This is too much!!



This is too much!

I just looked in the mirror at my hair and as soon as I saw it, I fell to the floor twitching violently like an agitated maggot.

I always took your advice, guys.

It's too hard.

I have to start afresh.

1st step was to go and see a doctor.

Today I went.

However, I only got as far as the entrance, after seeing my reflection in the door before turning around and walking home crying.

I‘m now here, lying on my bed, crying and shouting aimlessly around my room.

I even just picked up my action man, and threw him across the room in temper.

I can’t take this!!!!!

Man, I never knew it was like this!

When I go down the town, I always avoid car windows. I avoid them because if I see my reflection, it scares the living hell out of me. I find myself running away from cars in case I accidentally see myself.

I can’t help it.

When I saw my hair in the mirror last night, that was the last straw. I dropped the mirror, fell to my knees, pointed in the air with both hands, and with my head saturated in minoxidil and my horse shoe pattern shining like a beacon, I started to curse god by giving him a piece of my mind.

It hurts.

Today I went around my mums house and had an heart to heart with her.

It was all going well until I reached the front door, rang the door bell, and saw my reflection in window.

This resulted in my turning around, messing my pants and walking away crying.

Anyway, later that day, I plucked up the courage to leave my house and see her again.

I told her that I needed to start again. I told her of my hair loss problems, and how I saw myself as 2 different people. She asked what I meant, so I told her I’d give her an example.

I then, whilst waving my hands in the air in an animated fashion, started to point to my hair line whilst shouting “the hair frames the face, the hair frames the face!â€

Shave my poodle

Established Member
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zzzzzzzzzzzz :roll:


Established Member
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Yeah..I know how you feel..but I have some good news...after examining my own sh*t with my hands and a magnifying glass for 2 hours a day for the last 3 months I've noticed a significant decrease in the amount of hair there. I will be sending the pictures to Propecia to use on their website.
*rolling eyes*

PS: You're hair looks fine..for what its worth, its all in youre head. Also stop wearing a hat...its the same thing as a combover.
Best of luck


Established Member
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gunner...get some help....this is beyond getting old...we are sick of these posts


Established Member
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This is too much!


Too much to be credible. I hope you are having fun. The rest of us are trying to share information and giving each other a little support.


VICCI said:
gunner...get some help....this is beyond getting old...we are sick of these posts

I find them quite amusing actually.

Even if I do write them.

Shave my poodle

Established Member
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Gunner, you come here pouring your heart out in serious posts (like earlier today) looking for sympathy, people then give you solid suggestions on how you can start to improve your life, but you take no notice.
You never respond to your own genuine sympathy posts but post this spam junk instead.

Not suprising people don't take you seriously.


New Member
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Instead of spending your money on proscar, finasteride, etc.. Order some Zoloft, or Prozak. Bye the way, when I read your posts I laugh my *** off. :lol:
Your 35 yrs old and you wear Ninja Turtles underwear and you play with action man?? LOL


Established Member
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You are f*****g 35?!?!?

You ahve got to be kidding me! The asmount you b**ch about hairloss I thought maybe you had a reason for it, maybe in your early 20's or somethinge, then you MAY have reason to moan.

Damn I wish I had hair like yours now and I'm 21 for fucks sakes, if I was 35 and had hair like yours I'd be in heaven. Start acting like a f*****g 35 year old instead of some whiney b**ch and get a grip of your damn life


Established Member
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Why don't you become a monk? They seem like they're pretty happy. You wouldn't even have to go to Tibet. Check your local listings, see if there's any monastaries in your area.


Your just confusing people, pissing them off and confusing them.

What are you on these forums for?



Only way to escape the depression of hair loss, albeit for a few minutes.

Probably, not best to combine a serious one and a joke one in the same day actually.


there's not much in them mate!

It's hard to know if you are in need of prozac or just more stella.

everyone here has said it, your hair is f*****g fine, go get yourself some new clothes, go get pissed and pull some slapper, you will feel a lot better about it all.


Established Member
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Gunner m8, Ive not replied to any of these little rants of yours in the past simply in the spirit of wanting to stay positive, but seriousely




Mikey said:
Gunner m8, Ive not replied to any of these little rants of yours in the past simply in the spirit of wanting to stay positive, but seriousely



Are you trying to get the better of my norwood 3v?



I'm well hip.

*walks off doing the norwood groove*


Experienced Member
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Gunner feeds off his posts...he posts just to make him feel better whether its a funny story(none of them are in my opinion) or serious one...gunner is just trying to to either piss people off or make people laugh cause thats whats fueling his fire.

Molecular Help

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I think the posts are pretty funny, if you think about it as a humorous look at the absolute worst way to handle hair loss. Some parts of them definitely rign true, like avoiding your reflection on a bright day in a window or mirror.
We all stop ourselves short of lunacy though, even if it sometimes feels like that.

It sucks that behind the hyperbole is a writer who's dealing very badly with hair loss (not quite as maniacal as the posts though). But maybe some day he'll be able to deal with it. Definitely a funny writer though I say.


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tynanW said:
go get pissed and pull some slapper...

Ok, I know that "go get pissed" is British for "go get drunk", but what the blue blazes does "pull some slapper" mean??
