Topical Cetrizine for Hair Loss instead of Finasteride (Propecia)


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cazpers.. i wanted to ask about your shedding? how was the shedding when u started this? was the shedding severe or was it moderate? and how is the shedding now? is it minimal to nothing or is it moderate? im asking because i took a little break from the cet treatment...
and antman i really dont understand you ... you have small hairs growing those tiny blond hairs are the start, are you blind or something? that is a improvement...thats how it started with me and it becomes darker and darker. haven't you seen kids? they're hairs grow like that.

the topic i use is with proplene glycol and i havent been expiriencing the side effects u guys talk about.

I would call my shedding pre-cet as average for me since stopping finasteride in February with maybe 10-20 hairs in the sink each day. The first three or four weeks of Cet I would see
maybe 50 hairs in the sink, a noticeable amount more. Then the shedding stopped cold and I've not shed since. I rarely see any hairs in the sink. About two weeks ago I switched
from cet/water to cet/alcohol/PG and I started itching like crazy so I'm back to Cet/water as of the weekend.

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The itch I experienced before starting cet was from the PG in liquid minoxidil. Cet may have made it slightly less itchy, but not by much. Cet has NOT made it any itchier.

No. I have not experienced any brain fog, tiredness, or headaches from cet... just more hairloss.

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Okay, I'm starting the use of a cet/water mixture today. I'd like to note a couple observations I've made.

On Friday, I mixed two test tubes of 10ml distilled water / 10 tablets cet and let them sit until today (Sunday). The mixture above the "filler" substance is much clearer than mixtures of ethanol or isopropyl alcohol. However, it also appears that less "filler" has settled to the bottom of the tube. Hmm, that's strange. Not sure if it's a good or bad indication. I'll post a picture next time I make a batch and you can compare it to the previous ones I've posted of the other mixtures.

After drawing the clear liquid from the top of each tube, I placed it into an old minoxidil bottle and shook it up. I drew ~1.5 ml and spread it around the top of my head. After drying, it seems this mixture is much more "stickier". My hair seems to clump together and has a much rougher feeling than what the other mixtures caused. I don't really care about this, but I just wanted to let you guys know that there are differences between these mixtures that are absolutely noticeable (i.e. I believe all of these differences could actually be measured and I have no doubt about my claims).

Thanks to nograde for bringing that paper about detrimental effect of alcohols on cet to our attention. That was the final straw for me to switch to water. I'm wondering if that is the cause for all the differences I've noticed between the mixtures ... not sure.

If anyone has any feedback, by all means let me know. Like I said, I'll post a similar picture of the next batch I make.

Until I started filtering my Cet/Water though a cotton ball it was sticky as you describe. I think that is the fillers that bind the tablets together.


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I react to alcohol, any kind, pretty drastically -- skin reacts almost immediately, even with oral I cut it out...I think adverse reactions to alcohol are common...


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Hi there, long time lurker here, I have a couple questions if you don't mind.

- Is levo-cetrizine the same thing? Would it have the same effect as cetrizine?
- What's the cetricine/water mg/mg ratio?
- How much do you actually put on your head? And how exactly do you do it? Do you put it aaall over your head or only on your baldy spots?

Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!

Diamond Dave

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Hi there, long time lurker here, I have a couple questions if you don't mind.

- What's the cetricine/water mg/mg ratio?
- How much do you actually put on your head? And how exactly do you do it? Do you put it aaall over your head or only on your baldy spots?
Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!

I'm currently using 900mg Cet to 3 ounces distilled water. I'm dropping my next batch to 750mg Cet.

I put it all over my head by using a 3 ounce squeeze bottle. I hold the bottle over my head and just let the Cet drip out on to my head. I then lightly rub the Cet in to my scalp a few seconds with my free hand. I move the bottle front to back and cover my whole scalp and down the back of my head too.

Hope that helps


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I'm currently using 900mg Cet to 3 ounces distilled water. I'm dropping my next batch to 750mg Cet.

I put it all over my head by using a 3 ounce squeeze bottle. I hold the bottle over my head and just let the Cet drip out on to my head. I then lightly rub the Cet in to my scalp a few seconds with my free hand. I move the bottle front to back and cover my whole scalp and down the back of my head too.

Hope that helps

Can you share what progress you've had up to this point?


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I'm currently using 900mg Cet to 3 ounces distilled water. I'm dropping my next batch to 750mg Cet.

I put it all over my head by using a 3 ounce squeeze bottle. I hold the bottle over my head and just let the Cet drip out on to my head. I then lightly rub the Cet in to my scalp a few seconds with my free hand. I move the bottle front to back and cover my whole scalp and down the back of my head too.

Hope that helps

Thank you man, very helpful indeed :)

Does anyone know anything about levo-cetrizine?
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It seems the thread is not as promising as it was.

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casperz ,what's your situation now?
Your previous posts are very promising and encouraging for us, but you recently rarely talk about your situation.
It makes us to believe that your situation is not as good as before.
Can you tell us something about your situation and your view on Cetrizine at the very now moment?


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It seems the thread is not as promising as it was.

Give it some time and be objective. Try not to inflate hopes or become discouraged based on what a few people say. We have many testing this and in due time will know whether it is beneficial or not.

Diamond Dave

Established Member
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It seems the thread is not as promising as it was.

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casperz ,what's your situation now?
Your previous posts are very promising and encouraging for us, but you recently rarely talk about your situation.
It makes us to believe that your situation is not as good as before.
Can you tell us something about your situation and your view on Cetrizine at the very now moment?

The above post from Form is right.
Casperz started this thread about 2 months ago or so and he has made many updates and answered questions many times.
There's only so much he can say from one day to the next.

I have answered questions or gave an update and then the very next day I was asked for another update from someone else.
CET is very promising and I thank Casperz for alerting us to it.

Its been about 7 weeks for me now with nothing but improvements. Zero sides.


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It seems the thread is not as promising as it was.

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casperz ,what's your situation now?
Your previous posts are very promising and encouraging for us, but you recently rarely talk about your situation.
It makes us to believe that your situation is not as good as before.
Can you tell us something about your situation and your view on Cetrizine at the very now moment?

Really? I feel like I'm posting too much so I've tried to back off. You know the old "a pot that is watched, never boils"? Hair
growth is so slow that watching for changes daily or weekly is counter productive. I had a set back a couple of weeks ago
when I switched from cet/water to cet/alcohol/pg for the first time. My scalp got very itchy and was noticeably red and
bumpy so I switched back to cet/water and things are back to normal.

My overall feeling is that at the very least Cet can stop hair loss, time will tell if it will regrow hairs. I still have small
dark terminal hairs coming in, I still feel like the hairs around the "horseshoe" at the top are getting thicker and stronger and I think that area has gotten smaller as a result. This is the same way the "horseshoe" area shank when I was using KSR(see my success thread). The hair on the back of my head feels much better and thicker I think from the Cet "runoff".

At this point Cet is definitely working better on the vertex than the frontal areas but I'm optimistic that it will help all over but
I want to wait until the 6 month mark (March 2013) to make a judgement on that. No side effects now that I'm back to Cet/water.


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Just my 2cents here. Been using cet and water for about 2 weeks with zero sides. Also, not seeing any hairfall or growth for that matter


Experienced Member
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Hey casperz, are u applying minoxidil after cet or are u using cet only?

Cet, let dry a little then minoxidil. Been on minoxidil since 2007.


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Cet and water for me only. Only applying to temples no results after a few weeks.


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It may be very well that CET is the ultimate booster for minoxidil..that would suck cuz PPG kills my skin


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Cet and water for me only. Only applying to temples no results after a few weeks.

no shedding even?

I shed pretty bad for a few weeks and pretty much lost my hairline... literally.... theres no line anymore. Im really hoping its one of those folkloric "good sheds" that the forefathers talk about.


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No shed because I only have a few hairs on each temple, which is the only place I apply. I'm not ready to take the plunge and start using it over the entire scalp I want to see people use this over a year before I think about jumping on board. My hair is still OK.