With all due respect, how did you got to these conclusions? as far as I know, he is working alone and is not branching with anyone to this day, he has a clinic in Atlanta and I think in Rome with Dr Chiara but that's about it. Yes, he is a loudspeaker and not concern about being politically correct. he doesn't play the game that all the other doctors play and although it can get him into troubles with them and the ISHRS, it is still something I personally admire. Yes, he is getting great results because I have seen them with my own eyes and not just online photos. most doctors either been trained by him or got the knowledge that he spread all over Europe through training and workshop starting with DHI, HDC, ******** who worked with him, HLC turkey and more...
A big percent of the clinics uses his punches and automotive machines (Coleinstruments).
I'm aware of his work with FUE Europe along with a number of hugely successful and respected surgeons, at the end of the day I'm basing the question of whether he is a top 5 surgeon largely on his results, aesthetically in regards to design, density and naturalness I don't think they're at the level of Freitas, Keser, or Couto, and he hasn't shown the capability for large megasessions with consistently high yields such as Erdogan. He also doesn't have as many results available for viewing as other top surgeons available on a consistent basis to make concrete decisions, nor results with comb throughs in harsh lighting to show realistically how the work looks, ala Lorenzo.
On the red flag front as a marketer, his constant reference to the benefits of PRP which is largely considered a joke in the hairloss community both based on anecdotal experience and genuine data, his claim which PRP can speed up results by 30% which again is backed by zero data, his reference of "CIT" which realistically is simply FUE with use of his personally designed Cole Instruments punch Tool, his chain clinic tactics which are growing including a branch in Asia now, his constant badmouthing of other surgeons (including on this very forum), his use of motorised punches and automotive instruments the majority of academics in the transplant community agree are not invented for optimal results, but solely removing difficulty for the surgeon.
Also quotes like this on his website:
"His groundbreaking contribution, Cole Isolation Technique (CIT®), offers over 97% yield and no visible scars -unheard of in the hair transplant industry."
Guaranteeing over 97% yield in itself is unethical even if its just on his website, and saying "no visible scars" in any surgical procedure is false and blatantly unethical. Similarly he contends that PRP will cause regeneration in FUE extraction sites, which are utterly laughable, bottom of the barrel scumbag lies.
"most doctors either been trained by him or got the knowledge that he spread all over Europe through training and workshop"
This is a load of dogshit and you know it, you sound like a paid rep.
Just quick Google search and its easy to find poor results from him also
And this case among plenty of others in terms of blatantly unethical conduct. Very often he refuses to compensate patients for poor results also.
Recently his results have been strong but there are so many reasons to avoid this man, on top of the fact that aesthetically his results are not by any standards on the level of some of the surgeons he is working with at FUE Europe, such as ******** and Oztan.
"he doesn't play the game that all the other doctors play"
No he doesn't, he's a shameless self promoter, a liar, unethical, attacks other surgeons, and is ultimately highly accomplished but not a top-tier surgeon.