These scenarios are just quirks of junk economics where they've been tollboothing our economies for the last 35 years. Tollbooth economies were tried in medieval Europe. It isn't any more efficient today than it was 600 years ago. We are seeing problems today in North America that won't be going away no matter how much they deregulate and privatize while costing more. Think the Rooskis stole the election for Trump? Nope, it was because not enough Americans voted in favor of the economic voodoo, and the Dems needed a scapegoat rather than admit failure on economic affairs. Every economist knows that the most efficient and competitive economies are those that socialize the costs of living and of doing business. Neoliberalism won't last because it is destroying our economies.
It's also
just a matter of time before our genomic profiles are used to determine pharmacokinetic interplay with our genetic predispositions. It will save our economies on costs of drug administration errors and related costs due to illnesses and deaths. And as far as the tube costing thousands? I don't think so, or at least not for very long. Indian and other international drug companies manufacturing generics will most likely copy the drugs in that over-priced tube in lickety-split time and reducing the price to something smaller than a hair follicle shrunken by DHT. It's inevitable.