The Woman-hating Seems To Have Been Dialled Down A Notch Here, And That's A Good Thing


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Spare me the indignance. It was a low blow in response to a quite vile and trolling insinuation that black people are genetically inferior due to inbreeding. I conceded the mistake and moved on.

Go back to your schedule of endlessly rehashing 2014-era Lookism memes.
Sub-saharan blacks have inferior IQ. Arabs inbreed. Those are facts, too bad they're not PC, which means that soy boys like yourself will lose their mind trying to challenge the facts and start spewing insults when they realize they can't.


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It's probably ~70% genetic. It's depressing, but it's the truth. Just remember there are more differences in groups than between them.

From my experience in reading various litterature on the subject, I can't say that I have this impression.

You see, very much of our knowledge about the development and genetics about human kind come
directly from studies of other vertebraes (animals with a spine - central nervous system) as there is
extremely many similarities.

For example; when you look at the expansion of a fetus during it's embryonic stage, it's almost like
seeing evolution play out in those first 8 weeks (development of organ systems). In the beginning
we're really not so much different than the simplest species, but our cells keep dividing and
differentieting more, to add other organs and systems in order to

So, in these studies we have observed some very interesting things, like the fact that the most
deciding factor to an organism' intelligence are the level and suitability of the stimulus at the time of
ones earliest stages. The has been shown to extremely affect the speed, connectivity and placement
of synapses (junction between two nervous cells) that in the end results in transformation from
short term memory to long term memory - ability to learn and process.

There is also much evidence of children growing up in isolation focusing on the simplest of tasks
concerning only biological needs end up with signinficant mental and physical retardation.

I'm not saying that there isn't a genetic component to the complex, but I'm sceptical of you
percetage estimation though, as it's likely to be very much off the mark.


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I believe zircon is mid-30s and I swear, every other post he's making lately is a further sent in what was a good reputation.

He was also confirmed near top tier good looking incel for many years, and now that he's put in minimal effort and of course gets laid, he's become a pompous prick about incel shaming guys who don't have a chance. As well as patronizingly telling others they "should put some effort in" for getting sex because a hot guy knows how easy it is to get laid lol. Just put some effort in.

He's ridiculous, to summise.


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I believe zircon is mid-30s and I swear, every other post he's making lately is a further sent in what was a good reputation.

He was also confirmed near top tier good looking incel for many years, and now that he's put in minimal effort and of course gets laid, he's become a pompous prick about incel shaming guys who don't have a chance. As well as patronizingly telling others they "should put some effort in" for getting sex because a hot guy knows how easy it is to get laid lol. Just put some effort in.

He's ridiculous, to summise.
he's angry
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I believe zircon is mid-30s and I swear, every other post he's making lately is a further sent in what was a good reputation.

He was also confirmed near top tier good looking incel for many years, and now that he's put in minimal effort and of course gets laid, he's become a pompous prick about incel shaming guys who don't have a chance. As well as patronizingly telling others they "should put some effort in" for getting sex because a hot guy knows how easy it is to get laid lol. Just put some effort in.

He's ridiculous, to summise.


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Me 2 years ago when i had a head full of thick hair and i was so innocent and pure :(
