
Those that buzz/shave your head...


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When it started to look obvious that my hair was thinning. A buzzcut blends thinning hair brilliantly. My hairline is a Norwood 2/2.5, but if I grew it out I'd look like a Norwood 3.5. Most of my temple hair is very thin, but a grade 1 buzzcut blends it in with the thick hair. I highly recommend a buzzcut to anyone.


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Those short, pale, weak hairs in your thinning areas become cosmetically useful when ALL your hair is that length. I love my buzz cut. Also, super easy to take care of.


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When I saw pics of myself. Thought my grown out hair looked good in the mirror til I saw it in a pic and thought wow. Doesn't mean I'm stopping the fight on hair loss. I just want to look semi normal while doing it.


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Thanks for the replies. I'm thinking I'm a nw3, and have been thinking about buzzing it. I've buzzed it once before, but that was before any signs of hair loss. Now, the only thing I worry about is if it would look worse. But i guess the only way I'd know for sure is to go for it.


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Why don't you chuck up some pictures, I am sure the guys here will be able to give you an honest opinion on what to do and what looks best.


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I´ve found a decent short hair cut by a hairdresser that recognizes your thinning and who can pull some tricks to hide it to be a world of difference..

I´m considering a buzzcut too though, because I look ridiculous at times. The problem is I have an alien-skull. Do those of you who buzz it all have normal skulls?


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I cut my hair short when I had noticeable hair loss at the temples. It helped to conceal my hair loss and it also helped me to feel better about myself. I didn't feel that my hair loss was as bad as it actually was.


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I will definitly think about shaving/buzzing once my hair has started thinning on top. So far I have got over the first hurdle in a sense. I have accepted the initial recediing. But Its a long road ahead of me.


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It feels a lot cleaner, it makes your thinning look better, it's easier to apply topical treatments, it's easier to shampoo and feels better in the shower, you don't lose as many hairs due to friction, it's more comfortable in the heat. I could probably go on, but I'll stop there for now.


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I started buzzing when my temples starting to miniaturize and receding. It doesn't look too bad and when I throw on a baseball hat kinda half-way on my head and a little to the side I kinda look sexy :p:p


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I don't think there is a "right time" to get a buzz. You should go with whatever suits you. I personally would love to have long hair, but I cant. If my hair grows longer than 1-1.5", it just looks awful.

mykal_P said:
When I saw pics of myself. Thought my grown out hair looked good in the mirror til I saw it in a pic and thought wow. Doesn't mean I'm stopping the fight on hair loss. I just want to look semi normal while doing it.

The same here... I never realise how thin my hair is until I see a picture of myself.


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I was so scared to buzz my head, but I did it last night, and I look so much better now. I only went down to 1/4 inch. You should keep some hair and not go razor bald. It looks awsome.


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I just spent three days in the hospital with no good way to wash my hair. During that time, the concealer I had on gradually began flaking off, which caused me no small amount of embarassment. It also made me reassess my attitude about hairloss and the approach I've been taking.
So I finally took myself into the hospital bathtroom with some of that shampoo you don't have to rinse off. By the time I was done, my hairloss was obvious, and I didn't give a sh*t. After I got home, I had my wife use the clippers to buzz my head, and then I went into the bathroom, rubbed shaving cream all over my dome, got a good razor, and shaved it all off. All that's left are my eyebrows, lashes, and a neatly trimmed moustache and goatee. And you know what? It's not so bad. It's going to save me over seventy dollars a month in rogaine, prothick, and special shampoos, too. My wife says she wishes I'd done it a long time ago. I'm not preaching to people about how they should just accept losing their hair and go with the flow, but perhaps some of you should just try it for awhile. If it's not for you, just let it grow back. What's the downside? Everywhere I go nowadays there are men all over the place with shiny domes. I don't believe it's just a fad, either.


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thetodd said:
I just spent three days in the hospital with no good way to wash my hair. During that time, the concealer I had on gradually began flaking off, which caused me no small amount of embarassment. It also made me reassess my attitude about hairloss and the approach I've been taking.
So I finally took myself into the hospital bathtroom with some of that shampoo you don't have to rinse off. By the time I was done, my hairloss was obvious, and I didn't give a sh*t. After I got home, I had my wife use the clippers to buzz my head, and then I went into the bathroom, rubbed shaving cream all over my dome, got a good razor, and shaved it all off. All that's left are my eyebrows, lashes, and a neatly trimmed moustache and goatee. And you know what? It's not so bad. It's going to save me over seventy dollars a month in rogaine, prothick, and special shampoos, too. My wife says she wishes I done it a long time ago. I'm not preaching to people about how they should just accept losing their hair and go with the flow, but perhaps some of you should just try it for awhile. If it's not for you, just let it grow back. What's the downside? Everywhere I go nowadays there are men all over the place with shiny domes. I don't believe it's just a fad, either.

Talk to any girl and they say when it gets thin to shave it. I mean this is written in f*****g stone for christs sakes. Everyone should follow the advice of women, when it comes to your looks, if you want to look good for them.

The shaved head thing is not a fad. Since 75% white males suffer from male pattern baldness, we are just sick of humiliating ourselves with crappy long haircuts that show off our bald spots.

p.s. your wife will probably respect you tons more now that you don't have this weird insecurity to obsess and cry over, making you more attractive to her.


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I don't think all balding guys look better with a buzzcut.

Receders certainly do not. Jude Law, when his hair was still thick, could pull off some great styles as a NW3. In fact, as people have said - if you pay for a decent haircut you can hold off on the buzzcut until NW4.

Diffuse is a different story. If I was diffuse but still had my hairline I'd be buzzed down in a heartbeat. I actually envy guys I see with NW1 hairlines, slight diffuse/crown thinning and buzzcuts. Looks great. But not so much with an obvious "island" of hair and bald temples.


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Thickandthin said:
I don't think all balding guys look better with a buzzcut.

Receders certainly do not. Jude Law, when his hair was still thick, could pull off some great styles as a NW3. In fact, as people have said - if you pay for a decent haircut you can hold off on the buzzcut until NW4.

Diffuse is a different story. If I was diffuse but still had my hairline I'd be buzzed down in a heartbeat. I actually envy guys I see with NW1 hairlines, slight diffuse/crown thinning and buzzcuts. Looks great. But not so much with an obvious "island" of hair and bald temples.
Sure, not all guys are going to look good completely bald.
A lot of us can get away with it, though. If you can, why not go for it? Let's face it, unless you can afford a hair transplant, you're going to spend a lot of money and time on a losing battle. Rogaine, propecia, and nizoral are good products that will delay the inevitible and possibly grow back a little of the hair you've lost, but not everybody is going to want to focus so much time, effort, and cash on a regime that is only moderately effective at best. I'm certainly not suggesting that all guys who are losing their hair should just shave it all off. It's a personal choice that we all have to make.


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Crap. Some times I just feel like buzzing it.. But diffusers certainly look better doing it. This damn island that is forming up front"! arrgh!


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I am diffuse with receding corners and I am afraid to buzz cus i think it would make my diffuse on top look more obvious.

though my loss on the temples blend in quite well if you cut it short with the side toward the back...
