This a good signof hair loss?


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I think the family history of male pattern baldness combined with how it looks like he has lost some hair makes it a pretty good guess he will continue to lose and the process has started. It might go very slow forever, and it might speed up alot. No one can say for sure. Its always a judgement call and its not easy.


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BrianPeppers said:
i didn't think so, in that area anyways. my receding hairline is, however getting really bad and thinning, and seems to be going up into a U shape. i seen pics and it seems to have gotten worst since November, but i cant really tell to what extent. and i cant tell if its getting bad or if its just maturing.

but here is what i have noticed in past month

large increase is dandruff (or dead skin maybe?)
Itchy head
What appears to be thinning on the hairline
And the thin hairs on my hairline seems to be curlier than normal, & really thin.
if i rub my head by a piece of white paper i will get about 10 hairs to fall out onto paper.
hair seems a lot harder to style now.

are these signs of hairloss?

You are going bald. The itching is what tells me. Going bald includes a lot of itching. When I got on finasteride, the itching stopped.

I also had these crusty flakes.

Yes indeed, 10 hais falling out.

Your hairline looks receded like a Norwood 2. You are only 20 years old and already a NW2. You will be a Norwood 2.5 by the age of 25 like I am now.

You are going bald. You are going bald. Do something about this now, because I want you to keep your hair.