Uh, there is pretty strong evidence that environment is a big factor in shaping IQ, buddy boy. And research on genes or clusters of genes found to impact IQ can be carried out independently of the race of the subjects.
Here's the deal. When I see a plausible mechanism, at the gene level, for creating inter-group differences in IQ, I'll fully concede this debate. I haven't seen one. It's all inference and inkblot-level sh*t; if you start off thinking black people and pakis are subhumans you think it's all genes, if you're a latte-sipping dreadlocked trustafarian you think the tests are racist or something stupid like that.
Reality is probably that it's a mix of the factors, and the weighting of the genetic factor is probably around 30-50%.
It's surprising when you hear fellow hair loss sufferers say bald piece of crap, thinner than pubes, hairline begins at his ears haha, potato cuck.
Here's the deal. When I see a plausible mechanism, at the gene level, for creating inter-group differences in IQ, I'll fully concede this debate. I haven't seen one. It's all inference and inkblot-level sh*t; if you start off thinking black people and pakis are subhumans you think it's all genes, if you're a latte-sipping dreadlocked trustafarian you think the tests are racist or something stupid like that.
Reality is probably that it's a mix of the factors, and the weighting of the genetic factor is probably around 30-50%.
I've already discussed with Fred weeks ago so it's nothing new. This comment was more to highlight to everyone what's happening in the community. We always talk about people really keeping their un PC thoughts to themselves or friends. Classic example of how society really is. It's all looks.
Their case is interesting but have their ever integrated into Australia or been given a fair opportunity? Now that's one group that is discriminated against unlike arab/black minorities in Europe according to human rights watch. Pretty sad as they are indigenous. Aboriginals die like 10 years before other Australians and are much more likely to commit suicide. I heard they still live in their own areas with limited assistance from the state and have serious alcohol issues. They don't have a voice in parliament. How would they be if they were treated fairly? I really don't know but much better I'm guessing.
So the thing is, seeing as there are plausible mechanisms for increasing the population's IQ through intervention and cultural shifts, I think we should pursue that for populations that aren't going anywhere, like indigenous people. The gap is very unlikely to be 100% or even over 50% genetic, and the likelihood of individuals contributing positively to society is greater the higher their IQ (or more specifically g) is. One other thing is that IQ is just a subset/proxy of human intelligence, you've said yourself that the main thing is what you do, not how high your IQ is. If a population has lower median IQ by a few points but they contribute productively to society, then what's the big problem?
Sorry, but population-wide issues take a long time to fix. Existing problems compound and just increase in severity if left unchecked. Take alcohol abuse for example. There is a certain momentum in human societal development that can't be slowed or reversed easily. Doesn't mean we shouldn't try, certainly not when there are acknowledged misdeeds towards a certain populations as there is in the aboriginals' case.
Some up basically what he told me."Just meet some of dem abbos and you'll know what I'm talking about" *wink wink nudge nudge*
Some up basically what he told me.
I think he used the word "savages" when referring to Aborigines.
We were discussing the recent changes to the status of Uluro.
Some up basically what he told me.
I think he used the word "savages" when referring to Aborigines.
We were discussing the recent changes to the status of Uluro.
You care a little too much, Rudeman.I'm predicting some pretentious cope about how he's above caring what we think about him etc. And maybe some patronising backhanded compliment towards you.
But at the end of the day he comes back here and puts himself out there and has done for a long time, just like the rest of us. We all care what at least some forum members think as it can be a true reflection, when thought out, of what we're actually like as people.
I sympathize with this tone, somewhat, but you are above this cheap approach.Rudiger, we need some six paragraph posts analyzing the psychopathology of my posting style. Can you do it? We're counting on you!
Since we're discussing races, which of these Chads would you like to be:
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Fleetingly.I like that you're here because as rambunctious as I can be sometimes, you make me feel mature.
Now you're trying the rope-a-dope approach.What do yo think about skull shapes and IQ, Rudiger? Did u know black people have smaller brain mass??!
Sure. I can't deal with this forum in a constructive manner, it seems. It seems to bring out the best and the worst in me. I get very intensely into it, to a point where I stop caring about much else and get very aggressive and on-edge.
I need another break is what I'm saying.
That's fair enough but it all really isn't worth breaking a sweat over.Sure. I can't deal with this forum in a constructive manner, it seems. It seems to bring out the best and the worst in me. I get very intensely into it, to a point where I stop caring about much else and get very aggressive and on-edge.
I need another break is what I'm saying.
Since we're discussing races, which of these Chads would you like to be:
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