Thinking Of Suicide Because Of Hair Loss


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2-3 weeks
first week, no real side effects.. second week no libido at all and my nipples every 3 seonds are itching
i will accept those side effects if it gives me hair, but i dont even get hair LOL

i will read his posts, thank you

2-3 weeks ?? Is it a joke ?? You need to wait at least 4 months to see the first results.
However whats the sense to kill your libido for hairs? If finasteride cant do anything just save for a hair transplant or consider a wig ?

Jesse Navarro

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If he is considering suicide, i don't think using estrogen can be considered such an absurd, i mean whats more important than life?


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Funny how anytime people call Finasterid the drug that makes your dick limb after one pill and you cant do anything about it. Especially from guys that never use their dick anyway except to jerk off all day.
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If you are depressed as f***,why are you still protecting yourself.
Post you full photographer taken pics on this site,some of us guys will surely kill your depression.

You will clearly know whether you are hyper reacting or not!

Cover your eyes with black strip like we have in medical books.

Don't kill yourself by suicide.
Better to kill your hairs by razer blade powered by gillete.

May be you will fall in love with your new look in the process.


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You're only 20 mate, there's people in their 40s here who have had their prime years hindered by this monstrosity.

Odds are by your mid 20s you could have a full fledged NW1 (pray 4 tsuji), stick around pal


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you still see hairloss on these heavy drugs?

its over

anyway, you cannot continue with itchy nipples, that is early stage gyno

Cowboys fan

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You're only 20 mate, there's people in their 40s here who have had their prime years hindered by this monstrosity.

Odds are by your mid 20s you could have a full fledged NW1 (pray 4 tsuji), stick around pal
I agree being your so young. hang in there u will not go thru your thirties as a bald man. . Save as much money as u can


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was on finas for 1 year, i go from nw2 to nw4

please no jokes, im on the edge of what i can handle

lol I had same hairline at 20

yea it sucks and you will feel inferior all the time

say thanks to mama and papa for garbage genes