The Truth About Hairloss


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I've been reading this forum religiously for about three months. Up until now I've been able to basically pick and choose my women, I don't say this in a cocky or condescending way, it's just the truth. I've had no insecurities, no regrets, I've basically had the perfect life. My hair was identical to the lead character in "That 70's show". The skinny kid who lives with his parents and has the big mop top. I actually sometimes hated my hair because I had so much that I'd have to get it cut every other week or it'd turn into a giant poof of hair. Anyway, I'm 21 and for the past 6 months my hair's been getting thinner, my crown has gotten worse, and my hair line has receded. Luckily I've been growing my hair our for the past 7 months (I should have realized something was up because if I wasn't being affected by DHT my hair would be about 5 times longer and thicker then it is now) Luckily since I've been growing it for so long it's very hard to tell much has happened to my hair or my crown because my shaggy hair covers it all up. Unfortunately seeing my hair wet and judging by the rate of hair loss I know that'll I'll be in pretty poor shape by the time I'm 23. Plus, my hair is MUCH more flat that it what even last year, it's taken me by surprise how quickly hair loss progresses once it starts.

Now, this isn't a sob story, but more or so a short letter to say my piece. I've recently started to take Propecia and Nizoral and that will be my only line of defense against hair loss. I'm to lazy for Rogaine and the shed's (knowing my personality) will be way to fast and devastating for my ego. I know it takes time, but honestly, I'd rather not put all my money and effort into a battle I know I can't win. Yes, I've been devastated recently. Yes, I've become very angry. Yes, I've become anti-social. Yes, I've become extremely insecure and come close to crying during those horrible days when you look down and your body has more hair on it from your head then your body.

My point is this. Will I probably be insecure, angry, depressed, and paranoid for a long time to come? Yes. It's like losing a loved one. You've had it all your life and you don't realize how much needed and wanted it until it's gone. It's a normal thing to become angry and grieve when something has been taken from you early on in life without warning. The thing is that it's important to admit and observe these emotions, but not to let them control your life. It would have been nice to have my hair until I was 30 and THEN go bald, but lets face it, even if I kept it till 30 and THEN started balding me and anyone else for that matter would STILL b**ch and complain. Is this fair? No. But common people, life's not fair. Someone loses a limb in Iraq every day and I sit home depressed about my hair. My hair is going to get worse and so are my emotions, but unlike a lot of you on this forum I believe I constantly balance out these feelings with the reality of the situation.

Women will find me less attractive, I will have less job opporunities, I will be made fun of as the hair loss worsens, and I'll most likely be less confident. That's life. I could have been born ugly, gotten cancer, received AIDS, a million diseases worse then this. The point of this letter is that yes we will most likely not be 100% happy and confident like we used to be, but we need to accept what's happening to us and worry less about what treatments to use and worry more about how we can at least achieve 90% of what we had. I'm a realist, and I know realistically my life will be changed forever in the coming years.

All in all I'm writing this because I've made a promise to myself never to return to this forum. It's achieved its function. I was able to see that thousands of men are going through the same emotional issues as me, and I was able to decide what treatment would be best for me. Now however, I find myself reading sob stories just to make myself feel better and searching for pictures of men who have it worse then me so I can just say "Oh, glad I'm not him!"

Life isn't fair and neither is hairloss. But I know in my heart of hearts that if my world was perfect as of 6 months ago, only ONE thing has changed and that's my hair. I'm still well educated, funny, witty, and well spoken. I will still have a love for traveling, I will still go to the movies on a Sunday and I will still love to gorge myself on Thanksgiving day. I'm done reading about the treatment options on this forum as if I actually have hope, because I don't. I'm never going to have the lion mane I had and anything else I do for my hair will simply be maintaining a hairline I already dislike.

I'm going to spend the next 10 years of my life doing my best to accept baldness gracefully. I have no doubt that being so goodlooking and so arrogant so long will be a huge downfall as I'll most likely wake up and go to bed thinking about my hair. But I'll be damned if my personal appearance keeps me from doing the things I love most. I know this is somewhat of an organized rant but I hope that everyone can see where I'm coming from. I've lost a loved one, I need time to grieve, but more importantly I have to realize that what's lost is never coming back and I need to move on with my life.

The road to confidence and self awareness will be hard, but I know I can overcome this and I refuse to continue to search for snake oils and peoples approval to make myself feel better. I'm extremely lucky, and if hairloss is the only thing that has brought me down then I consider myself lucky.

I wish you all luck on this forum and I thank you because without reading everyones story's I would have never come to this conclusion.


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very meaningful post, I wish you all the best in life!


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30_going_on_60 said:
damn, I glad I'm one ugly son of a b**ch. Going bald isn't that hard.


I believe that this is why a lot of people here want to kill themselves and take oral spironolactone and all of those shannanigans. Really good looking men who have their hair taken away is devastating as it takes away a large majority of what makes them attractive.


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:] You got that right.

Fortunately I think the bright side is that my hair loss has made me a lot more modest.


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why not try keep your hair for the next 10-15 years use propecia & nizoral? is only taking a pill a day, the you could live your 20's with hair, use rogaine if you want to try get some back, why just give in?


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Thisisme373 said:
why not try keep your hair for the next 10-15 years use propecia & nizoral? is only taking a pill a day, the you could live your 20's with hair, use rogaine if you want to try get some back, why just give in?
Maybe you didn't read the original post properly....

I've recently started to take Propecia and Nizoral and that will be my only line of defense against hair loss. I'm to lazy for Rogaine and the shed's (knowing my personality) will be way to fast and devastating for my ego.


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Maxpwr said:
Thisisme373 said:
why not try keep your hair for the next 10-15 years use propecia & nizoral? is only taking a pill a day, the you could live your 20's with hair, use rogaine if you want to try get some back, why just give in?
Maybe you didn't read the original post properly....

I've recently started to take Propecia and Nizoral and that will be my only line of defense against hair loss. I'm to lazy for Rogaine and the shed's (knowing my personality) will be way to fast and devastating for my ego.

oh ok sorry, but why is he whining so much then he said he'll like to keep he's hair til 30s even though he'd still be upset but still can keep his hair for he's 20s as i plan too i am 21 also


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Thisisme373 said:
oh ok sorry, but why is he whining so much then he said he'll like to keep he's hair til 30s even though he'd still be upset but still can keep his hair for he's 20s as i plan too i am 21 also
Well, in case you didn't know, maintaining and regrowing hair is not 100% guaranteed, nowhere near it... It takes a lot of dedication, time, stress and money to do that and sometimes, despite your best efforts, you still fail. The guy's obviously not willing to take the plunge, should he fail and feel even more miserable. Acceptance is just a better option for some...

He's also obviously been hurt emotionally, which is unfortunate. This section of the forum is intended for people to vent, and "whine" (as you so eloquently put it), not seek "easy" answers. Try to show a bit of compassion.


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I'd just like to point out I'm not whining. I'm simply stating how I've been feeling recently. And I think you misinterpreted my entire post. I posted it to point out (to myself more then others) that I plan on accepting my hairloss now instead of fighting to achieve results I know are unreachable (I've seen even the best success stories in this forum and I think we can all agree that there isn't one drug or method out there that produces results so superior as to make the financial and emotional investment worth it beyond a reasonable doubt.

If anything I'm simply reflecting. I know the reality of the situation and I know being bald will make me physically less appealing. That's not complaining, it's stating the truth. A lot of people in hear are suffering emotionally because they are holding out hope in these SOMEWHAT effective medications. On the OTHER hand, if you are realistic about your goals (which I believe few people are) and you take the meds then by all means more power to you. If keeping and regrowing the few hairs you have left increases your confidence you should 100% do it.

And actually the post has been extremely therupetic for me. While I'm obviously still unhappy, I'm MUCH happier then I was last week. For a solid two months I was severely depressed, paranoid, and just overall miserable. I was looking at random guys hairlines EVERYWHERE I went and became antisocial. After that post I stopped looking at my hands in the mirror, looking at my pillow after I wake up, and checking my hairline.

Every so often I'll look down and see a bunch of hair on my keyboard and I'll get a little bummed, but overall I'm much happier. Again, as this gets worse I'm sure I'll have to battle my feelings all over again, but I strongly believe that accepting my hairloss (minus the propecia) is much healthier for me in the long run then taking drugs that won't get me to the point I want to be at. (I've seen even the best drug results and I've got to be honest not one persons "success" pictures in here have impressed me in terms of todays medical capabilities.) Not to be negative though, those of you who have had success you do look much better then before, but for me personally I'm a vain man and I either want 70% of my hair or none at all. (Which is why I believe accepting hairloss is much better for me then fighting to stay above the 69% mark).


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And thank you Max,

I think you understood my situation a bit better. I was also here to discuss my feelings and let other guys out there know that I'm going through the same thing. That helped me a lot when I first started losing my hair and I hoped to do the same for others.

It's very comforting to know that you're not the only person who feels the way you do over such a silly reason. For me, and most people I believe, a lot of these emotions develop when we don't even want them to. Even when some of us decide to accept it


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Im sorry, im kinda new to this i just thought if you dont have bad side affects then you carry on treatment which is preventing the hair-loss & its working, im sorry pal didn't mean to come across that way was just trying to give advice, i give you credit for accepting the situation your definately handling it better than i could/would, good luck pal :bravo:


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Thanks :]

And I don't want to rain on your parade. But you're lucky if Propecia continues to work after 5 years. Propecia actually begins to lose its effectiveness two years down the road. Of course just like there's those 2% who gets side effects there's those 2% who get lucky and it works for them for 15 years +.

I'm almost done with my first month on Propecia and I haven't really noticed anything except a bit more hairloss. Not because of the Propecia, just because my male pattern baldness is getting worse and I don't think I'll see any help from Propecia until the 3rd month. (the shitty thing about Propecia is that it always makes you think "WHY DIDNT I START THIS LAST YEAR!!!)

Thanks for your support though :] I hope we both keep the ability to style our hair for another 10 years haha.

uncomfortable man

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It is truly amazing the lengths people will go to obtain that unrealistic promise. There are so many companies preying on our insecurities, its a wonder more people don't realized their being duped.

J. Alfred Prufrock

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That was a very well written thread, 1timepost.

You, like many others with male pattern baldness, seem to have gone through the traditional "grieving process" (so common with losing loved ones, getting your heart broken by a significant other). Stages like denial, anger, depression, bargaining, and finally acceptance.

I'm essentially in the same boat as you. I'm on Propecia and nizoral, as I don't really feel I want to make the lifetime commitment of applying foam to my head twice a day. Taking pills, applying shampoos, and foam 2XDaily to me seems like I'm letting the battle take over me.

I'm content that I'm doing what I can to keep what I have. This allows me to enjoy other parts of life I've been neglecting because of hair loss.


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Yes good post except the part you wrote that you wouldn't be as happy as you was when you were younger.

I don't see the point in thinking that, however I can understand why you might think that now.
First of all, propecia + nizoral might help you get what you lost back or parts of it. Second, new treatments are on the horizon and there are many of them.

third of all, even if you go cueball and there is nothing out there at all your look on life might and probably will change dramatically over the years (I think more so considering your attitude) and you will define hapiness differently than you are at the moment and maybe be twice as happy as you were with full head of hair and women chasing you all over the place. True be that you might also never be as happy as you were, but I have a feeling that is more up to you than your hair.

Bald Dave

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This is one of the best posts I've read on this forum.I am in same situation where I have started to accept my hairloss and accept the fact that I am getting thinner and thinner on top. I ain't worried about losing it because I have decided to keep my hair short and alot of people have commented on how good it looks so that has made me feel alot better about myself! I am going out more with my friends and I am starting to enjoy life. I think people have got to accept you for who you are and if they don't then they can go and f*ck themselves!

Good luck to you all :)

uncomfortable man

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One time post, you definitely have the right attitude regarding hairloss and it's elusive treatments. You are being realistic about it, which in the long run is going to save you alot of heartache. Sometimes it takes the bigger man to actually take no for a answer and move on. I am right there with you on that, so :bravo:, my friend.


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1timepost said:
Thanks :]

And I don't want to rain on your parade. But you're lucky if Propecia continues to work after 5 years. Propecia actually begins to lose its effectiveness two years down the road. Of course just like there's those 2% who gets side effects there's those 2% who get lucky and it works for them for 15 years +.

I'm almost done with my first month on Propecia and I haven't really noticed anything except a bit more hairloss. Not because of the Propecia, just because my male pattern baldness is getting worse and I don't think I'll see any help from Propecia until the 3rd month. (the shitty thing about Propecia is that it always makes you think "WHY DIDNT I START THIS LAST YEAR!!!)

Thanks for your support though :] I hope we both keep the ability to style our hair for another 10 years haha.

Start exercising and eating right it will make you feel better.