They can dish it but they can't take it.


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speaking of bustin..if were gonna take that route i would say pull of a White Dragon on her .....
and for all you who dont know about the white dragon its where a girl is giving you a blowjob and right before you spert you slam her head into your stomach so when you bust it comes out of her nose.
Just a suggestion.


If you want to be angry, be angry. It won't help you feel better.

Anger is a natural emotional response present in all but the most docile humans, it like all other emotions serves a purpose, as a release system and warning to others. Anger is quickly dissappated if you let it out when the situation calls for it, bottle it up and you will go bald :freaked: Anger does make you feel better, that is it's purpose.

Teetering I am guessing is an emotional human being with the full set of emotions, not some karmic robot, when someone stands on his foot I am guessing he says "aaahhh" not "hmmm..what have the gods got in store for me today"

When you kick a dog, don't expect it to think "you go your way to nirvana my two legged friend, but you will meet it's gate keeper 'karma' on your journey and then you shall be asked to account for your missdeeds" will probably bite your balls.

Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you CHOOSE to react to it.

simply phrase based philosophies are not allways true, some people in life are not gandhi like spiritual beings who float over problems that would drown a lesser man, they are the more basic model, call me bald in public and I will become self aware and embarressed, keep doing it and I might go home pissed off, If this continues over a few weeks I might just tell someone to f*** off, that's just how us weak people are.

Gardener what happened to your 'saddam' was that K..(don't mention the K word!) under him?


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bottom line is, this girl really upset you to the point where you had to come on here and tell us all about it. Then you told us how to tell "b****s" off and how great it feels. Didn't you learn in grade school how to handle people who say things to upset you? You are waaaay too sensitive, and that's why I think you're weak.

Regardless, your whole message is pointless and shallow


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Rawbbie said:
Regardless, your whole message is pointless and shallow

I agree... that's so shallow.... I'm very disappointed...

So, have you nailed her yet? 8)

Green Soap

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LMAO. Okay, buddy. I read your first post but since you've decided to reiterate, I'll respond.

You claim to be so strong and yet you're on a hair loss forum as a posting member hoping to stave off your bald head with a cure that will make you once again aesthetically appealing.


If you were so strong you'd pull a Bruce Willis, shave it off, and tell the world to f*** off..... and to hell with Propecia.....and to hell with a hair loss forum

You don't know me, you aren't a licensed psychologist, the girl and I are very much still friends and all is well, so take your opinion of my relative strength and kindly shove it up your ***! How bout 'dat?


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your post was just kiddy-like. A guy who became so upset over what a girl said to him, then planned what he'd say to her to make her feel bad, then uleashed his ever-witty, brilliant insults towards her which shut her up. Then you felt an incredible rush of accomplishment over insulting her, and came home to post your story here on this message forum.

You should concentrate on important things in your life. If there are any.

Green Soap

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You're not worth getting banned. Shoo fly.

The Gardener

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A couple other tricks to try with her:

The Harry Houdini - while in doggie style, pull out and spit on her back. She thinks you came on her back and turns over to examine the blast residue on your dick. Right then, with a BIG surprise, you actually come, shooting it all over her face.

The Dirty Sanchez - while making love to your schnookums, stick your finger in her anus and, with some of the residue accumulated theron, paint a brown moustache on her upper lip while continuing to bone her.

male pattern baldness what!?!!? What did you say about my hairline? Can you repeat that, I think you were speaking into my BAD ear?


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Gardener ..others include:

Blumpken-where she gives you a blowjob ..while your taking a sh*t.

Donkey Punch-where your f*****g her doggie style and right when your about to bust you hit her in the lower back so her whole body tenses up for around 5-10 seconds.

Green Soap

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LOL, thanks. Don't want er'. Like I said, no tits or ***.