Throw away your FDA products and go natural

Captain Hook

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You don´t have to give me a lesson what works or not for me, because it does and it has been for for 5 months now.
So it´s not about persuading yourself that the side effects are 2%, and damn those scaremongers?
It´s obvious that the sides is way more, but they are proved right with studies behind them and proven by FDA since they don´t study them themselves but they bring $.

You where also pointing out that drug users docent share there success anymore because they live there lives, but what about those who found a natural way?
As soon as they leave forums like this they are failures with no sides, but the drug users are living their full life right.
Do your research before you and others for that sake, who downgrades other non drug users by false marketing.

Why not post a study proving the effectiveness of your treatment? You sound so confident, surely you have some evidence to back up your claims, even pictures of your progress maybe?


Senior Member
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even pictures of your progress maybe?

Thread should end right here. This is where the natural cures fall short. No proof, ever. They get offended like we are hoping that they fail. If there was a way to cure our balding the natural way, we would all do it. The fact of the matter is that "going natural" has never been shown to work for anybody that is suffering from male pattern baldness. We don't take prescription drugs because it is the cool thing to do, we do it because it is the only thing that works. Most of us have already made the mistake of going natural and don't have enough hair left on our head to waste time with crap that doesn't work. Look at this forum and other hair loss forum and you will find plenty of threads just like this where some guy is claiming to cure his hair loss with supplements and oils. What is very often missing from those threads are conclusive pics(if any are even provided) of regrowth. This thread will not be any different. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it.

What happened to the OP of this thread? Gone, never to be heard from again. It is either they leave right away like this guy, or stick around and fight their cause for a few days using the same tired arguements: "FDA lies to make $", "Merck lied on clinical trials", "No money to be made with natural treatments"... They throw everything to support their argument but conclusive pics. If you want to shut me up provide conclusive pics of your progress. Enough guys will fall for it and they will try it themselves. If it works the word will easily get back to us.


New Member
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hehhe, these images of hundred products looking funny.
like a shop or something.


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Awe **** man, I didn't know it was you herbaliser. Hope things are still working out for you.

Cue Bald

Experienced Member
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I hope you post updates fella,
unfortunately every person I have seen who used only natural treatments seems to post updates for about 6 months then they disappear (or end up on finasteride)
there was a guy on Youtube posting natural hairloss updates, but a few months in he dropped the hairloss subject and wore a cap in every video. i can't seem to find his youtube channel anymore, perhaps he closed his account

lol here it is


Established Member
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Sorry for my lack of presence.
I posted a couple of pictures in this forum https://www.********* as herbaliser that probably Notcoolanymore knows, and hopefully remembers me. (just made my remedy more efficient)
The reason for my posting in different hair loss forums is because i understood that the pattern is the same.
Your trust in proven treatments (or cures like you think it is) amazes me, since the desperation of gaining hair overcomes the reality how the business works. (ongoing fortune wheel)

Your friendly Doctor prescribes you finasteride, and tells that nobody from their earlier patients experienced sides, and also Merck´s side studies is legit because FDA approved it even if the drug itself was meant for a cure reason.
Mine is natural with health included, but it´s not proven so the benefits are non because i buy them from my grocery store, so it cant be proven.

So is there a point of putting pictures of my regrowth in this forum, because my hair loss is so called genetic so it cant be treated without using drugs,

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Hmm. strange the link docent work, but lets try again https://www.*********

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Bald truth talk natural remedies.

Nobody is going to believe you without evidence.