The shocking truth


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UGH today a group of friends spent like 5 minutes speaking about receding hairlines (two girls, one guy), it was a complete torture. The worst thing is that the guy is a diffuse thinner and he is oblivious about his own hair loss since it's relatively an early stage and no one but myself can tell.

Every time the topic of hairlines comes up I am terrified that someone will ask me to pull my hair back.

This is a bit unrelated to the topic but I just wanted to vent without making a new thread.

I know this feeling all to well. Start to feel all hot, flushed and anxious while praying they don't focus on you for a moment. Racing thoughts, and scenarios running through your head of potential failure.

Let them temples breathe! End your comb over. May the wind be with you


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UGH today a group of friends spent like 5 minutes speaking about receding hairlines (two girls, one guy), it was a complete torture. The worst thing is that the guy is a diffuse thinner and he is oblivious about his own hair loss since it's relatively an early stage and no one but myself can tell.

Every time the topic of hairlines comes up I am terrified that someone will ask me to pull my hair back.

This is a bit unrelated to the topic but I just wanted to vent without making a new thread.
How old are these friends, if ya don't mind me asking?
And what were they saying exactly about receding hair lines?


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shookwun. YES you describe that feeling perfectly. I'm feeling it again just remembering... x(

blackg. They are in their early twenties and they weren't specifically making fun of hairlines. They were just talking about different types of receding hairlines like "there's some people that don't lose hair in the middle but the sides go way back"

interesting facts:
one of the girls suffered from alopecia areata, she just had a small bald spot in the back of her head (about half an inch) and she was feeling anxious and depressed about it. She's been on treatments that have been working for her though and it has been filling in slowly. I'm really happy for her.

the guy points out at receding hairlines almost every time he sees one. It's freaking stressful, but he's not a douche, he is a great guy and I'm sure he'd stop if I ask him to, I just don't want to come out yet. Also he is a diffuse NW5 but his hair is still thick enough that the untrained eye would see him as someone with a full head of hair.

The other girl is normal but once dated a NW3 and she was unaware that he was losing hair. Someone pointed it out to her once and she confusedly denied it.