They can dish it but they can't take it.

Green Soap

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this is just one example of a person I deal with in life who mocks me from time to time about my hair loss. Sometimes she is downright MEAN about it.

She happens to be an extremely hot young girl who looks quite a bit like Brittney Spears....with much smaller breasts and not quite the ***.

Now, most of the time this girl can be as sweet as pie, hugs and all. But she is a bit cerebral and likes to say VERY subtle things to get under my skin while she watches me squirm.

I just use her as an example to show you guys that those who mock you can really dish it out and make you feel bad..


If you find their little flaws and weaknesses and blow them up and exploit them and throw them in their faces you will find them to be much less bold and quick to throw you down.

Tonight, while in a crowd with this girl, I gave her the wicked..est backhanded comment.

I grabbed my nipples and said, in my best lisp, (I'm very straight, by the way - no offense to any gay members), " boyfriend broke up with me."

She looked at me with her usual glee and said, "Yeah?" But before she could even finish her "yeah" I released my nipples and said (in my normal deadpan), " Yeah, he said my tits were too small, I had no ***, and I was cross eyed." and I stared right at her for about 2.5 seconds.

Let me just say, she was SHOOK.......

SHe was really quiet after that and seemed to be really upset by something. She also had NOTHING to say to me except later which was a goodbye that felt more like a "truce".

I say, LET DEM BISHES HAVE IT, BOYS! Part of getting a grip on all this is getting your power back. Use your head in the same wicked way they do. Fight fire with fire.

It works, my friends. Throw it in their faces. You'll feel GR-EAT! I now control the dialogue between the two of us. She realizes I can make her feel like utter garbagte at the drop of a hat.

In fact, a few mintues later, when we were in proximity, I sang Bob Dylan's "How does it feel?" with emphasis on feel and smiled at her with a wink.

This works even better against guys.

Green Soap

Established Member
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Actually, lol, yes it will, my friend, yes it will.

If you can get a woman so emotional that she feels the need to slap you, you are doing something right.

:wink: hahah.

It's all right, you can't bang them all.


Experienced Member
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ha ha...way to stand up for us. Instead of a good defense, i'm going to power house my offense from now on. No more feeling bad after. Got to do what ever it takes to shut them up...that's one cure for the sting of male pattern baldness


Teetering on the edge said:
this is just one example of a person I deal with in life who mocks me from time to time about my hair loss. Sometimes she is downright MEAN about it.

She happens to be an extremely hot young girl who looks quite a bit like Brittney Spears....with much smaller breasts and not quite the ***.

Now, most of the time this girl can be as sweet as pie, hugs and all. But she is a bit cerebral and likes to say VERY subtle things to get under my skin while she watches me squirm.

I just use her as an example to show you guys that those who mock you can really dish it out and make you feel bad..


If you find their little flaws and weaknesses and blow them up and exploit them and throw them in their faces you will find them to be much less bold and quick to throw you down.

Tonight, while in a crowd with this girl, I gave her the wicked..est backhanded comment.

I grabbed my nipples and said, in my best lisp, (I'm very straight, by the way - no offense to any gay members), " boyfriend broke up with me."

She looked at me with her usual glee and said, "Yeah?" But before she could even finish her "yeah" I released my nipples and said (in my normal deadpan), " Yeah, he said my tits were too small, I had no ***, and I was cross eyed." and I stared right at her for about 2.5 seconds.

Let me just say, she was SHOOK.......

SHe was really quiet after that and seemed to be really upset by something. She also had NOTHING to say to me except later which was a goodbye that felt more like a "truce".

I say, LET DEM BISHES HAVE IT, BOYS! Part of getting a grip on all this is getting your power back. Use your head in the same wicked way they do. Fight fire with fire.

It works, my friends. Throw it in their faces. You'll feel GR-EAT! I now control the dialogue between the two of us. She realizes I can make her feel like utter garbagte at the drop of a hat.

In fact, a few mintues later, when we were in proximity, I sang Bob Dylan's "How does it feel?" with emphasis on feel and smiled at her with a wink.

This works even better against guys.

Fu*k yeah bro! lol...Ah that made my night man :lol: :D

The shedder

Established Member
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Tell her shes gettin hat and watch the b**ch not eat for three days, I used it alot to get some action and can't forget the roofies... :wink:(just kidding)


Rawbbie said:
teetering- you're a very weak person.

that's not weak!

weak is letting it effect him so much he stays at home in a miserable little world of his own.

that to me sounds like he was pushed, got pissed off and bit back, good 'ol fashion jungle lawâ„¢

Rawbbie you are a very judgemental person.


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tynanW said:
Rawbbie said:
teetering- you're a very weak person.

that's not weak!

weak is letting it effect him so much he stays at home in a miserable little world of his own.

that to me sounds like he was pushed, got pissed off and bit back, good 'ol fashion jungle lawâ„¢

Rawbbie you are a very judgemental person.

*sniff, sniff*
Do I smell irony?

"People should get beat up, for statin' their beliefs"

The Gardener

Senior Member
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I agree with Rawbbie. It isn't my style either.

There are people out there in the world who are jerks. They are insensitive at best, total assholes or b****s at worst. My strategy, when someone says something venomous at me, is to BLOW IT OFF. People who intentionally say things to pick fun of others' shortcomings have problems of their own. By responding to it, you only feed their desires and realize that you are someone they can get their kicks with by getting you all riled up about your male pattern baldness.

Now, this girl is supposedly a friend of yours, correct? Some friend. Assuming that she truly IS a friend, then why couldn't you have just been honest to her and told her that her comments about your hairline are not cool. Tell her it would be like someone commenting to her about her small tits and flat ***... that way you not only deflect the comment in a mature manner, without her getting the pleasure of seeing you riled up, but you also get a subtle dig in at her because the analogy you use referring to her body's shortcomings are obviously a way of reminding her that her sh*t smells too, so to speak. And speaking of asses, look left, gentlemen, at that amazing woman.

I also believe in Karma. The more negativity you spew out, the more that comes back at you. It's a bad habit, and it only drags you down to her petty level. Stay cool and calm, stay above the fray, and stop worrying about this one girl's comments and instead concentrate on the feedback that you get from the other 9 out of 10 friends you have who have no problem with your male pattern baldness, or, at least have the decency to know better than to bring it up.

That's Gardener's stand. And now I'll strap into my asbestos overalls and get ready for the flaming responses...


The Gardener said:
I agree with Rawbbie. It isn't my style either.

There are people out there in the world who are jerks. They are insensitive at best, total assholes or b****s at worst. My strategy, when someone says something venomous at me, is to BLOW IT OFF. People who intentionally say things to pick fun of others' shortcomings have problems of their own. By responding to it, you only feed their desires and realize that you are someone they can get their kicks with by getting you all riled up about your male pattern baldness.

Now, this girl is supposedly a friend of yours, correct? Some friend. Assuming that she truly IS a friend, then why couldn't you have just been honest to her and told her that her comments about your hairline are not cool. Tell her it would be like someone commenting to her about her small tits and flat ***... that way you not only deflect the comment in a mature manner, without her getting the pleasure of seeing you riled up, but you also get a subtle dig in at her because the analogy you use referring to her body's shortcomings are obviously a way of reminding her that her sh*t smells too, so to speak. And speaking of asses, look left, gentlemen, at that amazing woman.

I also believe in Karma. The more negativity you spew out, the more that comes back at you. It's a bad habit, and it only drags you down to her petty level. Stay cool and calm, stay above the fray, and stop worrying about this one girl's comments and instead concentrate on the feedback that you get from the other 9 out of 10 friends you have who have no problem with your male pattern baldness, or, at least have the decency to know better than to bring it up.

That's Gardener's stand. And now I'll strap into my asbestos overalls and get ready for the flaming responses...

nice sentiments really, but some people, like this girl, just need to be told to 'f*** off', the notion that:

"By responding to it, you only feed their desires and realize that you are someone they can get their kicks with by getting you all riled up about your male pattern baldness"

is plainly not true in this case, infact quite the opposite, as this girl 'got her kicks' when the poor guy did nothing, it's only when he really showed her how bad he felt, by snapping back, that she finally learned it's not such a good idea to be so sh*t to another human being.

as for Karma! wow, this tired little outpost of superstition, which it's self rots on the periphery of religon, well what can you say other than all of human history is littered with people who never got their Karma, go sell karma to black slaves, 20th century South Africans, WW2 Jews, Karma is the kind of soft thinking that the corporate machine loves the workers to have, Just keep your head down let the girl shout out to the world that I am a bald and useless human, don't what ever you do talk back, Karma will sort it out.

f*** karma, resolve things as best you can with the least hurt to those involved, but if you need to shout at people every now and again then do it.

I have finished now

thank you

nice avatar by the way


The Gardener

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Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you CHOOSE to react to it.

If you want to be angry, be angry. It won't help you feel better.

Of course there are legitimate times to be angry. I am not talking about that. But this, in my opinion, would NOT include having a stupid comment made to me about my male pattern baldness from some dumbass blonde floozy who has small tits and a flat ***. If you allow yourself to get pissed every time someone says something slightly insensitive to you then you will be a pissed off person for life. It's a choice.

tynan W said:
as for Karma! wow, this tired little outpost of superstition, which it's self rots on the periphery of religon, well what can you say other than all of human history is littered with people who never got their Karma, go sell karma to black slaves, 20th century South Africans, WW2 Jews, Karma is the kind of soft thinking that the corporate machine loves the workers to have

Whoa there! Nobody is trying to sell Karma to some of these victims of tragedy in our history. When I talk about Karma, I am not saying that one should not stand up for onesself. Keeping with your analogy, what I am saying is that I could understand being really pissed off and angry if you were, for example, a WW2 Jew or an apartheid-era black South African. But, I find it somewhat of a stretch to compare the pain of getting a stupid comment about Male Pattern Baldness from some dumbass b**ch to the suffering that those folks endured.

tynanW said:
Just keep your head down let the girl shout out to the world that I am a bald and useless human, don't what ever you do talk back, Karma will sort it out

By reacting with sensitive anger at the girl's claim that you are a 'bald and useless human', then you are somewhat giving credence to what she is saying in the eyes of others who overhear this exchange.

The best way to show people that you are not 'bald and useless' is to act like it. This means that when someone says that, you have to act like you know it is not true. By doing this, others will realize that you know better.

I did not say to not talk back. I suggested that he SHOULD talk back. And yes, there are times when you should get angry. But, if this person really believed in his head that he is NOT a 'bald and useless human' then I doubt that the comment would have hurt him as much as it apparently did. No offense to him, but that is about the most tactful way I can say it.


Established Member
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Now, by some backasswards female logic, I bet since he treated her like garbage, she now wants to sleep with him.

Way to go, Teetering! 8)

The Gardener

Senior Member
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You're probably right about that, T&H!

Hey, in Gardener's book, a nice facial is fantastic karma... and she wouldn't be saying jack sh*t to teetering ever again about his hair loss.

Green Soap

Established Member
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First of all:

"why couldn't you have just been honest to her and told her that her comments about your hairline are not cool."

...............Why state the obvious?

Secondly, Karma? Give me a frigging break. You'd have to believe that somehow some nameless "energy" (LOL) without a personality somehow decides what good or bad is, keeps track of it all, and dishes out vengeance? That's like the sky deciding it's gonna rain. LOL.

And thirdly, I wasn't an a**h**, I was clever. there is a difference. You have to err on the side of subtlety with your attack hence: backhanded.

You have to stick up for yourself, people. You don't have to tolerate everything. I say, throw it back at 'em and laugh!

FYI, I'm not a weak person. I'm a completely normal, well rounded, happy individual. If you were making fun of my hair all week and then were standing in my doorway starving, I'd take you in and feed you.

But anyway, live your life, don't let opportunities pass you by, stick to your regimen and hope for the best. In the meanwhile, if you have some enemies, show them just how imperfect they are.

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Teetering on the edge said:
If you were making fun of my hair all week and then were standing in my doorway starving, I'd take you in and feed you.

I hear you and after reading that quote, in the context of your broader story, I think you know what its all about.

Basically, in a nutshell, what I was trying to say to you and to everyone is DON'T LET THE SHORTCOMINGS OF YOUR LIFE GET IN THE WAY OF ENJOYING YOUR LIFE! male pattern baldness is so minor.. life is so full of things far more rewarding than worrying about hairloss. And even with hairloss, life is still pretty f*****g good as long as you have the rest of your life in good order.

Now, this is NOT to say that male pattern baldness is not something worth worrying about.. it is. That is why me, and all of you, take sh*t to try to alleviate it. What I am saying is just to keep it in perspective. It is not cancer, or AIDS, or as referenced above, being a Jew during WW2, nor a South African during the age of apartheid.. it is something that we have to deal with, something that humbles us, but it should NOT be something that holds us back from anything whether it be happiness or pussy or fulfillment, or just plain being a fantastic human being who makes the most of life. That's pretty much it.

Green Soap

Established Member
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Yep, Gardener. male pattern baldness is certainly not the end of the world. We have to teach these 17 y/o's to calm down/breathe. it's going to be OKAY, no matter what. AKA don't run off to get a hair transplant and let some butcher ruin your life.

...and that science is winning and unravelling the male pattern baldness puzzle at a relatively fast clip.

In the meanwhile, don't be a doormat. SOUND OFF LIKE YOU'VE GOT A PAIR!

Green Soap

Established Member
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Your avatar gives me that special feeling. Like when we climbed the rope in gym class.


Experienced Member
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Well im going to have to agree with Gardener on this one.
I do believe in what do to others comes back full swing,and even though you might not believe in karma and/or God......its good to be nice to someone no matter what...just because you said she had small tits or she looked fat in those jeans...didnt do anything but make you feel better knowing she didnt........sounds kinda selfish to me but what do i know.

Like i said in a post similar to this one i think there are more things in life then hair.People who said mean sh*t to others have self esteem problems anyway..i mean the only reason people are mean to others is to feel better about themselves and if thats the only way they can find be it.


Teetering on the edge said:
this is just one example of a person I deal with in life who mocks me from time to time about my hair loss. Sometimes she is downright MEAN about it.

She happens to be an extremely hot young girl who looks quite a bit like Brittney Spears....with much smaller breasts and not quite the ***.

Now, most of the time this girl can be as sweet as pie, hugs and all. But she is a bit cerebral and likes to say VERY subtle things to get under my skin while she watches me squirm.

I just use her as an example to show you guys that those who mock you can really dish it out and make you feel bad..


If you find their little flaws and weaknesses and blow them up and exploit them and throw them in their faces you will find them to be much less bold and quick to throw you down.

Tonight, while in a crowd with this girl, I gave her the wicked..est backhanded comment.

I grabbed my nipples and said, in my best lisp, (I'm very straight, by the way - no offense to any gay members), " boyfriend broke up with me."

She looked at me with her usual glee and said, "Yeah?" But before she could even finish her "yeah" I released my nipples and said (in my normal deadpan), " Yeah, he said my tits were too small, I had no ***, and I was cross eyed." and I stared right at her for about 2.5 seconds.

Let me just say, she was SHOOK.......

SHe was really quiet after that and seemed to be really upset by something. She also had NOTHING to say to me except later which was a goodbye that felt more like a "truce".

I say, LET DEM BISHES HAVE IT, BOYS! Part of getting a grip on all this is getting your power back. Use your head in the same wicked way they do. Fight fire with fire.

It works, my friends. Throw it in their faces. You'll feel GR-EAT! I now control the dialogue between the two of us. She realizes I can make her feel like utter garbagte at the drop of a hat.

In fact, a few mintues later, when we were in proximity, I sang Bob Dylan's "How does it feel?" with emphasis on feel and smiled at her with a wink.

This works even better against guys.

If you do manage to get her into bed, the first thing you should do is bust over her face, that will teach her to like the taste of finasteride.