Rambo said:
stampede said:
Rambo said:
Think about it ,why would i lie?
Because you need to convince yourself that your all natural hippy bollox regimen will save your hair.
In no sense do I have to give up being a man. I get sides, I *deal* with those sides. A touch of Arimidex and a lot of gym work go a long way to eliminating side effects and, at the end of the day,
I get to keep my hair.
Speaking of the gym, I would start working on those muscles now, convict boy. And saving up for some nice hats. It's the only hope you're gonna have when you're bald :lol:
Convict boy? What are you on about? Man to be honest if my hair looked anything like the hair in your avatar i would have given up ages ago and started shaving it, Your not fooling anyone. People know your going bald.
An NW3 beats an NW7 any day. Even if it's just stubble.
Going bald, although not attractive, is better than
being bald. I will look like I'm going bald for a long time to come (although I'm having some welcome regrowth at this point). If you carry on with your voodoo shampoos and herbal hippiness you will
be bald before long. There's the difference, chap. I guarantee that you'll be taking a razor to your head before I will.
I'm not fooling anyone, but I'm not trying to either. You are trying to fool yourself.
And GHG - get back on finasteride and order yourself some Anastrozole to deal with the sides. Go look it up on United's website. That stuff really does work. You'll keep your hair and will have no gyno.