I'm really not attracted to Cara, Mila or anyone else mentioned itt. Trust me, I live amongst a TON of women who look as good as they do, in my part of the country. It's so prosaic and at this point, underwhelming.
Give me a girl who throws out conventions and doesn't spend hours everyday on makeup and fitness all in an effort to maintain aspects of herself which are INHERENTLY TEMPORARY (but yet she puts the utmost importance on). A girl with a high IQ, with philosophical insights into life, and who really likes me is always preferable to that. And of course your response will probably be, "well she can have that and care about her appearance." My rebuttal is, no human can have true insight into the meaning and implications of life and still put a large degree of importance on having her foundation just right every morning, and not eating gluten because it makes her face puffy or whatever the **** these insane women do.
Once they hit the wall, then they allow themselves to develop insights into life. Before that, it's all vapid.