Topical Cetirizine Is Still Worth A Try ?


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I know it wont stop hair loss. even slowing it i doubt.

But i am looking for something to help with inflammation and old topics talk about it. A lot of people i've seen good results about decreasing inflammation.

Thoughts ?


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I was just going to post on this, asking if anyone was using it. (Anybody out there??;))

I am about to have some compounded, mainly because I have seborrheic dermatitis (inflammatory scalp disorder). What symptoms do you have, other than hair loss?


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Honestly I think it could be useful for maintenance only since it prevents the release of PGD2 (bad) but also PGE2 (good). However I think that applying it twice a day is not enough to see results. I’m not sure how long the effects last but prostaglandins are synthesized in mast cells rather quickly


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Is anyone actually using this? Have you seen any results? (As a side note, it seems almost impossible to find cetirizine powder from a reputable source -- I realize you can crush tablets, but that's not exactly ideal.)


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Where is it said that cetirizine blocks PGE2? Doesn't this study say otherwise ?

Cetirizine (0.1-10 micrograms/ml) enhanced PGE2 release by resting human monocytes. Concentrations of 1 and 10 micrograms/ml enhanced PGE2 release by LPS-stimulated monocytes, and by healthy and inflamed rat macrophages.


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Where is it said that cetirizine blocks PGE2? Doesn't this study say otherwise ?

Yeah, but thats the problem with invitro data.

After the cots study ppl in german studies jumped straight at it, and pretty much everyone using only ceti ended up losing hair. I mean public forum trials are chaotic, so it isnt 100% clear but I personally wouldnt take the risk, hence I asked also ppl to make a log here with pics to create some knowledge.


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Yeah, but thats the problem with invitro data.

After the cots study ppl in german studies jumped straight at it, and pretty much everyone using only ceti ended up losing hair. I mean public forum trials are chaotic, so it isnt 100% clear but I personally wouldnt take the risk, hence I asked also ppl to make a log here with pics to create some knowledge.

so you state italian researchers's conclusion(ceti study) is wrong?


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so you state italian researchers's conclusion(ceti study) is wrong?

There was only one picture looking good, and that guy didnt even have Androgenetic Alopecia but another from of hair loss.

The study was weak and there is generally a lack of data regarding cetirizines effect on the arachidonic acid metabolism. We also have a study where diclo helped even though it is a known NSAID.

What I know is that tons of germans jumped on ceti back in the day, I went through those threads and there was like one person at best having success with it together with minoxidil. The other ppl lost terminals for some pseudo venus hair.

I personally do not wanna risk it based on this information in front of me, as I saw enough ppl having trouble to recover from starving hair off pge2.
There is Sulfa which is known to increase PGE2 by inhibiting PGDH and lowering pgd2 by inhibiting Cox-2. It is also cheap, so why not go for that?


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There was only one picture looking good, and that guy didnt even have Androgenetic Alopecia but another from of hair loss.

The study was weak and there is generally a lack of data regarding cetirizines effect on the arachidonic acid metabolism. We also have a study where diclo helped even though it is a known NSAID.

What I know is that tons of germans jumped on ceti back in the day, I went through those threads and there was like one person at best having success with it together with minoxidil. The other ppl lost terminals for some pseudo venus hair.

I personally do not wanna risk it based on this information in front of me, as I saw enough ppl having trouble to recover from starving hair off pge2.
There is Sulfa which is known to increase PGE2 by inhibiting PGDH and lowering pgd2 by inhibiting Cox-2. It is also cheap, so why not go for that?

You are right. One could say that "adult" hair requires PGE2 just to be alive and therefore when applying cet to them, they just fall out, while baby hair (becuase it's a baby) doesn't need so much PGE2 to be born BUT can't be born because of PGD2.
In any regard, it's a good rule of thumb to avoid any chemical that lowers PGE2


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There was only one picture looking good, and that guy didnt even have Androgenetic Alopecia but another from of hair loss.

The study was weak and there is generally a lack of data regarding cetirizines effect on the arachidonic acid metabolism. We also have a study where diclo helped even though it is a known NSAID.

What I know is that tons of germans jumped on ceti back in the day, I went through those threads and there was like one person at best having success with it together with minoxidil. The other ppl lost terminals for some pseudo venus hair.

I personally do not wanna risk it based on this information in front of me, as I saw enough ppl having trouble to recover from starving hair off pge2.
There is Sulfa which is known to increase PGE2 by inhibiting PGDH and lowering pgd2 by inhibiting Cox-2. It is also cheap, so why not go for that?

what is sulfa ? exact name, how to use it, etc. Thanks !!!


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@HairCook, @Nostro100
that's where people are wrong.. studies show cetirizine take care of pgd2 and increase pge2. All in all Ceti study show it works. It's freaking cheap and easy to prepare. what do you guy want more?? goldbars? Virgins?
you prefer seti? and an obscure powder you receive from random labs. you have like zero evidence seti works except claims from few members you don't know and from one random user who posted pictures. YET his pictures are still debatables.. that sums it up. so ceti is the easy way to go
about sulfa: it is sh*t long term I tried it years ago(I was very active on a european forum). bad semen analysis to say the least, and skin problem(itchy) Sometimes nausea but it was in the beginning tbh.


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@HairCook, @Nostro100
that's where people are wrong.. studies show cetirizine take care of pgd2 and increase pge2. All in all Ceti study show it works. It's freaking cheap and easy to prepare. what do you guy want more?? goldbars? Virgins?
you prefer seti? and an obscure powder you receive from random labs. you have like zero evidence seti works except claims from few members you don't know and from one random user who posted pictures. YET his pictures are still debatables.. that sums it up. so ceti is the easy way to go
about sulfa: it is sh*t long term I tried it years ago(I was very active on a european forum). bad semen analysis to say the least, and skin problem(itchy) Sometimes nausea but it was in the beginning tbh.

people saying it increase pge2, some says it blocks it.. dammmm :(


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rat study... but still it's better tha claims from random users. isn't it? ; )

i started using it for 3 weeks and my hairline got worse since (i have a shaved head so its easy to see). This information doesnt help me.. dont know if i should continue or quit.. is there a shedding phase with it ?


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rat study... but still it's better tha claims from random users. isn't it? ; )
Actually, this study here does refers both rats and humans on it.
Cetirizine (10 micrograms/ml) significantly enhanced IL-1 release by human monocytes stimulated by a weak LPS concentration (1 microgram/ml) but could not modify the maximal increase of IL-1 release induced by 10 micrograms/ml of LPS. It did not exert any effect on resting cells. Cetirizine (0.1-10 micrograms/ml) enhanced PGE2 release by resting human monocytes. Concentrations of 1 and 10 micrograms/ml enhanced PGE2 release by LPS-stimulated monocytes, and by healthy and inflamed rat macrophages.

Let's just put on the table the facts that this is not an hairloss study and that there is terms here complicated enough to make any allegations dubious (since we don't know what the hell they mean!).

So, I propose to take a look at This specific cetirizine/hairloss study. This study does not say in specific what cetirizine does or does not do to the prostagladins. It's as vague as one could possibly ask for a person who isn't interested in how it fixes hairloss but if it does in fact do it.

I can only conclude that cetirizine does NOT lower pge2. Let's not forget how amazingly complex our scalps are and how in many other ways cetirizine could be particularly harmful to certain people in some other way that I can't explain (i'm not a chemist)


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You are right. One could say that "adult" hair requires PGE2 just to be alive and therefore when applying cet to them, they just fall out, while baby hair (becuase it's a baby) doesn't need so much PGE2 to be born BUT can't be born because of PGD2.
In any regard, it's a good rule of thumb to avoid any chemical that lowers PGE2

I thought here you were telling cetirizne could be actually bad for pge2, but in your latest response you are saying cetirizine is actually good ? sorry i am french, doesnt understand everything


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i started using it for 3 weeks and my hairline got worse since (i have a shaved head so its easy to see). This information doesnt help me.. dont know if i should continue or quit.. is there a shedding phase with it ?

Not that I know of any shedding phases related to cetirizine.

I will be your friend and tell you to NOT be a test subject. By that I mean, TRY EVERYTHING. Why do I say that? look at this guy's gains.
He did try cetirizine. And a $ load of other stuff that is proven to help hair loss.
Yes, it's sad to not know what did the magic there. Does it matter? Kinda does. But is anyone willing to lose it's hair to say "This thing alone doesn't work".
I can completly relate to this guy. I'm 22, and my hair was waayyy shittier when I was 17! My grandmother used to ask me why was I balding so bad.
I could still gain a bit more THickness and I will try something I never seen here. Long story short, don't attack hairloss by just one angle, it's causes are probably a mix of things and sometimes just trying one thing may do more harm than good.