being called a: loser, pussy, and a f*****g crybaby. How could my take-home message not be one of optimism and hope?

Glad Floyd's message helped, Trent, but my idea of hope is something like, "These worked for me, good luck!" Not, "These worked for me, you losers, so shut the f*** up!" The whole reason boards like this exist is so that people having a hard time with this can have a place to NOT shut the f*** up, a place to share thoughts and concerns and solutions. When did it become a place to run a victory lap? Nothing wrong with a victory lap, I guess, so long as the person running isn't flipping off the crowd.

Resultsnottypical: please point out the humor in Floyd's post. I've always considered myself as being a reasonably funny guy who loves a good laugh. But you and Floyd's sense of humor seems to consist more of a Bush/Schwartzneggeresque swaggering, mock-the-girly-men humor.

Anyway. If Floyd's transparent gloating and Rawbbie's mean-spiritedness toward Gunner lifts you guys' spirits, then it seems you know more about negativity than you're letting on.


Watch it Nate... Youre dealing with a hairloss diva in Floyd... I mean who else here has ever posted "the posts to end all posts", that must mean everything he says is right
This is becoming funner than it should


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Yo Mo-fos all need to take a chill pill...

freaking crap man! :-x


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brasileirao said:
Yo Mo-fos all need to take a chill pill...

freaking crap man! :-x

Amen Brother.

Some of you guys need...........



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nah I was just pointing out that gunner was skeptical for no reason- floyd is a happy guy because his regimen is working, and why the hell shouldn't he be happy about it? that's what this board is for- to let everyone in on what works and what doesn't. it shows a lot of envy on gunner's part to cast doubt on floyd just because he has no visual 'evidence' for us.

and what am i supposed to say about gunner's photos? lie and say he has good hair or that he's not balding? what good does that do? he's bitter because he is close to bald and bitter that someone else may be getting success from propecia when he is clearly not.

i just say to gunner- stop trying to undermine someone else's success just because it doesn't work for you.

that's your problem, not floyd's.


and what am i supposed to say about gunner's photos? lie and say he has good hair or that he's not balding?

You're supposed to say something nice/constructive/helpful or shut the f*** up and don't say anything all. I learned that in preschool, you arrogant sh*t, and comments like that will prevent anyone from posting their pics in the future.

i just say to gunner- stop trying to undermine someone else's success just because it doesn't work for you.

I say to Rawbbie: stop trying to make up for your underdeveloped manhood just because your girlfriend would prefer a pinky-bang to your angry inch.


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Alopecia-Nate said:

In four years, when your killer hairloss regimen only puts you at risk of impotence, weight-gain and depression due to its faded effectiveness, to say nothing of a lighter wallet, I wonder if these pompous annual posts will persist. Congragulations on your present success, and congragulations on insulting everyone for whom Propecia and Nizoral and Minoxidil and whatever else hasn't worked. There's a word for that post, and it's called gloating. Your thinly-veiled bragging was simply a way for you to assert yourself as in control, for you to announce that fighting this is simply a matter of will. However, you have simply found that your scalp responds well to the chemicals you're dousing it with, that your testicles react favorably to the pill you're dumping into your prostate.

In short, outside of diet, exercise and environmental variables, no one has any control over their body or how it responds to drugs. You have no more control over yours than does the person who gets no reaction out of finasteride and minoxidil, and you can post triumphant bullshit till you're blue in the face, but at some point you, too, are going to have to face this fact.

As a side note, it's funny that you imply those not responding well or psychologically and physically affected by negative side-effects are losers: this says more about how you view yourself than these people. It never occurred to you that someone not successfully fighting hairloss might not view him or herself as a loser. You've done well fighting hairloss. Now it's time to work on your self-esteem.



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Well I must say nate has the best comebacks I have ever read on a forum. Everything he said was exactly what I was thinking.

Oh and by the way flyod, I was one of those people with "fake side effects" I guess clear jizz means nothing to u?

Oh and here is a ribbon for all your excellent hairloss input *clap* *clap*


people who are pussies talk sh*t on the internet too much cuz they know they will never meet who they are talkin sh*t on


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Truer words have never been spoken.


I have been using minoxidil, finasteride and Nizoral shampoo for 15 months now. This regimen has worked fine for me, the rest of you who have had less than excellent results or, god forbid, serious side effects are probably just homosexual.

Thank you



Alopecia-Nate said:
and what am i supposed to say about gunner's photos? lie and say he has good hair or that he's not balding?

You're supposed to say something nice/constructive/helpful or shut the f*** up and don't say anything all. I learned that in preschool, you arrogant sh*t, and comments like that will prevent anyone from posting their pics in the future.

[quote:f15d6]i just say to gunner- stop trying to undermine someone else's success just because it doesn't work for you.

I say to Rawbbie: stop trying to make up for your underdeveloped manhood just because your girlfriend would prefer a pinky-bang to your angry inch.[/quote:f15d6]

He’s been doing it for the best part of a year. The only person I've seen in any hair loss forum I've been too get away with insults like this all the time. will let him get away with it, until it is aimed at him.

The guy has even admitted not having male pattern baldness.

At the end of the day, the guy has no chance anyway. His attitude is a major downfall and he will get no where in his life.

Rawbbie is like some of the people I have been around though out my life, ones who takes pleasure in my hair loss. Sadly though, he haunts this place.

I know my hair doesn’t look that good, hence being here.

I've got my consultation with hair transplant surgeon soon. I have my plan that I will present them, to add density, so I'll see what he has to say.

Anyway, you cannot get personality transplants, so rawbbies screwed before he has even begun.


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I'm locking this thread for now since this bickering is getting nowhere and serving no purpose to help anyone here.
Here's some mild reading material for some of you guys.

How To Insert A Tampon

Most women will want to use a tampon at some time. A properly inserted tampon will not cause any discomfort. Here's how to comfortably use tampons.

Here's How:

1. Relax! Try not to worry about inserting the tampon right the first time. If you are tense it will make insertion harder.

2. The best time to practice inserting a tampon is during the heavy part of your period. The tampon should glide inside your vagina easily without any discomfort.

3. Decide if you prefer to insert the tampon standing or sitting. If sitting is your preference, sit on the toilet. If you want to try standing, putting one foot on the bathtub helps.

4. Hold the tampon applicator in your right hand if you are right-handed, or left if left-handed.

5. Use your thumb and middle finger to hold the bottom of the larger, outer tube.

6. Point the tip of the applicator toward your vagina, facing slightly towards the back. The smaller tube should be pointed away from your body.

7. Use your other hand to open your vagina.

8. Place the tip of the applicator at the opening of your vagina.

9. Gently push the smaller end of the applicator in until it is completely inside the larger outer tube. This pushes the tampon into your vagina and out of the tube.

10. With your thumb and middle finger still on the outer tube, release the smaller tube and let the strings dangle freely.

11. Gently pull the two tubes out together.

12. Dispose of the applicator according to the manufactuer's instructions.

13. When you are ready to remove the tampon, gently pull the withdrawl strings down and forward. The used tampon may be flushed down the toilet.
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