Tim Ryan puts the smack DOWN !


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IwantMyhair said:
Yep... the 'internet hoax' he was refering to was in regards to all the draft talk.

He was trying to say that, obviously people aren't 'putting it past' the Bush admin. to bring back such a thing, and that it is as REAL an option as it ever was... so Bush should be more truthful with the people in general.. since we have no reason to believe him on other topics, why would we believe him on this one??

Hmmm... and still he wins the popular vote. Makes you wonder what it takes for some people to get the message.


I think people must have their heads in the sand if they think that US conscription is something that will never be considered, you just have to look at the continuing use of the Selective Service System, the recent deal with Canada (smart border control Dec 2001) and the prospect of a widening 'war on terror' compound this with 49% of troops saying they would not re-enlist after their tour of duty (stars and stripes magazine) and the coalitions steady reduction of support in Iraq, this to my simple my adds up to a recipe not seen in the US since the 1970's.

saturday night lottery anyone :freaked2:


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Yeah, all that popular and electoral bullshit doesn't do nothing for me..

America is more divided now than it has been since what, the Civil War ?

What was this election? Like 49 to 51 or something lol..

woopity do what does it all mean Basil?

It means most Americans are idiots.