Thinking of a transplant.. pics included.. old school poster


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Then its possible if you didn't go to the first butcher, you may have been ok with a strip scar? right? I think the people that most complain about the strip are the ones who have had one or more botched.

Anyways.. thoughts from anyone else on my FUE strategy? Maybe i'm being conservative about having a strip scar from a top Doctor.. perhaps i will be ok.. but i'm just playing it safe and going for FUE. I worry that my results from FUE won't get me back to a non-thinning look.. i know strip will.


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there are some clinics that do mega sessions with fue up to 4000 grafts a session over 2 days.
If im going under then fue will be my choice, since i can always shave or buzz it if i loose the batle when i get older if i choose fue.
I had a older guy at my university that shaves his head now.. it shows easily that he had a bad botch hair transplant with strip from before.. can see the big plugg holes in front + a nasti strip scar in the back, and yes i alsow heard people whispering when he passes ..what happend to him and... has he had brain sergury and such.. must be a nightmare having a botched hair transplant.
GL and keep us updated on what you do and what clinic you will chose.


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Jojje said:
there are some clinics that do mega sessions with fue up to 4000 grafts a session over 2 days.
Yes and these mega sessions probably produce about 50% growth.
Dr Feller never promises to do more than 1000 FUE a day most of the time he'll manage about 1200 - 1300 though.
It was FUE megasessions that ruined Armani's reputation.


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Why Umar just for repair? I think Umar seems to be a good all around FUE Doctor.

In regards to Armani megassessions - I think it did ruin his rep, but now he's figured out how to do it right and seems to have a lot of good results. Still uneasy about him, regardless of results.


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If you could go back, would you have not done hair transplants.. or would you have just gone with a better doctor and/or FUE ? I'm about to pull the trigger on Umar but very uneasy about the prospects of hair transplant. I don't mind having to get more in the future (especially if it is not strip and i can look somewhat normal in 2-3 weeks).

What would you do if you were in my situation (and you can see my pics on this thread).



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I don't mind traveling. I know all about it..

My issue is that I want to go to H&W and get it all taken care off, but way too scared of the scar.

Thus.. I'm going FUE.. begrudgingly because i have no other choice. Trying to find the right doctor to get me good density.. don't know if its possible, or who to quite choose.

In the end i keep looking back at H&W results and know that is the best out of everything i see.. ah.. decisions decisions..